Oh no! We’ve lost Chaya Raichik’s support!

This is quite possibly the dumbest anti-Walz meme* yet.

They’re calling him that because he…signed legislation to supply free feminine hygiene products in public schools.

Sure, present that as a terrible crime if you really want to lose more women’s support.

*The campaign is young. I expect even worse memes to emerge soon.


  1. robro says

    It’s almost like they are deliberately trying to drive away women voters, as if they have already disenfranchised women instead of waiting until 2025.

  2. says

    Behavior version of body shaming (laughing, how someone moves…), menstrual cooties…
    Simple racism or sexism is too easy here. It’s going to get into lots of subtypes, maybe even new frontiers of bigotry. Distilled Making America Great Again.

  3. birgerjohansson says

    So to freak out the Maga crowd we should load air guns with… used female hygiene products? Next time they try a January 9th we will be armed and ready.

  4. kitcarm says

    Recent polls have been consistently showing majority of women supporting Harris/Walz by a double digit margin. Shall we increase that? How kind of Trump and his allies to help out like that.

  5. Akira MacKenzie says

    The right’s disgust towards tampons isn’t just reserved to giving them away. My psycho Catholic father will rant and rave anytime he sees an ad for any sort of “feminine hygiene product” on TV. “THAT SHIT DOESN’T BELONG ON TV!”

    And don’t him started on condom or ED medication ads.

  6. Captain Kendrick says

    Democrats: “Can Republicans possibly get any more creepy and weird?”
    Republicans: “Hold my beer!”

  7. raven says

    Yeah, I don’t get it either.

    Something wrong with tampons?
    Something wrong with menstruation?

    Something wrong with girls and women?

    About all I’ve seen from the MAGA GOPers lately is trivial insults that
    don’t have anything to do with how the next president will run the US Federal government.

  8. Tethys says

    It’s rather hilarious that the response of the maga-infected is to spew out more misogyny and transphobia.
    Acting as if tampons are somehow shameful and should never be mentioned because ew, real menz should never taint themselves with menstrual blood.

    Tampons are a perfectly cromulent way to stop a red wave.

  9. robro says

    Akiira @ #6 — I suppose your father would have a fit over the Australian Bush Barbie PSA’s featuring Nikki Osborne in full Steve Irwin get up.

  10. OverlappingMagisteria says

    I think the legislation put tampons in all school bathrooms, including boys, so that’s why its making them clutch their pearls. But.. who cares? Is that the best they got?

  11. robro says

    OverlappingMagisteria — “Is that the best they got?” May be. Per Heather Cox Richardson, Trump on Tuesday “posted on his social media company an elaborate and bizarre fantasy that President Joe Biden would suddenly try to take back the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.” That’s truly bizarre and I’m fairly sure the $36 million in donations from 450k donors in the 24 hours after announcing Walz would put that to rest.

  12. laurian says

    In my theater scene shop our 1st aid kit had a 1/2 dozen Maxi-pads in it. Why? They were cheap and excelled at soaking up blood.

    These MAGAts are so fcking weird

  13. chigau (違う) says

    In a first-aid course I learned that tampons are useful for gunshot wounds.

  14. JimB says

    laurian @16
    They’ll soak up more than blood… My first wife had a story about her little brother playing war with the kid next door. They were around 5 or 6. And one of them was wounded so they went looking for bandages. Found a box full in Mom’s bathroom. So grabbed one and dumped some ketchup on it. One of them had it tied on their head. Then Mom comes home with my ex, and sees her son running around with a blood soaked maxipad tied to his head.

    My ex would lose it at this point. She couldn’t tell the tale without laughing so hard she fell down. And while laughing she’s decribing her mom and the way anger and embarrasement kept taking alternate control of her.

    Wow. Just typing this has me laughing cause I can still remember how hard she laughed at this.

  15. Larry says

    When your opponent is making a complete ass of themself, do not interfere.

    Ms. Raichik, please proceed.

  16. woozy says

    I can’t say I like it when we make jokes about the couch when we know it to be false and fabricated. But at least Walz knows how to make it funny and seem like ribbing that isn’t cruel, but still at Vance’s expense

    That horse stuff is just gross. But the thing is it will never take always look like cruel, desperate, and completely made up and always reflect on the teller. The right just don’t know how to do humor.

  17. rietpluim says

    In the school our son is attending, hygiene products aren’t freely available. So he always carries some with him just in case a friend or classmate needs them. We’re proud of him.

  18. says

    In a first-aid course I learned that tampons are useful for gunshot wounds.

    It’s disturbing to say, but that sounds like one more good reason to have them at schools.

  19. nikolai says

    Whatever happened to “All Lives Matter”? Why are these self-appointed champions of justice working so diligently to make life harder for a specific group of people?

    I guess that slogan came with a postscript: “… except for trans men. Fuck them.”

  20. coffeepott says

    i just love how many of us are learning great things about Walz by these presumed attacks. thanks, FascsOfTwitter!

  21. bcw bcw says

    @7 who said
    Democrats: “Can Republicans possibly get any more creepy and weird?”
    Republicans: “Hold my beer!”

    RFK jr: Hold my bear!

  22. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 32
    Hold his dead bear, because Junior is reaching for his COP KILLING HAWK! (Heavy Metal power chord) HI-KEEBA!

    No, seriously. He once sicced one of his trained hawks on a cop when he was an unruly teenager. The weird just doesn’t end for this clown.

  23. astringer says

    Akira MacKenzie @ 32: “He once sicced one of his trained hawks on a cop”. Is there a believable reference for this? Although JFK Jr appears to have some recognition as a falconer (I only read wiki, I know nothing about the guy) hawks are not trained like dogs to ‘attack’ things you point them at. If he’s claiming he can,… that’s a bit weird.

  24. flange says

    I assume Procter & Gamble (owner of Tampax) has a gaggle of lawyers to litigate anyone messing with their brand.

  25. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 37


  26. tallora says

    NGL, a man being willing to interact with tampons/pads/liners at all in any way is such a positive mark for me. It shouldn’t be such a huge thing, but the bar is in hell.

  27. lakitha tolbert says

    I don’t know who needs to know this but there are some Public Libraries that offer free menstrual products to patrons and staff. I know mine, here in Ohio, does.

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