
  1. EigenSprocketUK says

    Sorry to hear that.
    ‘Tis the season which is the reason… I keep hearing from people finding themselves stricken right in the middle of hoping to be enjoying something far more pleasurable than feeling bleurrgh.
    Relax and get well soon though.

  2. birgerjohansson says

    Get well soon.
    Fun fact for physicists and nerds: A non-red dwarf star has been found to have two- possibly three- Earth-sized planets.
    Class: K (orange), mass 74% of the sun, luminosity 14%, distance ca. 41 light years.
    Fun fact for everyone: Steve Bannon may be going back to prison. He was pardoned for the federal crime but is now facing a trial in New York for the same crimes. By accepting the pardon he legally confessed guilt, so good luck with the sentencing. 😃

  3. says

    I hate being sick around the Solstice holidays! Hope you’re over it soon. Happy Christmasaturnamithreidkwanzannakayulestice to all, and to all a good night!

  4. springa73 says

    I hope that you get better quickly. Last Christmas I was home alone with Covid-19, so I can definitely sympathize.

  5. Katydid says

    I hope you’re feeling much better, Mano. Anecdotally, I hear that many people are sick right now. You’re in fine company.

  6. Silentbob says

    Wait, why is Grigjanis suddenly using Aussie slang? There’s already an inexplicable surfeit of Australians on this blog by a Californian Sri Lankan. X-D

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