What kind of parent would you be?

There are two kinds of parents. 1) The ones who want their children to follow in their footsteps, take over the family business, continue their tradition as a farrier or door-to-door salesman or whatever. They live in dread that their child might turn out different, leave their faith, or someday disagree with their opinions. 2) The ones who encourage their kids to explore and develop their own interests and find happiness in their own skin. Guess what kind Richard Hanania would be if he, god forbid, were a parent?

The disclaimer that I’m for women living the lives they want is negated by the fact that he’s calling a successful young woman living the life she wants the nightmare scenario.

Just as the entire Republican party is echoing Hanania’s racism, they also share a love of misogyny.

Last week, Ann Coulter and other Republican bottom-feeders grossed normal people out by mocking Guz Walz for getting emotional during his dad’s speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). The insults didn’t just prove that the self-appointed protectors of “family values” wouldn’t know a loving family if they saw one. It was a reminder that the Trump campaign’s strategy continues to be appealing to ugly, bitter people with a message of resentment.

But the Walzes aren’t the only family whose evident happiness infuriates the extremely online MAGA movement. Harris’ family has drawn ire, as well. Especially her stepdaughter, 25-year-old model and designer Ella Emhoff, whose creativity, beauty, and easygoing love for her family has sent many on the right into paroxysms of rage. The daughter of Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, triggers the incel-minded online right by being a Brooklyn hipster who rejects the tiresome conservative rules for how women are allowed to dress or behave. In response, Donald Trump’s fanboys are in a total meltdown, unable to accept the existence of a woman who doesn’t care what they think of her. And they can’t hide that they’re furious that she looks great doing so.

In the real world, Ella Emhoff, who graduated from Parsons School of Design and has a modeling contract with IMG, is being declared “a fashion icon” for her effortless pairing of high fashion with her quirky tastes.

I guess I’m in category 2, since my 3 grown children are all living lives nothing like what I would choose for myself, and I’m proud that they’ve done that. Who wants to live in a world where half the people are forced to be tradwives? (Republicans, I guess.)

I should plug Kavin Senapathy’s new book, The Progressive Parent: Harnessing the Power of Science and Social Justice to Raise Awesome Kids.

Richard Hanania and the whole damn Republican party would hate it, which is why you should all run out and order it.


  1. StevoR says

    Not a parent myself unless the dog and cat count but pretty sure there’s more than just 2 kinds of parents.

    Ones that are surprised they have kids at all?
    Ones that ignore their kids and wish they weren’t there? One sthat abandon them outright?
    Ones that are happy their kids are just alive even if they are severally mentally and physically challenged?
    Ones that don’t fit in any neat boxes?

    I’ve been so lucky to have really supportive parents in category 2 above there FWIW.

  2. raven says

    Richard Hanania is an idiot, a loon, and a racist.

    Richard Hanania:

    Race mixing is like destroying a unique species or piece of art. It’s shameful.

    Guy isn’t even really white by GOP standards.
    Hanania is a Palestinian Arab.

    Wikipedia: Hanania has attracted criticism for controversial tweets he has made defending sexual assault and pedophilia.[22][23]

    This isn’t someone who should be around women and children. Or men and animals for that matter.

    Rational Wiki:Views on women

    “”Men didn’t evolve to turn down free sex. Women and society are meant to be the limiting factors.
    —Richard Hanania[103]
    Hanania opposes women being older than men in marriages (but not vice-versa).

    He has oddly criticised the fact Biden’s granddaughter is three years older than her husband.[104]

    He identifies as an anti-feminist and has written a blog post linking female sports to feminism.[105]

    Misogynist who seriously hates women.

    “Even worse, Jewish organizations have turned the Holocaust religion into a criminal Industry. In fact, they may have pulled off the biggest robberies in human history. 110”

    Antisemite, Neo-Nazi, and Holocaust Denier.

    Richard Hanania is generic. A mindless hater with nothing worthwhile or intelligent to say.
    Who cares what this failed human says.

  3. mordred says

    Never wanted kids, but if I had kids, I’m pretty sure I’d be a parent who’d really hope his kids would turn out very different from himself.

    My own parents were of the type who were mostly indifferent to their kids interests, hopes, dreams and problems.

  4. StevoR says

    Wait, who is this Richard Hanania klown again? Wiki-checks :

    Richard Hanania is an American political science researcher and right-wing political commentator ..

