Via Jerry Coyne, I came across this site that gives a series of photographs that ‘will restore your faith in humanity’ just in case it needed to be done.
I was particularly touched by the series of photos #20 showing the rescue of a small dog that got swept into a bay in Melbourne by high winds. I am a total sucker for animal rescue stories and hate it when animals die or are treated badly in real life or in fiction.
This is perhaps a good occasion to repost the dramatic video of an event that occurred in October 2006 when more than one hundred horses got trapped in a small patch of dry land as a result of a sudden flood in the Netherlands in which 18 horses drowned. Days went by and rescue attempts failed. The horses seemed to be getting desperate until four women decided to try a different approach.
The episode has been set to music but the sound kicks in only after a minute into the video.
Isn’t that fine!
I work with horses every day and I never would have had the courage to do what those four women did -- to use their lead horses to entice the herd into following them. So easy for it to have gone wrong. I’m happy it has a perfect ending.
I got teary-eyed. What does that say about a hard-hearted atheist?
Mano thank you! I got emotional! It makes me so proud as a woman that it was four women who led this rescue -- and it makes me laugh with delighted joy that it was FOUR horsewomen!
I forgot to say that as an atheist, it delights me that it was FOUR horsewomen. LOL oops!
Watching this reminds me of reading “Misty of Chincoteague” as a child. Check out this Wiki link --
Great video. Thank you for sharing!
When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. ~William Shakespeare, Henry V
You know, I get caught up in the other things going on in the other posts on FtB and I get a little upset. I forget thatbit is okay to relax and watch a man carry a basket of kittens to safety. I was also happy to see the all of the pictures, but I am a cat person pretty much always.
Thank you very mucu.
That video was lovely. At first I thought the music was a bit over-dramatic, but as the video went on, it really fit with the triumph of bringing the horses safely through the flood waters. I don’t usually get emotional over scenes like this, but I’m tearing up now. Thank you for posting it.