In my earlier post on the question of the debate over whether William Shakespeare was the Bard, I forget to mention a 2012 documentary that I saw on this question called Last Will. and Testament.
It was pretty interesting. While presenting all sides of this debate in the context of the personal and political conflicts of those times, the documentary tends to take a skeptical attitude to the question of Shakespeare being the Bard and spends some time on Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, and a group of authors as the most viable alternative.
Here’s the trailer.
DId Hamnet inspire Hamlet?
The Wikipedia entry Shakespeare authorship question is quite informative.
Re Shakespeare authorship please see Brenda James’ discovery of Sir Henry Neville:
See also prof. Bill Rubinstein’s paper:.
Tony Minchin
I’ve illustrated people like you are a joke. You have no integrity at all and are not able to honestly engage in any meaningful debate on this subject.
That was here
and here
As far as I am aware there are no surviving copies of any working drafts of Shakespeare’s plays -- not in Will’s possesion nor in the possession of anyh of the so-called alternative authors. As far as I am concerned, Shakespeare wrote the works (and acted in them) and also wrote the Sonnets and the rest is just striving for publicity and useless chatter.
And as for Mr Tarica, I prefer to draw a veil of silence.
As I stated you are sad pathetic and clearly elitist piece of work. Clearly only certain kinds of people and evidence are for consideration.
You are too clueless to understand the implications of this. Hopefully there are individuals that don’t practice this type of censorship.
I’ve illustrated there is a clear path to tying Oxford to Shakespeare.
Who is the ‘you’ Mr Tarica refers to in his post? As he is a software engineer, perhaps he is referring to his computer?
Oh hai Alan!
Does it bother you to be a figure of fun? (guessing not)
Excellent guess indeed. Certain do not care about the thoughts of obvious imbeciles.
I am detecting some definite crackpot energy from this guy.
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.”
I draw attention (for those who are interested) to the following article (2015), published by the Association for Psychological Science.
Shakespeare’s plays reveal his psychological signature. Applying psychological theory and text-analyzing software, researchers have discovered a unique psychological profile that characterises Shakespeare’s established works, and this profile strongly identifies Shakespeare as an author of the long-contested play Double Falsehood. Although this is not directly concerned with the rest of the works, it does give a hint as to his writing capacity based on his stylometric profile. So perhaps he is not quite the ignoramus that Mr Tarica might want to make him out to be.
And I certain [sic] do not care about the thoughts of people who can’t form an adverb.
@11: shut up and fuck off.
I had done so, until this attempted jab.
(Well done, you made me speak out and come back!)
“Made” you? Right, because you have no power to resist the siren call of an argument. Telling admission.
To what argument do you mean to refer, Holms?
(Not the provenance of Shakespeare’s corpus, that’s for sure)
An argument, any thread. Argument qua argument. See also bickering, nitpicking,
languageword games and so on. It is rare for you to resist the call.