Nature red in tooth and claw

This video that was sent to me by a friend shows what a powerful predator the peregrine falcon is.

I am always impressed at nature photographers and filmmakers. The animals in their films seem to behave as if they are following a script and one wonders how the filmmakers were able to be at the right place at the right time.T hey must be spending an enormous amount of time in order to capture events like this.


  1. sonofrojblake says

    I once (2013) saw two peregrines fighting (or it might have been courting), tinkling through the sky, going at each other talons first. It was amazing to see up close. They stopped for about twenty seconds as I flew by and came over to take a look at me, but quickly lost interest and went back to what they were doing. Stunning stuff.

  2. Silentbob says

    … as I flew by…

    Quite. As one does.

    Just to be clear, you were, um… in some form of aircraft at the time?

  3. komarov says

    A bit dark perhaps, but do the filmmakers go through many animals, too? It’s hard to do the usual dramatic narration about [skilful predator] when things go unexpectedly. Ok, in many cases they’d take the narrative wherever it goes but I’m sure there must be cases where the makers had a certain direction, were certain that’s how it would go and … “oh dear, [impressive but usually doomed prey] scored a hit this time. A definite and definitive hit. We’re going to have to find another [predator].”

    Nature itself must be at least as uncooperative and difficult to direct as the animals.

    P.S.: Re: #3, I’m betting on unassisted flight. The only reason the falcon “lost interest” was because they decided against eating the highly unusual and therefore suspicious food item in favour of something more familiar and safe.

  4. mailliw says

    In Manchester England peregrines have moved into the city centre.

    They nest on office buildings and hunt the pigeons.

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