Guess what else is going on at South Point the same time as TAM8?Hot male strippers AND drag queens! This weekend can’t get any better.*
Anyone with me? Eh? You know you want to.
*For the ladies/gays. All the straight males attending TAM wept that their few females in attendance were lured away…
Errr, this doesn’t strike me as something you’d like to go to. I mean, I know you like drag queens, but everything else seems so… girly.
I love <del>you</del> Drag Queens :)But isn’t that the night of the Skepchick party?
If you want to mess with the head(s) of anybody sneaking off to a strip show, remind them that MRSA is commonly transmitted by skin contact, and body shaving/waxing can produce a… fertile environment for staph to gain a foothold.
Be sure to bring Mary along.
Ow! Ow! My eyes!!Dear, Dear Jen, please post a warning before displaying such discombobulating graphics. I’m looking at this at 6:00 am, and I was once a graphic designer (unlike, I suspect, whoever came up with that poster).At least it does catch the attention—and stomp on it.I’m going back to bedOw! Ouch! Whimper…Whmpr…Wh…
Hell yes!