
  1. says

    …What’s really scary is, we can even get a pretty good idea of how regularly your ancestors had sex, going back umpteen generations (hint for vertebrates: ALL THE TIME OMGXORS ICK!).

  2. says

    I, for one, as a descendant of several generations of Wisconsin Synod Lutherans, know that I was not a product of the vile evil fornication borne of earth desires, but I was left on my parents doorstep by Jesus himself. And I don’t care what your fancy-dancy science says…..

  3. chicagodyke says

    i’m an atheist raised by two atheists, and i’m fairly sure that they cooked me up in a petri dish and then grew my dividing cells sheltered under a cabbage leaf. and my sisters came from when they snuck in my room one night when i was four, scraped off some of my skin, and used advanced lab technique to clone me, which they then modified into unique beings via top-secret genetic technology. they only slept in the same bed in our house to conserve energy and save on heating bills. that’s my story and i’m sticking to it, darnit.

  4. says

    How the fuck would this be tested? Except in Futureland, where we have long lists of external gene activations, I suppose.Depending on the mechanism investigated, I could well get a negative on that test.If it’s an effect of sex before or during pregnancy, that negative result would also be highly unreliable, since the sex could have taken place in the 21-ish years after pregnancy, though a positive result should be more reliable.

  5. says

    I was delivered by a stork and nothing you awful geneticists tell me will ever make me believe differently! Stop trying to ruin people’s lives with lies!

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