
  1. John Morales says


    Of course, every day of every year is the beginning of a new year, for that is how long it takes for an orbit of Earth around the Sun.

    But sure: happy calendar year, by the Gregorian calendar.

  2. Silentbob says

    @ 6 John Morales

    Not only is this obvious trolling -- but also factually incorrect (else they”d be no such things as leap years).

    But I take it Morales has long ago given up any pretence of having anything worthwhile to say.

  3. John Morales says

    bob the misnymed:

    Not only is this obvious trolling — but also factually incorrect (else they”d be no such things as leap years).

    I am not merely factually correct, but I encompass the concept fully.
    See, a “year” can be considered as a calendrical year, or as a sidereal year.

    It’s an ongoing thing, with an arbitrary set point.

    As for leap years, it might interest you to learn that every single year under the Gregorian calendar reckoning begins on January the first and ends on December the thirty-first; and this includes each and every year. Yet their length differs!

    But I take it Morales has long ago given up any pretence of having anything worthwhile to say.

    Heh. Equines, hydration. And mules are known for their obstinacy.

    (Your little hatefest is actually becoming amusing to me, I kinda look forward to your buzzings. Not everyone gets a dedicated hater interjecting on a frequent basis over a lengthy period. Thanks!)

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