A while back I wrote that I’d have some posts about some C++ code that I was working on, but then cancer got in the way.
I’ll begin with an open-source library of abecedarian statistics functions, just the minimum, maximum, median, mean, variance and standard deviation of data points that are strongly ordered. I started with just standard containers of built-in numeric types, but quickly went over the top trying to make the library as generic as possible while keeping it simple for the built-in types. I was basically just having fun with that.
[user documentation — doc., code and license]
I’ll have the next couple of weeks free, so I’ll try to get more examples ready for posting. I’ve written:
– A program for generating Amtrak timetables.
– A program for analyzing on-time performance of Amtrak trains.
– A program for guessing the likelihood of making connections between Amtrak trains.
And in support of a database access library that I’m writing:
– An unbounded integer type.
– A big decimal type.
– A preliminary design for an SQL database of Amtrak trains to test it.
The database access library is nowhere near being ready for prime time yet, but I have some preliminary user documentation for the current design.
If there’s any interest, I might stick it all out on github Real Soon Now.
“Real Soon Now”
Spoken like a true software engineer.