Some time yesterday, this blog passed the two million pageviews mark since I started blogging at FtB on January 10, 2012. Before that I was blogging at my previous home since January 2005, so a lot of words (I estimate about 3,000,000) have emerged from my keyboard since the very beginning.
Thanks to all who read and those who comment. My goal has been to create a community of people who are interested and want to engage in important issues thoughtfully and respectfully, and I think that has been largely achieved.
In the process I feel like I have got to know many of you quite well, even though the interactions haste been entirely online.
Great news, Mr. Singham. I’ve also been happy to encounter your blog, since you share my interest in foreign policy as well as atheism. It is sometimes odd to find that atheists can be so focused on attacking religion, but in a way that is politically quite naive. I am glad you’re looking at some of the major issues from a wider perspective than pro-secularism.
I agree that social media can offer community of a sort, even if through pseudonyms, and between people who never meet. I think blogs do offer connection, though of a more tenuous kind than face-to-face relationships. It reminds me of Nietzsche’s concept of “Star Friendships“.
Thank you for writing this blog.
Keep it up Mano I always enjoy your thoughts on the issues of the day!
Here’s to millions more words and pageviews!
Keep up the good work, Mano! You always make interesting and thoughtful observations.