That is according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll released today, with 93% disapproval.
Just 3 percent of black Americans polled said they approved of Trump’s performance, compared to the president’s 36 percent approval overall. An overwhelming 93 percent of black Americans, meanwhile, said they disapprove. Those numbers have plummeted, data over time shows; just months ago his approval among black Americans was nearly 20 percent.
Non-white respondents overall largely disapprove of Trump, with 78 percent saying that he’s handling the presidency poorly and 19 percent saying he’s doing well. Those numbers were on the upswing, but sunk back down to the consistent low marks that Trump has received since entering office. Women also disapprove of Trump at higher rates: Sixty-six percent of women disapprove of his performance, and 54 percent of men agree.
Among white respondents, 45 percent approve of the president, while 51 percent disapprove. Trump’s approval ratings are worse than ever among all demographic groups — 60 percent disapproval overall is the highest the Post has ever found.
So now the burning question is who is in the 3%? Probably just Ben Carson, Paris Dennard, Clarence Thomas, Diamond and Silk, and the one black person who can be found at every black Trump rally, strategically placed behind Trump for the benefit of the TV cameras. Too bad Omarosa Manigault Newman is no longer there to boost his numbers.
Im amazed herr dumpf has an approval rating at all. I wasn’t aware there was that many people living in caves.
I’m pretty sure there’s quite a lot more than one at most black rallies. Trump rallies, on the other hand, not so many… 😉
20%?! 1 in 5 black Americans approved of a man who was found to be racially discriminating in housing? 20%? Seriously?
But those are just fake news. [/sarcasm]
You forgot the guy who works at the Whitehouse and Kanye West
RationalRules @#2,
Thanks for that catch! I have corrected it.
According to the polls, Hillary has 98.1% of winning the electoral college. Dems are poised to take over the Senate.
Actually, Upshot states that pollsters haven’t changed their methodology since the 2016 election. Beware!
Feel good outliers make people lazy.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
What are the 3%, the dead black people in Georgia who vote Republican?
In other news, the Pope’s approval among Muslims (and child abuse victims) is quite low and it turns out most turkeys aren’t in favour of Christmas.
I’ve never understood why people pay attention to this marketing effort by polling organisations. There’s only one “approval poll” that matters, it’s called an election, you have one every four years and Trump won. Trump -- arguably the second worst candidate ever fielded by a political party in a US election. He began his Presidency with already one of the lowest “approval ratings” in history (45%) and has since bobbled about between 45% and 35%.
But Gerald Ford’s average was only 47%. Barack Obama’s rounded up to 48%, and Dubya’s average was 49%. All this shows is that it’s perfectly possible to be a two-term president without the approval (in fact, with the active disapproval) of more than half the country. This is not fake news -- it’s just not news.
This is of a piece with finding out that -- shockerdoobie -- a bunch of rich and influential Jews don’t like ardently left-wing Jeremy Corby being a possible PM of the UK, and are openly conspiring to get him replaced. There are two reasonable responses to both these bits of “news”:
(1) why are you surprised?
(2) who gives a monkey’s?
African-Americans are 12% of the US population, a minority Trump obviously calculates he didn’t and doesn’t need.
Jews are 0.4% of the UK population and I honestly don’t understand why the Labour leadership are tolerating the shit they’re getting from the tiny, tiny minority within that who won’t just fuck off and vote Tory if they don’t like Labour.
One more thing -- it’s fun to joke along the lines of “who are these six people???”. Do the maths. 3% of African-Americans is over one and a quarter MILLION people.
A salient observation, IMO.
But in how many jurisdictions? All of them, presumably (obs, I haven’t researched).
So, yeah, a tiny minority. Not even one in ten. Outliers.
Hint: identity politics.
Jews are Jewish, and their Jewishness carries a lot of weight.
By the same principle, what percentage of the UK population is pregnant?
(I reckon gravidity carries even more weight than Jewishness.)