The daily Oz skewering

It’s not really going to be a daily event here.

But jeez, Oz provides a target-rich environment.

Can I just say that the claim that “life begins at conception” is sufficiently absurd in all of its particulars that anyone who says it needs to be laughed off the stage? Life doesn’t “begin” at conception, and the question is not whether the focus is on life (it’s not, or these same people would be against the death penalty and eating meat or any living thing at all), it’s about when human personhood begins, which is a much fuzzier and poorly delimited thing altogether. Except we know it doesn’t happen at conception.

Is demographics destiny?

This is fascinating, and I have no idea what the consequences will be. The populations of many countries are rapidly shrinking, and it defies simplistic explanations.

Is that good? Bad? I don’t know. Reducing the human population is good for the planet overall, but how these countries will respond is an open question. Also, modern capitalism seems to be a gigantic Ponzi scheme that relies on continuous growth — what happens when the base of the pyramid shrinks?

The decline in growth isn’t entirely universal. Some countries continue to expand that population base, largely through the mechanism of immigration. Look at the difference between China and the US!

My grandchildren are going to grow up in a different world than I did. We need to accept the fact of change and prepare to adapt with it.

Dr Oz needs to erase his internet history, it’s just too embarrassing

This could easily evolve into a Daily Dr Oz Gaffe. So much material!

First problem: taking medical advice from a quack.

Second problem: thinking a 15-minute physical could do anything. Physicals are a diagnostic tool, they’re only cheap if they find nothing obviously wrong.

Third problem: who is going to do these physicals? They’re not going to be cheap if they require a highly trained doctor to carry them out. They’re not going to be good if they farm them out to volunteers.

Fourth problem: “festival-like atmosphere”? If I have a health problem, I don’t want to go to a festival. I want it fixed.

Fifth problem: People don’t have a right to health? That promise of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence was a lie, then. How nice that the Constitution promised us big guns instead.

This is a nothing solution that will only appeal to Republicans who will fixate on the word “cheap”.

Look at a map

Did you know that Philadelphia is in the southeast corner of Pennsylvania? That to the southwest is Delaware, and to the south and east is…New Jersey? I guess Dr Oz was hoping that Pennsylvanians were as ignorant of their geography as he is.

I’ve been vastly entertained by the incompetent campaign of Oz, and the masterful way Fetterman has been ripping him up. This is going to be an example brought up in political science classes for decades to come.

The return of Il Duce

You would think the Republicans, with their immense respect and admiration of everything the Founding Fathers did, would be aware that they did not want a monarch, that Cincinnatus was their ideal, and that Washington was admired for gracefully conceding power and setting a model for future transitions. Yet here they are, pretending that an ex-president has privileges that are in ways greater than those of a sitting president, and obstructing justice that attempts to recover confidential materials that are the property of the nation, not some imperial individual.

It’s never been about the Constitution, or tradition, or the good of the country for these Republicans. It’s always been about power and money.

But now we know. That ex-president, who still has a death grip on the more fanatical fraction of the Republican party, was an opportunist who looted everything he could from the office, either as trophies or for sale or as blackmail material. You would also think that a party of arch capitalists who value property rights above all else would recognize that he did not own these things, they were not his, they were the property of the country, and that he was a criminal thief and traitor. We’re getting a better picture of exactly what he stole.

Some of the seized documents detail top-secret U.S. operations so closely guarded that many senior national security officials are kept in the dark about them. Only the president, some members of his Cabinet or a near-Cabinet-level official could authorize other government officials to know details of these special-access programs, according to people familiar with the search, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive details of an ongoing investigation.

Documents about such highly classified operations require special clearances on a need-to-know basis, not just top-secret clearance. Some special-access programs can have as few as a couple dozen government personnel authorized to know of an operation’s existence. Records that deal with such programs are kept under lock and key, almost always in a secure compartmented information facility, with a designated control officer to keep careful tabs on their location.

And now, of course, Trump’s defense is a crooked judge he appointed who is now abusing the courts to hinder any investigation. This is fascism, plain and simple. Not semi-fascism. Fascism.

