When does Elon Musk do any work?

Nick Robins-Early spends an entire day reading Elon Musk’s tweets just for that day. He says that reading just the ones that make it into the news do not do justice to how extreme and frenzied her really is.

Over the next 24 hours, Musk will post over 145 times about a range of obsessions, projects and grievances to his 195 million followers. He will share anti-immigrant content, election conspiracies and attacks against the media. He will exchange tweets with far-right politicians, conservative media influencers and sycophantic admirers. He will send a litany of one-word replies that say “yeah”, “interesting” or simply feature a cry-laughing emoji.

You have to read the article to see how weird Musk is.

This obsession with tweeting seems really unhealthy to me. It looks like an addiction. Even if Musk spends only a couple of minutes reading and reacting to tweets, that already amounts to about five hours.

Furthermore he has businesses to run. Surely they would benefit from him spending his time dealing with them? Or maybe not. Given his mercurial and impulsive nature, maybe the businesses and the people working in them are glad that he is not paying much attention to them and just letting them do their work


  1. kenny256 says

    Elon doesn’t need to work--he needs to spend.

    At an age of 53, he has about 8,400 days left to live an average lifespan.

    With a wealth of $252,800 Million, he could spend $30 M a day for RoL (rest of his life) and still not spend it all.

    He wants to send people to Mars and is building some big-ass rockets @ $100 M each (so 3 or 4 “RoL” days easily covers that). Just can’t launch them fast enough to pave that road to Mars--He will run out of time before he runs out of money.

  2. Snowberry says

    I know that at least in the case of SpaceX, he has very little to do with the company’s operations, mostly he deals with the media appearances. It’s Gwynne Shotwell who runs the show.

  3. says

    I have previously tried to figure out what Musk has personally achieved, as opposed to ordered or bought. It’s been curiously difficult to find anything specific.

  4. Deepak Shetty says

    When does Elon Musk do any work?

    He doesn’t(any more at least). Given his wealth and the position he has , he doesn’t have to “work” -- All he has to do is attend meetings and presentations and question other people and give broad directions (Colonise Mars! Make the battery go for 600 miles! Make a truck that looks like something from RoboCop!) and take credit if someone can actually make it happen and claim he is an “idea” man genius whatever (for that matter if anyone makes teleportation work the idea was mine!). Its why his bullying his employees into working “hardcore” and claiming he is doing it too is fake. Its one thing to be doing the actual work for 16 hours and its another thing to tell other people to work for 16 hours and check the status of their work and critique it while tweeting furiously -- even if you do happen to be in the workplace for that 16 hours

    @John Morales @1
    All those numbers prove is that Musk is rich a fact no one disputes. If you want to claim he is successful as a businessman , ok some truth to that. But he also has had spectacular failures (which he can overcome due to his prior riches rather than something that can stand by itself -- its how Amazon can claim success even after losing billions initially but a few thousand s in loss can shut down the neighborhood bookstore) -- How you evaluate this probably is based on your existing bias towards Musk. If you think Musk is smart then when he over promises and under delivers ,he is just a shrewd businessman who knows how to manipulate the masses to his advantage . if you think Musk is a conman then when he overpromises and under delivers and suffers no problems because of it -- he is still a conman -- just a successful one.
    But in the end , most of us evaluate success of a business on more than “stock price go up”. Tesla is an interesting story and there are more balanced opinions of what Musk can genuinely take credit for and what he should also take the blame for. Personally a business that treats its employees as cannon fodder and its customers as guinea pigs is a failure -- the amount of profit it makes doesn’t factor into that opinion.

  5. garnetstar says

    LykeX @8, that’s what I’ve always wondered too. Has Musk ever achieved anything that works?

    He was involved somehow with PayPal, but I thought that was mostly Peter Thiel, and it can’t be said that PayPal works very *well.*

    Hyperlink and Cybertruck are complete failures. Teslas have always required lots of expensive repairs, when the mechanics allowed to do it can be found. Yes, he got a rocket into (low) space once for some minutes, but, as said above, someone else runs that, and all SpaceX did was go get the instructions from NASA. Already-known technology, I mean. And still, sometimes his rockets blow up.

    Then he aparently has a lot of satellites and internet, but again, known technology.

    He bought Twitter, and the whole world knows what an embarassing failure that is.

    He just bought all these things, he didn’t create them (except for the failures.) I don’t know the rest of whatever it is he dabbles in, but from what I do know, he’s never created anything.

    And, Tesla is paying him $45 billion to be its CEO.

  6. garnetstar says

    Musk has been suffering from what I have christened “Billionaire’s Disease”, probably all his life, and he’s nearing the end stages of it. It is caused by everyone telling him every moment that his every thought, action, and word, is not only right, but great and genius. That makes your brain start to liquefy.

    Near the end stages, you start to wrap yourself wholly in your own brain, like solitary confinement, and become more and more detached from reality and more and more sunk into delusions. You remember how it ended for Howard Hughes (although only a multimillionaire, I believe): a hermit, spent all day in bed, long beard, jars of urine in his refrigerator.

    Musk’s ultimate descent will be much more show-offy and spectacular, and he’ll probably document it all on Twitter. This tweet-obsession shows that he’s going downhill.

    Also, you have to remember that the guy has no one in the world that he can talk to, just ordinary daily conversation and thoughts. He’s pouring all that out on Twitter, too, pathetic, really.

  7. garnetstar says

    And I forgot, Neurolink, Musk’s most hideous, cruel, delusional, almost Mengele-like, complete failure.

    Nothing to see there, folks.

  8. Dunc says

    Before we can sensibly enquire about when Musk does any work, we should first establish if Musk does any work. And that investigation will probably need to involve making some decisions about what exactly we mean by “work” in the first place…

  9. sonofrojblake says

    He works 24/7. It’s just that his job description has, for years now, amounted to little more than “be Elon Musk”.

  10. Bekenstein Bound says

    When do most rich people do any work?

    When the golf cart’s batteries run out.

    And then the caddy says “Don’t look at me; my job’s only to lug clubs around and hand them to you, not spare batteries as well”.

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