So as I mentioned before, I bought Sims 3 this week. Usually I make myself and then a bunch of my friends, and then scatter celebrities (fictional and non) around the neighborhood. There’s just something oddly amusing about playing chess with Johnny Depp and marrying Harry Potter (or whatever).
Well, Sims 3’s editing options are so detailed that you can really make Sims look like the original person. So my odd mind obviously thought, “Why don’t I make a house full of famous atheist Sims?” Enjoy:Sim Richard Dawkins
Attributes: Genius, Bookworm, Good sense of humor, Charismatic, Ambitious
Life wish: Become leader of the free world (Dawkins being in charge? Yes please.)
Sim Hemant Mehta
Attributes: Friendly (duh), Good, Charismatic, Vegetarian, Family Oriented (Was going to pick Hopeless Romantic or Flirt, but cheated a bit to make his life wish easier…)
Life wish: Have five children and raise them to teens (With all of Hemant’s baby posts, I found this oddly appropriate. Not quite his goal of octuplets, but close! Let’s see if he can restrain from eating them before they reach adulthood.)Sim PZ Myers
Attributes: Genius, Bookworm, Good sense of humor, Charismatic, Computer Whiz
Life wish: Become a creature-robot crossbreeder (Dear lord I nearly peed my pants when this choice came up. How could I NOT choose that for PZ?)
I can’t explain how much entertainment this has provided me over the last couple of days. It’s fun enough with all three of them sharing a house, but there are just so many little things. All of PZ’s outfits (formal wear, pajamas, etc) use the squid themed print I found, which was what initially spawned this terrifying idea of atheist sims. I’m still trying to find Hemant a baby mama, since that’s kind of necessary for his life goal (I promise to find someone cute!). The only real disturbing thing is whenever the Sims need to shower or use the bathroom. I mean, they blur it out so you can’t see any naughtiness going on, but I feel like a creepy voyeur. Of course, I don’t know if it can get much creepier than making Sims of random people you don’t really know and then controlling their lives like some sort of sick puppet master.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go hide in shame from being such a weirdo. Aka, go play more Sims. *runs off*
PS: You can click the images for larger versions, if you wish.
Suddenly I don't feel so bad about going to bed at 03:30 having played world of warcraft since about 23:00….
That being said when I played sims (the original) I took a perverse pleasure in making characters of people I didn't and trapping them in small rooms in the hope they'd go insane….
Suddenly I don’t feel so bad about going to bed at 03:30 having played world of warcraft since about 23:00….That being said when I played sims (the original) I took a perverse pleasure in making characters of people I didn’t and trapping them in small rooms in the hope they’d go insane….
Looks like awesome fun. I would like to point out that if Hemant's ears were bigger he'd look exactly like Obama.
Looks like awesome fun. I would like to point out that if Hemant’s ears were bigger he’d look exactly like Obama.
Yeah, my first thought when I saw the Hemant's sim was "Hey…that looks like Obama."
Yeah, my first thought when I saw the Hemant’s sim was “Hey…that looks like Obama.”
Hmm, yeah, he does sort of look like Obama now that you mention it. Hey, I can only do so much XP
And dear lord, PZ just said one of his short term goals is to kiss Hemant. I better find him a trophy wife fast o_o
Hmm, yeah, he does sort of look like Obama now that you mention it. Hey, I can only do so much XPAnd dear lord, PZ just said one of his short term goals is to kiss Hemant. I better find him a trophy wife fast o_o
I'm glad I'm not the only one sucked into Sim 3. It's after 3 am and I just finally stopped playing.
Only after I had my wife pop out one more offspring =D
I’m glad I’m not the only one sucked into Sim 3. It’s after 3 am and I just finally stopped playing.Only after I had my wife pop out one more offspring =D
lol…famous atheists? That's the best; tunnel vision meets boredom, head-on. I'm gonna have to run out and get Sims now so I can create a housefull of sims with famous late-term abortion doctors, or better yet, famous butt doctors. Sims House-o-Proctology: "What What" Edition where the "residents" are either on their asses or up yours! LOL! (ostensibly all Sims in this version would be gay men). And please don't think the irony of an atheist playing Sims was lost on me…not in the least.
lol…famous atheists? That’s the best; tunnel vision meets boredom, head-on. I’m gonna have to run out and get Sims now so I can create a housefull of sims with famous late-term abortion doctors, or better yet, famous butt doctors. Sims House-o-Proctology: “What What” Edition where the “residents” are either on their asses or up yours! LOL! (ostensibly all Sims in this version would be gay men). And please don’t think the irony of an atheist playing Sims was lost on me…not in the least.
Wow. Nice job on the likenesses. Creepy? mayhaps a tad bit, but I'm certain it's far from the worst that The Sims has wrought.
Wow. Nice job on the likenesses. Creepy? mayhaps a tad bit, but I’m certain it’s far from the worst that The Sims has wrought.
How funny! I've never played Sims, but your version looks like it would be great fun.
