Last month I wrote about a legal challenge brought by a of South African secularist group OGOD (Organisasie vir Godsdienste-Onderrig en Demokrasie that translates as Organisation for Religious Education and Democracy) challenging the practice of many public schools that promoted Christianity, thus subverting the neutral official religious instruction policy as outlined in the government’s National Policy on Religion and Education. They took aim at six schools that were accused of promoting Christianity and suppressing the teaching of evolution.
Today, the court issued a ruling agreeing with the petitioners.
A South African court on Wednesday ruled that public education institutions cannot promote any one religion to the exclusion of others, saying to do so was a violation of the Schools Act, local media reported.
…Judge Willem van der Linde said in his ruling that religious observances may be conducted at state or state-aided institutions, as long as they are held on an equitable basis and attendance was voluntary.
You can read more about this case here. (Thanks to Chris from South Africa who has been keeping me updated on this issue.)
Good work by OGOD.
Best backronym ever.
I had never heard of the word ‘backronym’ before this and had to look it up. It is a very useful word. Thanks!