Well here it is — the obligatory introductory first post. So let’s get this out of the way and start bringing in the real content.
You’ll notice the title of this blog is “SecularVoices on FtB.” That’s because I run SecularVoices.org, a site that features about a dozen secular writers, and I plan to keep it running. So over here on FtB, I plan on doing most of the writing myself, most (if not all) of which will be reblogged on the main site but pointed here after the intro. Along with my posts, I plan on featuring some of the best pieces from the main site, so you’ll get a taste of the rest of the SecularVoices staff as well. This isn’t a mirror site of SecularVoices, but more of a bonus content and highlight reel type thing.
A little about me and my place in the freethought/secular movement:
If the name sounds familiar, it’s because I have a common name. Or you might know me as the Executive Director of Young Skeptics, a critical thinking after-school program for elementary school kids. We’re currently working on national expansion, so I’ll be sure to post updates on that here as well. Check out the website, Facebook page, or (new) Twitter feed for more info on that organization.
Prior to that, I ran DividedUnderGod.com, a church/state blog where I did most of the writing and eventually migrated to SecularVoices.org. Aside from blogging, I published my first book last year called Understanding an Atheist: A Practical Guide to Relating to Nonbelievers, a book aimed at improving relationships between atheists and their religious friends and family. Finally, I’ve been known to speak at conferences or secular groups here and there, most recently the Reason Rally Mini-Con. I’m also scheduled to speak at the Ark Encounter Protest & Rally/After-party on July 7th, so check that out!
That’s about it for this one. Check out the Facebook and Twitter feeds to the left, please subscribe, and for the love of Jesus Christ and all things imaginary, come back often and tell your friends.
Flonkbob says
Great to see this moving on! I’ve recently moved to a new part of the company where secular viewpoints are rare as hens teeth. I need the occasional infusion of rationality.
StevoR says
No relation of Kim Davis I take it then?
Not that it would really matter if you were.
StevoR says
Also, G’day and best wishes.
Looking forward to reading here.
Kevin Davis says
No Kim in my family as far as I can tell. Thankfully. Thanks for the well wishes!