The Harris-Murray two-step » « So tell us how you really feel about Trump … Every Late Night Talk Show Ever Here is the formula. (Via Rusty Blazenhoff) Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditEmail The Harris-Murray two-step » « So tell us how you really feel about Trump …
Tabby Lavalamp says April 12, 2018 at 10:53 pm I am very surprised to see a Smosh video here. I’m also very sad to say I was able to recognize it as a Smosh video. I watch too much YouTube.
chigau (違う) says April 13, 2018 at 2:15 am Did you know that there are “Late Night Talk Shows” in places that are not the USA.
I am very surprised to see a Smosh video here.
I’m also very sad to say I was able to recognize it as a Smosh video. I watch too much YouTube.
Did you know that there are “Late Night Talk Shows” in places that are not the USA.