They captured the essence of the debate and Tom Hanks did a remarkably accurate impression of moderator Chris Wallace. Alec Baldwin’s impression of Donald Trump is so accurate that when I try to imagine Trump, it is Baldwin’s version that first comes to mind and I have to consciously reject it and replace it with the real person. It is similar to Tine Fey and Sarah Palin. I would not be surprised if many people think that Palin actually said, “I can see Russia from my house!”
Reginald Selkirk says
Liked the bit about Stephen Baldwin.
cartomancer says
Really? I find this Alec Baldwin’s effort at a Trump impression to be one of the weakest I’ve seen. John Culshaw and especially Peter Serafinowicz are much better in my opinion, though they are professional impressionists rather than just mainstream actors.
jrkrideau says
I would not be surprised if many people think that Palin actually said, “I can see Russia from my house!”
She didn’t?
Reginald Selkirk says
I liked Baldwin’s performance on the first debate better than this.
Reginald Selkirk says
No she didn’t. That was Tina Fey.
Palin did actually try to shovel some BS about how there is a place in Alaska from which you can see Russia (Little Diomede Island), and that therefore this qualified as foreign policy experience for her, since she was governor of that state. She dishonestly did not mention that she had never actually been to Little Diomede Island. So the Fey take was actually (IMHO) a fair summary of Palin’s buffoonery, but shorter and therefore funnier.
grendelsfather says
I never had trouble with that. The sentence actually scans, and you can diagram it. So clearly it’s not Palin, just Palinesque.