    …(Snip)..Hanania has been linked to the New Right.[13] He is sometimes described as libertarian,[5] although he has written in favor of curtailing civil liberties with increased police power targeting African Americans, and has praised mass arrests in El Salvador.[4] In a 2023 essay, Hanania wrote that the only way to reduce crime is “a revolution in our culture or form of government. We need more policing, incarceration, and surveillance of black people. Blacks won’t appreciate it, whites don’t have the stomach for it.”[4][14][15] The essay caught the attention of Elon Musk, who called it “interesting”.[5]

    In his 2023 book The Origins of Woke, Hanania argues that central causes of “wokeness” are the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and multiple inventive court decisions and executive orders.[16] The book has promotional blurbs by Vivek Ramaswamy, David Sacks, and Peter Thiel, who expressed support for the idea that “government violence” is the only way to defeat the threat of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.[5] In The Atlantic, Tyler Austin Harper called the book a “Trojan horse for white supremacy”, arguing that it is grounded in the assumption that “Black people and women are less competent, capable, and intelligent than white men.”

    Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Hanania

    So in essence, an far reichwing Op-ed writer outright Nazi pretending to be an intellectual of some kind.

  5. Robbo says

    republicans are odious, and have no policies of their own that they can use to show they are a better choice than Harris/Walz, so they go low, attack opponents families. they are childish bullies on the beach kicking down other kids sandcastles.

    if their campaign had any redeeming policies, they would tout them.

    instead, they name call, and whine, and rant incoherently.

    the scary thing is a too-large block of the voting public responds to that shit.

  6. anat says

    Wait. I’m still not sure what he means about Ella Emhoff being a nightmare for most people with a daughter. What exactly bothers him? The way she dresses? Her tattoos? She looks very normal to me. She could blend right in at my work place.

  7. rietpluim says

    What anat says. I fail to see what would be wrong with Emhoff. Does she kick puppies? Does she eat babies?

  8. raven says

    Wait. I’m still not sure what he means about Ella Emhoff being a nightmare for most people with a daughter.

    She is smart, independent, successful, her father is Jewish, and her mother is VP of the USA.

    Hanania is a misogynistic woman hater, a Neo-Nazi sympathizer, and antisemitic.

    Obviously, what Hanania means is that Ella Emhoff is his nightmare.
    She is. Normal humans are all Hanania’s nightmares.

  9. Doc Bill says

    My parents of the Greatest Generation wanted me to fit into a mold of their making and my mother, especially, was never quite “right” when I made my own mold. My mother was certain that as a chemistry major I was out there synthesizing LSD.

    As a Boomer my kids were raised “free range,” so to speak becoming a rocket scientist daughter, corporate VEEP daughter and restauranteur son. Somehow without indoctrination they all turned out to be nice people, taxpayers and totally woke. My bad, I guess.

  10. says

    He is sometimes described as libertarian,[5] although he has written in favor of curtailing civil liberties with increased police power targeting African Americans…

    What’s with the “although?” there’s no contradiction here: Libertarians have ALWAYS been in favor of curtailing civil liberties with increased police power targeting African Americans, as well as any other non-rich groups who might not want to let the rich get away with whatever they want to do. Yes, they generally SAY they’re all for civil liberties — they just think it’s “tyranny” when government tries to uphold other people’s civil liberties.

  11. woozy says

    9… 10…


    From all I can google though this seems to be another case of “Obama wore a tan suit! It’s an outrage. And Michelle Obama’s forearms are a centimeter too thick!”

    I do remember watching her and her sister praise Kamala at the convention and I’m sorry to say I didn’t notice her outfit particularly. But then that’s probably why she is a fashion designer and I’m not.

  12. StevoR says

    @ submoron : “Mammillaria hahniana? He’s prickly but does he have mauve flowers?”

    I don’t think he likes purple much -toofeminist a colour!

    Oh and yes I looked up the botanical name. Nicely done.

  13. stevewatson says

    Uh, what exactly is “wrong” with her? Is she trans, or gay? (Not a problem for me, but those are the usual targets of the culture warriors). Or is does she just not conform to some image this idiot has of ideal femininity?

  14. birgerjohansson says

    I am the third kind of parent: I want to create a large number of clones so I have an ample supply of suitable organs when my original ones wear out (Monty Burns knows what I am talking about. That “no helmet laws” lobbying paid off well).

  15. Akira MacKenzie says

    Even if could have found a willing mate who’d look at me without having to gouge her eyes out to blot out the horror of my image, I wouldn’t want to inflict my mental health issues onto any hypothetical offspring, nor subject them to the socio-economic horrors that are sure to come.

