Reminds me of someone else

Things are not going well for Sam Bankman-Fried, the big-time crypto con man. He’s been out on bail, living the easy life pending his trial, but he just can’t resist blabbing and conspiring to intimidate witnesses to his crimes, so he earned a hard slap from justice.

Sam Bankman-Fried’s bail has been revoked for witness tampering — specifically, that he shared ex-girlfriend Caroline Ellison’s private diary with a New York Times reporter. This was the last straw for Judge Lewis Kaplan, who said the documents were “something that someone who has been in a relationship would be unlikely to share with anyone except to hurt and frighten the subject.”

Previously, Sam tried to get in touch via Signal with another witness, former FTX US lawyer Ryne Miller, about getting their stories straight — which nearly saw Sam’s bail revoked that time.

Our hero is currently at MDC Brooklyn — notoriously one of the worst jails in the federal system — but the government has asked that he be remanded at Putnam, where he’ll be allowed more computer access to prepare for his upcoming trial on October 2.

That’s going to be a fun trial.

Reading that, though, I was somehow reminded of someone else with a penchant for blustering and threatening witnesses on social media, someone else currently facing an October trial date, someone — I can’t quite put my finger on who — currently living freely in a gilded mansion in Florida. What’s the worst state jail in Georgia? I think he needs to spend some time there.


  1. HidariMak says

    It took me a second to recognize the name of Judge Lewis Kaplan. He’s the one who judged in favour of E. Jean Carroll, and is expected to do the same in the 2nd and third cases against some strongman crybaby, whose name keeps escaping me for some reason.

  2. gijoel says

    I hear orange is the new black. I wonder if Scam Bankrupt Fraud will be sharing a cell with you-know-who.

  3. StevoR says

    What’s the worst state jail in Georgia?

    FWIW. the simply named Georgia State Prison apparently.

    The worst prison in the state of Georgia is the Georgia State Prison which was founded in the year 1932 and had a capacity of over 1550 inmates. The prison is a maximum state prison and is famous for housing the most dangerous criminals in Georgia.

    Source :

    WARNING : Some potentially confronting material. Yeah, it sounds like a nightmare – but of course what so many others suffered for far lesser crimes.

    Wonder if that orange guy will have those publicly funded body guards of his allowed there?

  4. dangerousbeans says

    Just the idea of there being a “worst jail” is a depressing indicator of how fucked the prison system is

  5. HidariMak says

    As I’ve said elsewhere, a “Trump Prison” would be a fitting legacy for America’s worst president. There are certainly enough crimes committed by Trump and his supporters to fill a prison.

  6. robro says

    What’s the worst state jail in Georgia?

    All of them? And Georgia has a lot of prisons. Georgia has several privately run prisons which are medium-security. I suspect something like that would be the choice, if he’s sent to prison at all.

  7. seversky says

    He would have to go to the bigliest and bestest hoosegow in the whole country where the prison staff would gather in unprecedented numbers to greet him with tears in their eyes.

  8. tacitus says

    Wonder if that orange guy will have those publicly funded body guards of his allowed there?

    The answer is almost certainly yes. They changed the law in 2012 from providing 10 years of secret service protection for former presidents to lifetime protection.

    So Trump will never see the inside of Georgia State Prison because it will be argued by the Secret Service that he can’t be adequately protected in an institution filled with violent offenders. The worst he will face would be special arrangements within a minimum security prison where his accommodation is segregated from the rest of the inmates.

    But, to be honest, if he does finally get convicted (and I’ll believe it when I see it) he’ll likely end up serving time under house arrest, which is allowed for first-time non-violent offenders.

    Of course, that’s only if the Republican legislature doesn’t change the law to give the Governor of Georgia the power to pardon him, which I suspect would happen if it becomes clear Trump is going to be convicted.

  9. tacitus says

    Also worth noting that his coconspirator, Mark Meadows has already filed a motion to move proceedings to federal court arguing that the state charges amount to “state interference in a federal official’s duties that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits.”

    Trump’s lawyers will follow suit, of course.