At least, that’s what right-wing überlöön (so metal, he deserves a 3-umlaut title) Glenn Beck. Watch his meandering monologue* in which he accuses science and science education of being on the wrong side of history, and literally accuses Nye of persecuting creationists.
*In Beck’s case, that’s redundant.
So mental he’s metal??
Oh! And while I’m at it, does that third umlaut in “überlöön” function as a dieresis (as in poor old squishy Laocoön)?
PZ I think you accidentally messed up the order in your headline :D
Bill Nye is to creationists as the
Catholic ChurchGalileo is toGalileothe Catholic ChurchFIFY.
Did you watch the video? In that case you would probably understand why the headline is correct.
If you didn’t watch it, why are you posting?
Giliell @ 5:
I’m just making an ironic comment to illustrate what the truly valid comparison is. Beck is just trying to be clever and is failing, as usual.
But Penn told me to follow him on Twitter despite that fact that he apparently disagrees with him on everything (even though he doesn’t).
Why is he (apparently) going for that Mr. Deity look? A Freudian shave?
David Wilford,
Irony only works when the poster, and the readers, all share the same background, and know that they share the same background. Let’s just say that you haven’t enough experience on this forum yet to know where to pitch to.
In this case, PZ said exactly what he wanted to say. He has already been ironic, because the base set of knowledge that he assumes is that the Church persecuted Galileo, and Beck manages the absurd comment that science persecutes just as the church did.
Um, echidna, you’re assuming I’m directly responding to PZ. I’m not. I’m poking fun at Beck’s characterization of Nye via the FIFY meme. Which is one of those internet traditions I’m aware of.
David Wilford was being David Wilford, i.e., a clueless git who’s much less intelligent than David Wilford thinks David Wilford is.
David Wilford, your comment @4 just reinforces your position as a religious apologist, not a savvy commentator.
No, you’re just showing you are a clueless religious apologist/concern troll without a sense of humor. Do yourself a favor. Stop trying to be funny. You come off as simply being stupid.
Well Al Dente, at least I know how to cook pasta.
And Lofty, if you don’t get comparing Galileo, who told the RCC they were wrong about astronomy, with Nye telling creationists they’re wrong about biology, you’re not paying attention.
Carry on…
Metal health will drive you mad.
Is Beck stupid or an evil Genius? The idea that Bill Nye is an Inquisitor is so twisted ass backwards it must be contrived. Someone must have video of him ridiculing his audience when he thinks the mic is off.
Oh, Glenn Beck. [facepalm] So bad it’s funny, in a bitter-laugh way.
Ex-mormons discuss mormon Glenn Beck:,1133063
Which creationist does Bill Nye have under house arrest?
On my monitor, in the video still picture, he’s so orange he looks like an oompa loompa. Since I can no longer stand to listen to Beck talk, that’s all I got.
Nye might end up on the wrong side of history – but if Beck’s side wins then there’ll be nobody left who knows how the computers (or indeed the power stations) work so he’ll quickly slide into obscurity.
Reality is persecuting creationists.
David Wilford, humor must have a restraining order against you.
As for Beck: anyone want to bet on how many years it will take until his transformation into a cartoon character is fully complete? I’m imagining him becoming a South Park character. Libertarian on libertarian action.
I bet if we looked hard enough and long enough we will find video of Mr Nye giving a creationist a stern condemning look. Or is Mr Nye’s bow tie too intimidating?
Did you see Beck’s studio?! With the colored map of earth, a little zoom on the middle east and even a bloody red phone(!) it looks like some sort of command HQ. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was built atop an active volcano.
Shows where the libertarian/skeptic priorities lie
Are Beck’s religious followers that frightened of Ken Ham making a right botch job of his debate with Nye that this vigorous proactive framing of Nye belonging to a Goliath tyranny suppressing Christians is necessary?
I don’t think Nye’s participation on stage with Ham will accomplish much but I never actually watched his show. Perhaps people who grew up watching his show will be nudged a few levels of doubt and perhaps all the way out of blind faith. I just find it morbidly interesting that mere honest existence must be so rigorously attacked. Faith really is built on sand and proves it every tme its beacons beak off like this.
When are you crying about how Bill Nye The Science Guy is too mean and critical of your ideology, you have lost. When you are attempting to frame Bill Nye The Science Guy as a bully who is being mean to you and your ideas, you have admitted that you cannot take even the gentlest criticism from the gentlest of educators. I didn’t even think about it at first, but it is perfect: Showing how they will cry persecution even when faced with the kindest opposition we can muster is just proof that they will imagine any kind of critique as sheer villainy. Beck especially, but it is true of most religionists and wingnuts.
Poisoning the well. If we lose it’s because Nye is a bully. With the escape hatch set up we’re ready to begin the debate
Bill Nye lost the debate as soon as he accepted the invitation, nothing that silver-haired freakshow can say makes a pinch of difference. Perhaps it will be a learning experience for Bill, kind of like sticking your finger in the light socket. Sure it’ll hurt like damnation itself but that niggling doubt in your mind about whether or not it’s a good idea will be forever banished.
Lofty is not obtuse.
I will not watch it and you cannot make me!
This sentence no verb. (Outside the parentheses, anyway.)
Tualha @32: “Says”? “Cries”, “whines”, “whimpers”? “Lies”?
Interesting accent features for the front of Beck’s desk. Apparently they didn’t want him to be the only crank on stage.
NelC @33: 2:04
You must remember that to Glen Beck and so many other so-called Conservatives criticism is persecution and only if they can say what they like without anyone uttering a word of criticism will this “persecution” cease. Bill Nye criticized creationism and that makes him a big bad persecutor; only when he ceases to criticize creationism by saying nothing at all about it or praises it will he cease to be a big bad persecutor.
Science is on the wrong side of history, says the guy whose entire career is built upon devices that only exist thanks to science.
Mr Beck compares Mr Nye to a multibillion dollar international criminal syndicate and creationists are a revolutionary, scientifically knowledgeable persecuted minority.
Mr Beck knows what his audience will buy.
alexanderz @24, Aren’t the secret lairs of evil geniuses in extinct volcanoes? So you are probably right, Beck would put his on top of an active volcano. Maybe we’ll get to see his studio dissolve in lava like the “one ring” from Lord of the Rings!
Yeah really, those props on the desk! I wouldn’t have guessed Glenn was such a fan of wheatgrass. And who’s he calling on that red phone?