This is a fun little website that analyzes the text of a blog. Here’s mine:
“ is probably written by a female somewhere between 26-35 years old. The writing style is personal and happy most of the time.”
Hey, not bad! I’m a 22 year old female, though I can see how my writing seems a tad more mature. And that happy to ranty ratio seems about right.
I wonder if this works well for other blogs?
“ is probably written by a female somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is personal and upset most of the time.”
Oh, erm. …Never mind.
LS says
As far as I can tell, *nobody* writes like a male. I’m a woman in my 60s.
Zoe Hayes says
Bam! I write like a male between 26-35 years old. (As it happens, I am a 22-year-old woman.)
kareth says
Yeah, I’m starting to wonder just what it takes for that thing to consider you “writing like a man”. Talking about sports and guns? According to it I am a happy octogenarian woman. (Hint: Two of those three things I am not.)
Leah says
I want to see Hemant in a wig and a mu-mu, yelling at damn kids to get off his porch.
LS says
So, sexy lady, wanna get out of this crazy blog and head over to my livejournal? ~.^
kareth says
Sorry, I’m too upset for anything like that ;)
Leah says
It thinks I’m between 51-65. I’m only 30.
WhatPaleBlueDot says
I can picture it. Can someone photoshop it?
Gus Snarp says
It accurately pegged me as male, but apparently I now qualify for Medicare. I’m also upset and academic most of the time. I suppose I spent enough time in grad school that it rubbed off, but academic may not be the best descriptor, real academic writing is something else entirely. But the sample size for me was probably inadequate.
Andie says
Female.. Check.Between 66 and 100? Seriously? (am also 30)The good news is, although I bitch a lot (44%) , I’m happy more than I’m bitchy.
Andie says
The grammar Nazi in me finds this irritating:”The analysis is based upon 11 posts that has enough English words.”
LS says
Likely more of a coding error than anything. Somehow messed up on calling the variable which becomes “has” or “have.”
Aaron Harmon says
I don’t know what you are all complaining about. It says I am a 30-40 male with a heart condition caused by over-sized genitalia. Sound spot on to me.OK, sure. It’s a dick joke. Sue me. :)
Sven says
It’s 99% sure that I’m a woman. I was almost positive my constant use of the F word was going to skew that the other way.
Andie says
Fair enough.
Kaessa says
It won’t find my RSS feed. /sadpanda
Andrew Hall says
Let’s see…I am a guy.I’m not 66-100.I’m happy quite a bit.I’m mostly personal, but 22% academic. I can live with that.http://laughinginpurgatory.blo…
Streeaker says
“ is probably written by a female somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is personal and happy most of the time.”Well… I’m a 34-year-old male, and well I’ll grant that it was right about it being “personal”, but happy? Not really, no — most of my friends (not that there are many) would probably answer either “psychotic” or “megalomaniacal”, neither of which is particularly happy.
Joé McKen says
Err, I tried to use it but apparently my blog doesn’t have the right type of feed or whatever. Too bad.
Stephen says
“ is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is personal and upset most of the time.”Hm. Iiiiiinteresting. I’d like to see the methodology for this: I’m a little worried about what things this analyzer thinks are gendered. But I’m also trying to figure out how I jumped like 70 years in my writing style. Maybe I talk about death too much.
Warner aka ntsc says
“Could not find any enough English posts.” From the ‘we couldn’t figure your blog out’ message. Think the writer is between 2 and 6.
Givesgoodemail says
Meh.Gender Genie works much, much better.
Berlzebub says
55% chance of me being a man… Correct.I wonder if this might have to do with how much the writer talks about emotions?28% (highest percentage) that I’m 66-100 years old… Incorrect.Interestingly, my actual age range, 36-50, rated 14%. It tied with 18-25 and 51-65. Also, the “about me” section of my blog tells people that I’m in my mid-thirties. Actually, that’s a little off now, and I’m going to correct it to say I was born in the very early ’70s.Is this referring to maturity or senility?53% upset/47% happy… But that adds up to 100%Part of the time I’m a Vulcan.40% academic / 60% personal… Well, I’m not an academic, so I’d buy that.It’d be interesting to find out the parameters it uses for assessment.
Berlzebub says
FYI, for anyone interested, here’s PZ’s results.
Fiona says
I’ma middle aged man!…
Vixen Strangely says
I’m a dude! (Um, I’m not a dude….) But the website thinks I am.… It is right about me being between 36-50.
Givesgoodemail says
Meh.Gender Genie works much better.
Improbable Joe says
Well, it got the age right… It said I was a happy woman. Since I’m a clinically depressed and often furious man, it makes me wonder how sad and angry the average “happy woman” must be.
Hemant says
Curse you, Leah. Curse you :-P
VeritasTruthseeker says
It must only look at the front page. It’s telling me there aren’t enough posts with lots of words in it. Anyone who knows me knows my posts are rare but often wordy.
Azkyroth says
The whale molested you back and you had to be revived by paramedics? :P
Dale Husband says
My analysis says:…“http://circleh.wordpress.comExpressions of Honorable Skepticism Text is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is personal and happy most of the time.”I am male, but I’m 41. And more often than not, I’m criticizing someone or something on my WordPress blog, which is hardly a happy task. That’s why it’s called Dale Husband’s Intellectual RANTS.
Raithie says
Hmm… apparently I’m a 66-100 year old man. I’m a sixteen year old female. Oh yay.…
Heather Aurelia says
Apparently I am a 66-100 year old woman. I am 21. Close though, real close.
Peter Madsen says
Odd. I made my blog so I could philosophize and rant about stuff I hated. Evidently my hatred is friendly and my philosophy is non-academic? Grrrr…. off to my blog I go, apparently to playfully and pleasantly comment about how I’m actually a mean-spirited, intellectual 22-year-old male. Also, what exactly does “you write like an old woman” mean? I haven’t written about crocheting, great-grandkids, or cooking recipes, like, ever.
dunesen says
Call me a killjoy, but this sounds similar to that “What writer do you write like” thing from a few weeks ago that *shock* turned out to be crap. Without even looking at the site, I’m guessing the ‘female’ part is picked by how often the writer talks about female issues, and the age range perhaps relies on pop culture references. But that’s just a wild guess off the top of my head.Because really, what algorithms or criteria could be used to determine age or gender? Looking for specific keywords and doing some sort of cold-reading sounds incredibly plausible to me.And I think the ‘maturity’ label is iffy for you Jen :p
Irene Delse says
OK; I get the “personal”, but how does this site decide if I write in a “happy” manner or not?
Philip Kahn says
Huh. I tweet too science-y.The Dichotomous Trekkie 2.0The Musings of an AstrophysicistText analysisCould not find any enough English posts. Posts with less than 50 words are disregarded.
Joshua Zelinsky says… says “religionsetspolitics.blogspot…. is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is academic and upset most of the time.”That’s probably all fair except the age estimate where the lower bound is off by 40 years (although the correct age range is the next more likely).
stellaluna says
Improbable Joe says
Someone should totally do something about that…
Ahab says
I couldn’t resist. I had to run my blog through the website, and it came back with this:”… is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is academic and upset most of the time. “It makes me sound like frail, graying old man sobbing over his PhD dissertation! Where do they get their algorithms?
chicagodyke says
sorry, i think sites like that are just silly. a good writer can change “voices” easily, and there are a host of other factors that can change the tone, “happiness” and other elements of any given piece. totally unscientific bunk, if a fun waste of time.
SuperHappyJen says
This site did not work for me. I kept getting errors when I typed my blog url. I’m confident I write like a girl though, so it’s all good.BTW: read my blog!