I am a hollow tube, all shiny and glistening and clean

I am as pure as I’ll ever be. I’m a little bit ethereal today.

The colonoscopy went well, no abnormalities, not a hint of a polyp even. I don’t have to do it again for another ten years!


  1. robro says

    Excellent news, and glad to hear it, PZ. That probably means you don’t have to go through the ordeal again for a few years.

  2. foolishleader says

    Wait so for a brief period of time nobody could rightly call you full of shit?

  3. says

    In my experience, the prep is the worst part of things. Over the last 25 years or so I have been through this a few times and sometimes polyps were found, sometimes not. The important part is to get the checkup as a matter of preventative health care. Thanks for sharing your experience–if only one of your readers decides to follow your example, that is a good thing.

  4. Doc Bill says

    My GI guy does colonoscopies on Tuesday and Thursday; he’s done thousands. Nice work if you can get it!

    But, I really appreciate my anesthesiologist. I cracked wise on the table and Dr. GI said, “Really, Bill? Put him out.” And, conk, I was gone. Woke up fresh as a daisy and full of gas, bloated like the Hindenburg.

    What was my crime? Well, the standard question doctors ask before a procedure is, “Do you know why you are here?” I answered, “I was driving by and saw a sign that said, “Free accordion lessons, so here I am.” No sense of humor, doctors.

  5. steve oberski says

    Topologically speaking the digestive tract, starting at the mouth and ending at the anus, is on the outside of the body.

    I try not to think about that too often.

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