Liz and Dick Cheney endorsements of Harris may signal the beginning of a trend

Recently, I linked to an article by Tim Miller, a writer for The Bulwark, a site that is home to the group of former Republicans known as ‘Never Trumpers’, who bemoaned the fact that there were not more high-profile Republicans who had spoken at the Democratic conventions and endorsed Kamala Harris. Former congressman Adam Kinzinger was the most prominent. Miller pointed out that many Republicans, including those who had occupied high positions in the administration of creepy Donald Trump, had been sharply critical of their former boss but had refrained from endorsing Harris, and he singled out Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and Mike Pence by name. Pence has only said that he would not vote for creepy Trump, not that he would vote for Harris.

On Wednesday, Cheney came out with just such an endorsement of Harris and went even further.

Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney made clear her war against former President Donald Trump won’t be limited to her endorsement of Kamala Harris and will include campaigning in battleground states this fall.

In her remarks, Liz Cheney also said she would endorse Rep. Colin Allred (D-Texas) in his Senate race against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

“Defeating Donald Trump is frankly important but there are numbers of candidates around the country who have embraced election denialism and I think it’s really important that we defeat them, too,” said Cheney, once the No. 3 leader of the House Republican Conference. “One of the most important things we need to do as a country as we begin to rebuild our politics is we need to elect serious people.”

Then today, her father and former vice-president Dick Cheney issued a statement saying that he too would vote for Harris.

Later, the former Republican vice president — one of the two living to say they wouldn’t back Trump — himself issued a statement confirming his daughter’s remarks, saying Trump “can never be trusted with power again.”

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” he said in a statement.

Dick Cheney is one of the worst people, being a key architect of the lies and manipulations that resulted in the US invading Iraq and the horrors that ensued including torture and the creation of the blatantly illegal Guantanamo detention center where people have been tortured and kept without trial for over two decades. He deserves to be charged as a war criminal. But even such a threat to democracy as Dick Cheney sees creepy Trump as a bigger threat. While getting an endorsement from a person like him is nothing to be proud of, his Republican credentials are so rock-solid, and he has been such a major player in the party establishment, that it will not be easy for the creepy Trump campaign to dismiss him the way that they tried to dismiss his daughter.

Spokesperson Steven Cheung responded to her by asking, “Who is Liz Cheney?” That would not work with her father. Creepy Trump, in typical style, called him a RINO. He did not go on to say in his typical hyperbolic style that he was one of the worst vice-presidents ever, which in this case could well be one of the few rare true statements he has made.

It is possible that Dick Cheney’s repudiation of creepy Trump may embolden other Republicans who have held back from endorsing Harris.


  1. Katydid says

    I followed this news yesterday, and I agreed with a depressing take I heard: Dick Cheney is an old school Republican, from a former generation. Too many Americans have the attention span of a goldfish and anyone under 40 likely has no idea whatsoever who Darth Cheney even is. “Guantanamo? What’s that?”

    Of course the misogynists are going to claim they have no idea who Liz Cheney is. She and Kinzinger tanking their careers to investigate the truth about Trump was inspiring and I was enraged that the J6 Hearings made no difference to the base.

    Trump calling anyone else a RINO was funny.

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