Today is International Blasphemy Day

Today (September 30) in International Blasphemy Day in which skeptics are encouraged to engage in acts of blasphemy in order to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of gods and religion and show disdain for the silly taboos that religions have about their founders and prophets.

Of course, this blog is pretty much blasphemous all year round so I am not sure what more I can do other than to explicitly state that there is no such thing as a god as commonly understood by religious people and hence all theistic religions are false and books they consider holy or divinely inspired and written are purely the product of human beings that reflect the thought and ideas of people living at those times and should carry no more weight that any other book.

For the benefit of Christians, perhaps I should add that I also deny the holy spirit, which Jesus said ( Matthew 12:32) is the one unforgivable sin.

Is that blasphemous enough?

See you in hell, fellow blasphemers!


  1. mnb0 says

    Blasphemy Day is silly. My life is continuous blasphemy 24/7, 365 days a year, simply because I’m breathing and don’t need a god for it.
    Won’t see you in hell, MS -- there is no such place.

  2. Cornelius says

    Well, there is really no need to engage in blasphemous utterances which make you and your colleagues look so silly.

    Better you engage in civil discourse with me on the existence of God in concept as the creator and operator of the universe, or non-existence of God.

    But as usual you would rather engage in what is in effect heckling, instead of civil and rational discourse with me on God in concept as I said time and again the creator and operator of the universe.

    If I may, have you ever suffered some wrong from God, that you now harbor such a blasphemous attitude toward Him.

    It is illogical: if you don’t accept God to exist, why all this anger and hate against someone you don’t accept to exist?

    And since you can’t do anything against a God you insist does not exist, the behavior if I may, borders on insanity.

    On the other hand, as you allow me to contribute comments here, I must salute you for being open to comments which are intended to invite you to exchange thoughts with me, so that instead of irrational utterances from you, which are all vain i.e. futile, and if I may use your favorite adjective, silly, consider engaging in rational exchange with me on the existence of God or non-existence of God.

    I can’t say it more clear, dear Mano, that your behavior in shouting blasphemies against God is not different from an insane person hurling insults against someone invisible and not existing at all, except in the insane mind and hate-filled heart of the insane subject, whose behavior cannot be explained except as issuing forth from the condition of insanity in the subject.

    Allow me to invite you and me to examine your personal history, in order to come to whatever experiences you had in the past or still on-going to the present moment, which will explain your illogical and to all appearances in effect insane behavior, of shouting insults of blasphemies against a person God Who to you does not exist at all.

    International Blasphemy Day is the evidence for international insanity on the part of humans who hate God Whom they actually know to exist, but think insanely that by blaspheming Him they might extinguish Him from existence, like analogously exorcists do with prayers and invocations of God’s name to cast out unclean spirits inhabiting a possessed person, making him behave aberrantly and violently, bizarrely.

    In a funny vein but also it is a fun stuff, dear Mano and colleagues of Mano, what do you guys say, perhaps submitting yourselves to exorcism from the ministration of a priest or preacher of good repute might free you from the insanity of hating a God you insist does not exist.


  3. EnlightenmentLiberal says

    I can about promoting truth for its own sake, and to better the condition of myself and my fellow human beings. I believe that ridicule in certain contexts can be an effective tactic. Ridicule can be blasphemy, and blasphemy can be ridicule. In can be good to remind people that their beliefs are absurd, and the rational people over here will give your ridiculous beliefs zero respect. It can be good to remind them that their imaginary friend is just as ridiculous as Apollo, Thor, and Heracles.

    This is not borne out of hate. This is borne out of a genuine desire to spread truth and consequently better the human condition.

    Furthermore, we don’t hate “god”. We do not accept as true that any gods exist, and thus we cannot hate something which we do not accept exists. Instead, we dislike how belief in gods causes real demonstrable harm to the human condition -- both the believers themselves, other believers of different ridiculous beliefs, and non-believers.

    We would be similarly upset if there was a faction of Santa Claus believers in government and culture who did silly things like try to shut down all airplane flights on the morning of Dec 25 because the planes might hit Santa. We would not be upset at Santa. We would be upset with the Santa Claus believers.

    We don’t believe that mere blasphemy could hurt some god if it happened to exist. (Actually, some myths say it is effective, but let’s ignore that for now.) We do believe that sometimes ridicule is effective at making people change their minds.

  4. says

    Well, all of your message is kinda word salad, but this bit is hilarious:

    International Blasphemy Day is the evidence for international insanity on the part of humans who hate God Whom they actually know to exist, but think insanely that by blaspheming Him they might extinguish Him from existence, like analogously exorcists do with prayers and invocations of God’s name to cast out unclean spirits inhabiting a possessed person, making him behave aberrantly and violently, bizarrely.

    Do you honestly believe that we all secretly think that gods exist? Or do you just say that because you heard it from a preacher or something and think it’s a cool rhetorical trick? I don’t think I’ve ever said that theists “know” there is no god but they pray and say they believe in order to try to make god real. It’s a stupid argument. So stupid it almost gives me a headache. I have never had any experience of any kind (or even heard of any experience of any kind) that comes even slightly close to proving that gods exists (let alone the “one true God” of christianity). So, as any rational person should, I use the null hypothesis: Gods don’t exist. There’s no little voice in my head telling me that I’m wrong and there is a god, there’s no holy spirit that I’m repressing. There’s nothing. No belief whatsoever. If you can’t understand that, then you might be mentally challenged in some way (whether it’s natural or created by a terrible education, I don’t know). Educate yourself and broaden your horizons. It’s actually possible for you to believe there’s a god and other people to believe that there isn’t a god. It’s not rocket science.

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