  16. Akira MacKenzie says

    The insults didn’t just prove that the self-appointed protectors of “family values” wouldn’t know a loving family if they saw one.

    That’s because “family values” isn’t meant to mean what liberals think it means. To the right, it means a despotic, patriarchal penis-haver lording over his Stepford model broodmare/scullery-maid and the obedient crotch spawn they crap out. All under the auspices of the misogynistic and sexual repressive Gawd of Abraham, of course.

  17. chrislawson says

    Just did a quick Google Image search. It’s pretty clear that Emhoff likes playing around with fashion and dressing in lots of different ways, sometimes wearing ‘masculine’ outfits. But there’s plenty of ‘feminine’ outfits there too, including some she designed herself. What appears to be driving Hanania mad is that Emhoff is willing to go out in public dressed in a baseball cap and without makeup. What a parental nightmare!!!

  18. Kevin Karplus says

    There are far more than 2 parenting styles. In my case, my son followed in my footsteps (to some extent) of his own choice—he got a BS and MS in computer science and went to work for a company building and operating geosynchronous satellites (I have BS and MS in math and PhD in CS but was an academic my whole career). He also has spent most of his life with acting as a hobby—so I took up acting as a hobby after I retired. We are enough alike that I figured that if it worked for him as a social hobby, it might work for me also. So far (18 months in) it seems to be working well for me.

    Oops—it’s time for me to bicycle to my community college—it is time for the improv class.

  19. robro says

    I think there’s the “sort of OK but not great” parent type. I’m at best that type because I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. Also, our son had difficulties and struggled with school…still does. For example, I never got into fights when I was a kid…I’m a pacifist with the CO on my draft card to prove it. Our son did get into fights…frequently. That didn’t end until the staff at the specialty school he went to realized that his outbursts always happened during “play” time. So they took him out of his age group and had him help the teacher with a younger age group during their play time. That lasted about 4 months and then he asked to go back to his age group. No more outbursts after that. Now he is an adult and heavily involved in jiu jitsu and mixed martial arts. And, he is teaching children at the gym.

  20. Tethys says

    Ella Emhoff wore multiple high-fashion outfits during the DNC, including this simple cream two piece top and pants combo, accessorized with a Harris Walz 2024 camo baseball cap.

    Her instagram has a slideshow of all of her sartorial choices, which include the dresses Mr. gender police probably prefers.
    There are many excellent photos of her in this outfit, but of course some weird reichster chose a less than flattering pic that was taken mid-sentence to illustrate his fear. How dare she not privilege his male gaze?!

    I think Ella looks very sharp and stylish. It’s clear she has been parented well and is currently pursuing a creative career in design/art. I believe America will be just fine and better dressed under this new radical regime of women designing, fabricating, and wearing whatever they want.

  21. chrislawson says

    Tethys, I think you nailed it when you pointed out that photo was taken mid-sentence. Harania was set off because a woman was speaking.

  22. cartomancer says

    Autobot Silverwynde, #25

    Well I stole it from Randy Rainbow, so I can’t much object.

  23. StevoR says

    @21. PZ Myers : “So, #2: you don’t want to force your life-choices on another human being.”

    No, I don’t. Certainly not force – there’s some things I’d like toencourage such a s a philospohy of treating everyone with kindness and empathy and, well, not forcing others who are different to conform unless tyhere are really good helath and safety reasons for doing so eg. getting vaccinated, wearing seatbelts kinda things.

    But the OP did specify “kinds of parents” as a binary and there are more than just two of those. Another human being also is much more expansive a category than one’s own child.

  24. StevoR says

    @19. Akira MacKenzie : I can relate to that a lot and am in similar situation and share similar views here too.

  25. erik333 says

    @4 raven

    Guy isn’t even really white by GOP standards.
    Hanania is a Palestinian Arab.

    That’s hardly surprising, rasists exist of all ethnicities.

  26. Matthew Currie says

    I actually do have kids. All grown up now, four if we count the stepkid. An auto mechanic with a green thumb and a penchant for photography, a maker of prosthetic limbs and strange, sewn sculptures, a lesbian graphic artist/bicycle mechanic, a prison librarian. Not that I had much to do with the fine people they have all become, but I pride myself in having raised a whole brood of nightmares for people like Hanania, and sincerely wish him a lifetime of startled awakenings.

  27. Pierce R. Butler says

    … the nightmare scenario for most people with a daughter.

    The tats? The not-having-boobs-out-to-there? The dust on her cap?

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