How funny! I’ve never played Sims, but your version looks like it would be great fun.
MY wife and I have only recently started playing Sims, so this amused me greatly. Good work!
MY wife and I have only recently started playing Sims, so this amused me greatly. Good work!
My kids have been bugging me to upgrade to 3, and as soon as I finish this comment I am heading straight to Too funny!
My kids have been bugging me to upgrade to 3, and as soon as I finish this comment I am heading straight to Too funny!
Jen said,
"I better find him a trophy wife fast"
Rebecca Watson?Ayaan Hirsi Ali?
Jen said,”I better find him a trophy wife fast”Rebecca Watson?Ayaan Hirsi Ali?
The only thing that might be creepier is making a Sim of yourself and putting it online for others to play with. That's what I did back in 2004 with The Sims 2. I even included an SEB T-shirt with it.
Though my Sim self is much more svelte than my real-life self even with picking the "heavy" body type. Haven't gotten Sims 3 yet, but I'll probably do the same once I do.
The only thing that might be creepier is making a Sim of yourself and putting it online for others to play with. That’s what I did back in 2004 with The Sims 2. I even included an SEB T-shirt with it.Though my Sim self is much more svelte than my real-life self even with picking the “heavy” body type. Haven’t gotten Sims 3 yet, but I’ll probably do the same once I do.
How about Ayaan Hirsi Ali for Hemant? She's plenty good looking, and would be a hell of a catch!
How about Ayaan Hirsi Ali for Hemant? She’s plenty good looking, and would be a hell of a catch!
It's obvious where this is going. Eventually computers will get so big and fast and cheap and software will get so sophisticated we'll create simulations of the entire world and everyone in it. Down to the last detail.
Wait a minute, maybe it has already been done and we're living in a simulation…. see
It’s obvious where this is going. Eventually computers will get so big and fast and cheap and software will get so sophisticated we’ll create simulations of the entire world and everyone in it. Down to the last detail.Wait a minute, maybe it has already been done and we’re living in a simulation…. see http://www.simulation-argument…
I love it when my two "fandoms", the Sims and atheism, collide! I'll be linking this on a Sims forum I go to – I know some people who will love the idea. :D PZ and his squid pattern and creature-robot crossbreeding… this is just all kinds of win.
Will you be offering these guys up for download? I'd love to play around with them myself.
I love it when my two “fandoms”, the Sims and atheism, collide! I’ll be linking this on a Sims forum I go to – I know some people who will love the idea. :D PZ and his squid pattern and creature-robot crossbreeding… this is just all kinds of win.Will you be offering these guys up for download? I’d love to play around with them myself.
Just a question… I also am addicted to Sims3 at the moment, but I couldn't help but notice that there really aren't any ways for sims to be "religious"… no church, etc. So is it really possible to have "atheist" sims? And does the anthropomophization of Death and the existence of ghosts indicate that there is some kind of belief system behind the scenes?
Just a question… I also am addicted to Sims3 at the moment, but I couldn’t help but notice that there really aren’t any ways for sims to be “religious”… no church, etc. So is it really possible to have “atheist” sims? And does the anthropomophization of Death and the existence of ghosts indicate that there is some kind of belief system behind the scenes?
Also, please excuse my inability to spell.
Also, please excuse my inability to spell.
Metatwaddle, I'll see if I can figure out how to upload them, haha.
Claire, the only religious thing I've seen is sometimes Sims will talk about religion (their speech bubble shows someone praying). That's about it.
Metatwaddle, I’ll see if I can figure out how to upload them, haha.Claire, the only religious thing I’ve seen is sometimes Sims will talk about religion (their speech bubble shows someone praying). That’s about it.
Yay it's all so awesome!
Yay it’s all so awesome!
In my Sim2 neihborhood, Dawkins had a dog named Lord Darwin. Of course he was married too. I also made a house of right wing nut jobs, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson (he was an infant), Pat Robertson, and Rushbo.
In my Sim2 neihborhood, Dawkins had a dog named Lord Darwin. Of course he was married too. I also made a house of right wing nut jobs, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson (he was an infant), Pat Robertson, and Rushbo.
how droll…
how droll…
LOLOL!!! Can you add one for Phil Plait (Mr. Bad Astronomer Himself)? I bet he'd get a real kick out of that.
LOLOL!!! Can you add one for Phil Plait (Mr. Bad Astronomer Himself)? I bet he’d get a real kick out of that.
LOL! Cool!
LOL! Cool!
Why no Dennett or Hitchens in your world? C'mon.
Why no Dennett or Hitchens in your world? C’mon.
Oh boy, maybe I'll think about Phil Plait/Dennett/Hitchens/etc. Maybe I'll just make them move in nearby but not play as them. It was hard enough controlling 3 Sims at once, controlling 4 and a baby is insane.
Oh boy, maybe I’ll think about Phil Plait/Dennett/Hitchens/etc. Maybe I’ll just make them move in nearby but not play as them. It was hard enough controlling 3 Sims at once, controlling 4 and a baby is insane.