Via reader and commenter Golgafrinchan Captain, I watched this amusing video narrated by ‘Reverend Carl Sagan’ about why biblical revelation is superior to science. It is an imagining of what Sagan, the creator of the popular series Cosmos, might have produced if he were an ‘intelligent design creationist’ instead of the freethinking scientist that he was.
Not an ID; a YEC. The narrator proclaims that the Earth existed before the Sun and Moon. Yes, he talks up the Discovery Institute a bit, but ID-ists don’t emphasize the bible as much as he does. I think the Disco ‘tute has made common cause with YECs before.
Try taking a look at something Sagan actually wrote that does not do him credit: The Amniotic Universe, an essay which appeared in Broca’s Brain.
Yes, they favor the ‘big tent’ approach, and famously refused to take a position on the age of the Earth.