Why I am a Feminist – Physioprof

While I leave it up to others to decide whether they consider me a
feminist, it is the incontrovertible evidence of institutionalized
misogyny I see with my own eyes every day that convinces me oppression
of women is a global human rights emergency.


  1. John Morales says


    While I leave it up to others to decide whether they consider me a feminist [blah]

    Clearly, you consider yourself a feminist, else you would not have written a post under the rubric of “Why I am a Feminist”.

  2. says

    I am a feminist because the small patriarchal system of a small Indian town I come from suffocated me, Even though I went far from it it killed me in my thoughts. I am a feminist because it is one aspect of my identity which was born as a result of my identity associated to that closed mindset population. I am a women and a human being capable of making the right decision for myself . I know there are bigger aspects associated with feminism but for me that one small town will be the starting point. It is my way of defining to myself that I am free and I can fly and nobody can stop me, and my feminism is and will always be first to set an example for all those girls in that town who think that they don’t have a choice,I want them to know that they do. 

  3. Matt says

    I understand it in third world nations but to me misandry is just as bad if not worse, I am a gay man lacking 1700 state and federal rights and am the most beaten and killed and discriminatated minority in America and I just do not get what straight women are going through here in America , to me their lifes look like a dream.

    • says

      I understand it in third world nations

      Being a feminist is not limited to first-world nations or to the USA.

      but to me misandry is just as bad if not worse,

      Where? Apparently, we need to specify location.

      I am a gay man lacking 1700 state and federal rights and am the most beaten and killed and discriminatated minority in America and I just do not get what straight women are going through here in America , to me their lifes look like a dream.

      This is not evidence of misandry, but of homophobia. A homophobia fueled, in part, by extensions of misogyny to men perceived to be adopting gender roles culturally coded as feminine.

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