
  1. says

    Bad Link… apparently through all of FrBl–since when I search on it–it also comes back broken from the main FrBl site..

    Too bad too.. because it looks interesting!

  2. Azkyroth says

    Comparing Gingrich to polyamory is like comparing wife-beating to BDSM.

    …clueless, self-righteous people do it, and insist that you’re just brainwashed if you don’t agree?

  3. ambassadorfromverdammt says

    The moral bankruptcy of the Religious Right appears to be spreading like a toxic ooze.
    It’s a good thing there are Champions of Justice like Faux News to stem the tide (cough sputter die of a heart attack).

  4. ambassadorfromverdammt says

    The polyamory label is an attempt to lessen the impact of the screamifying character of Newt. That makes it repulsive too.

    Would it be wrong to wish that someone would shoot Newt and bury him under a toilet so people could shit on his grave whenever they wished?

  5. says

    I was watching The Last Word, and I was appalled at how they kept referring to Gingrich being in an ‘open marriage.’ The guest said no woman would ever consider an open marriage! What Gingrich did was CHEATING. He wasn’t in an open marriage. He ASKED for an open marriage, but he was CHEATING. Let’s call it what it is.

  6. Hibernia86 says

    I agree. The press seems to think the shocking thing was the idea of the open marriage, not the fact that Gingrich only asked for it after he had been caught cheating. That critical point, that it was only requested AFTER he was caught in adultery, is almost never in the title of the articles.

  7. Svlad Cjelli says

    Pfft, who cares about how he treats people? The important issue is the details of his sex-life.

  8. Jade Falcon says

    Hey, when he pledges to get out of everyone else’s bedrooms (legislatively and “morally” speaking), then we’ll agree to get out of his.

    Until then, well, turnabout is fair play.

  9. says

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