“Chinese genocide bill”? Is this an example of expert messaging?

Just so you know, Tom Emmer is an old school conservative Republican who was in the state House for about as long as I’ve lived in Minnesota — he then moved up to the US House to replace Michele Bachmann in 2014, and is currently chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee. He’s the guy whose job it is to help elect more Republicans to the House. It just makes it particularly piquant that he went on Fox News to announce that he trusted his candidates to know how to ‘message’ the Republican party position on abortion.

…good luck to them [the Democrats] trying to defend their extreme position. Every one of them voted for what I call the Chinese genocide bill, which would allow abortion up to moments before a child takes its first breath. I think our candidates know how to message that and be just fine in the midterms.

Lead on, Tom Emmer! Your party’s candidates can follow by example and learn how to both misrepresent the law and be achingly racist in the moments before they lose elections.

He emerged out of the white suburbs that ring Minneapolis on the eastern side of the state. He does do a fine job of representing his people, I’m sorry to say.

Congratulations, UK?

So you’ve got a new prime minister, who is a continuation of your last one. Sorry.

In an opinion piece in the Sunday Telegraph, Truss described Britain as stuck with low productivity, high taxes, overregulation and an inability to do big things. “We will break with the same old tax and spend approach by focusing on growth and investment,” she said. She complained of the “heaviest tax burden in 70 years.” She said it was outrageous that there had not been a new water reservoir or nuclear power plant built in a quarter-century.

The disconnect of her words was noted by her critics, who pointed out that Truss didn’t mention that her party has been in power for the past 12 years — and that she has served in the cabinet since 2012 — so these problems were the doings of the Conservatives.

Opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer tweeted: “I’d like to congratulate our next Prime Minister Liz Truss as she prepares for office. But after 12 years of the Tories all we have to show for it is low wages, high prices, and a Tory cost of living crisis. Only Labour can deliver the fresh start our country needs.”

I’ll congratulate you sincerely once you get rid of these damned Tories, just asa we have to get rid of these damned Republicans.

Stupidity & vanity explain it all

I’d been wondering why Trump had all those secret documents at his Florida hideout — it made no sense. Did he have some nefarious scheme to sell government info to foreign agents? Was he going to blackmail people? I should have known, though, that it would be something so simple, since he’s a simpleton.

As president and in the months after he left office, he was known to show off correspondence that he had received from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un — which he had termed “love letters” — to guests at his club, people in his orbit have said. (It was these letters that originally sparked the dispute that eventually led to the FBI search, after officials at the National Archives and Records Administration noticed the famous correspondence was not among the presidential records they received from Trump’s White House and requested they and other missing documents be returned. After negotiations, Trump in January returned 15 boxes, including the letters, but kept dozens of other boxes of documents in Florida.)

They were petty little trophies he used to show off to the dupes who were his guests. This is the guy who put up fake magazine covers on the walls to ‘impress’ people. He is a walking illustration of Hanlon’s Razor.

Biden’s speech

It was not a great speech. It was full of that tiresome American political boilerplate about liberty and equality, reinforced the myth of out wonderful founding fathers, reassured everyone that we are the greatest nation on Earth, and was full of “souls” and “God” to the point where I wanted to tell him this is not a church. But it did one thing clearly and sharply: it named an enemy. MAGA Republicans. They oppose democracy and we have to prevent them from getting their way.

That’s useful. It helps to have something concrete to oppose for now. He weakened it a bit by claiming that they weren’t the majority of Republicans — all you have to do is look at the divisions of the House and Senate to see that no, the majority of Republicans are aligning with MAGA Republicans — but it’s a start. I do believe that if you asked American voters to line up on one side of the MAGA Republican label or the other, most would shy away from putting on a red hat and puckering up to kiss Donald’s ass (or deSantis’ ass).

I listened to this once.

It’s not going to go down through history as particularly good oratory, but it does make one strong point.

By the way, Fox News put the speech on their channel, only they titled it Biden attacks his fellow Americans during Philadelphia speech. They shouldn’t object, since attacking fellow Americans, like Democrats and gay and trans folk and poor people and minorities and immigrants, is their stock in trade.