While the British parliamentary machinations over Brexit have been depressing to watch, one of the few bright spots (for me at least) is watching the speaker John Bercow in action. He has been speaker through a tumultuous period, none more so than the past few months with the Brexot chaos. His attempts to control a sometimes rowdy chamber has been a treat to watch.
But all good things must come to and there are rumors that Bercow may be stepping down from this role sometime in the summer, though he himself has not confirmed it.
During nine years in the Speaker’s chair he has clashed with prime ministers, survived attempts to oust him and spoken out against the US president, Donald Trump.
Bercow has also angered many in the government. He was accused of scuppering May’s Brexit deal last month after he stopped her from bringing back exactly the same bill unless the government asked a different question.
He has been praised for making it easier for MPs to grill ministers, increasing the power of backbenchers to hold the government to account, and has relaxed the dress code in the Commons.
Someone has made a compilation of the speaker in action.
Watching parliament will be a lot less fun without Bercow and I for one will definitely miss him and the distinctive way he calls for “Order!”
I hope we do not lose him.
However, he seems to have aged in office. Some is natural but I wonder if some is due to riding herd on a collection of bobcats in a heatwave?
Another great video from Rhodri Marsden: https://twitter.com/rhodri/status/1111346365274177537
Honestly, some of what I’d heard suggest he’s doing such a great job precisely because he’d already decided he was leaving and just doesn’t care whose toes he steps on anymore.
He calls on people by their names and constituencies. That seems remarkable in a chamber of 650 people.