Bronze pipework

This big skinny beast is living right over an electrical outlet in my dining room, and I needed to plug something in…I decided not to. I didn’t think it worthwhile to disturb them right away, I’ll give them a chance to move later.

It’s Pholcus, either phalangioides or manueli but they didn’t turn to look at me so I could tell. Maybe I’ll get a look at their face later.

I do like the long lean legs that look like bronze or copper piping, though.


  1. birgerjohansson says

    Can spiders digest non-living food if you drop it into the web? It is my understanding they must inject enzymes into a living body (unlike their distant detritivore relatives, the daddy longlegs).

  2. beeseevee says

    Bronze Pipework

    There is a skinny beast
    in my dining room,
    watching from the outlet.

    Bronze pipe legs,
    face hidden
    in the webbing.

    I needed to plug
    something in,
    but decided not to.

    I’ll give them a chance to move on.

  3. wzrd1 says

    birgerjohansson @ 2, got bit by a daddy longlegs spider, basically it bit my upper lumbar region to tell me, “get the fuck off of me!”, which I did an “ow, didn’t see you there, my bad” and moved.
    That said, daddy longlegs is, quite variable, ranging from a crane fly to harvestmen spider to these, which are known to actually consume venomous to humans spiders.
    I’ve a bit of a dislike for spiders in general, largely driven from a phobia that was created when mom was relocating a potted tree and a house spider literally scrambled for cover up her nose and much later, from a envenomated bite by an accidentally bed crushed hobo spider. Knowing that, I adapt my behavior accordingly to give them a fair degree of protection. Hence, I’ll happily relocate a hobo spider outdoors, rather than let it get predated upon by a daddy longlegs (which, being morphologically dissimilar enough to not trigger the phobia, gets observed and well, denied that specific meal, due to the value the hobo delivers in a more appropriate environment).

  4. weylguy says

    I like daddy longlegs. They’re not fast, so they can’t scurry up your leg. And when you squish them they don’t leave a mess.

  5. brightmoon says

    @9 you can have mine My old apartment was so infested with Pholcus that the tiny bathroom
    ceiling was alive . I have no idea what they ate! But if they got too numerous I’d go in there with a spray bottle of Clorox .