Kansas has passed a law to ban transgender athletes which has a few incidental consequences.
The legislation, which takes effect July 1, requires children to participate in school activities based on the gender assigned to them at birth. The Kansas Reflector reports that challenges could require a student athlete to undergo genital inspections or require a birth certificate for proof of the child’s gender.
Following the vote, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach applauded the legislature’s override of the governor’s veto.
“As the father of five daughters who are involved in sports, I care deeply about the fairness in girls’ sports,” Kobach said. “If any group challenges this law in court, I will defend it vigorously. And I am confident that the law will survive any challenge.”
Caring deeply about your daughters means insisting that they be available for genital inspections. I’m not going to look, but this sounds like a scenario you’d find on PornHub.
Now here’s a weird flex.
I believe there might be a small locus of science-belief centered around Lawrence, but the rest of the state is a benighted nest of bible-thumpers, so I disagree with his bigoted claims about “biological women.” Also, I told you conservatives have recently lost what little sanity they had over “woke beer,” that is, Budweiser.
I drink neither Coors nor Bud, and I’m not going to make a choice because of an imagined “woke” connection.
“As the father of five daughters who are involved in sports, I care deeply about the fairness in girls’ sports,” Kobach said.
What, she thought girls’ sports was totally fair and rational up to now?
Teenage girls? In sports? IN SCHOOL???
Some Christian father this guy is. If he were a true Bible-believer, washed in the blood of the lamb, all of his daughters would have been married to a man three times their ages, crapping out babies for JEEZ-us!
What other kind of women are there, apart from biological ones? Mechanical women? Digital women? Imaginary women?
I mean, yeah, I wouldn’t want to compete in sports against Arcee, Lara Croft and the goddess Artemis either.
And yet when it comes time to talk about funding women’s sports, somehow I’m guessing this guy is suddenly much less interested.
Won’t somebody think of the children! ..and how utterly humiliating, offputting, disturbing and toxic and, yeah, sexually assaulting this genital-inspecting is going to be for them?
Oh & “Dr” Roger Marshall, FYI, transwomen are born women.Its assigned male at birth NOT born FWIW.
So do the woke opponents of this law get nasty and demand to inspect the genitals of all the daughters of politicians who voted for this?
Good to know he’ll never “waiver” in his fight. Hate to think someone could opt out with a piece of paper…
Meanwhile, in North Carolina, a Republican state senator has zeroed in on another burning issue causing problems in kids’ sports– participation trophies. Yes, they’re trying to ban participation trophies.
I assume, since it’s a Republican-sponsored bill, that kids will still get some kind of certificate for passing the genital inspections.
No word yet on how this will affect all those Confederate monuments around the state.
@feralboy12 #8
Nice burn on the traitor monuments.
feralboy12 @8: the first thing that came to my mind was whether high school “letter jackets” would count as participation trophies. 8-)
I forget the scientific term, but there are a non-trivial number of women born with women’s bodies and identifying as women that nevertheless have an XY chromosome pair. They only lack an uterus, which they may not be aware of.
How is Kobach planning to deal with that? X-rays?
Akira MacKenzie @ 2
There was a prophet who married a girl when she was seven and first had sex with her before puberty.
So, not much time to spend time in school.
I’m still confused.
Who assigns this gender?
Assuming it’s some legal assignation, what is the legal process to contest it?
“Oh no no no, I’m not a pedophile. I’m a employee of the State of Kansas and I’m paid to inspect your teenage junk. All nice and legal.”
StevoR @ 5
They are thinking of the children, and that’s what makes it really fucking creepy.
@ #13 Drew
“Who assigns this gender?”
Generally, the doctor/midwife/whoever who delivers the baby, the first person who gets a peek between your legs.
“Assuming it’s some legal assignation, what is the legal process to contest it?”
There may not be any, depending on where you live. In Ireland it’s a very simple process. You fill in a form that might take you all of five minutes, get it notarized by a lawyer, then mail it to the relevant state office. It’s that easy.
A procedure like this is referred to as self-declaration. I.e., who determines my gender identity? I do. Who’s going to know better than I what it is? TERFs hate self-declaration. For one thing it recognizes the reality of transgenderism. It doesn’t give them any room to argue. And when I and I alone declare what I am, it doesn’t give them any room to argue. In their view it allows any man in the world to declare himself a woman. This demonstrates why self-declaration is necessary: why should trans people have to argue about what we are with eejits who haven’t got the first idea what we are?
Here’s a reversal. My oldest daughter graduated from a small, well-known college that is known for science, not sports.
She swam on both the swim team and the water polo team.
The men’s water polo team often had problems having enough members for a match, so they would have one or two of the stronger women players to play on the men’s team.
My daughter has a picture of herself scoring the winning point in one of the men’s matches.
I wonder how the right-wingers would react to that?
Why are they making such a big deal out of one of the smallest minorities? This law effects trans-female sports players. That’s a minority of a minority of a minority but apparently to the x-tian Reich, they are the reincarnation of Satan or something. Leave trans people alone FFS. They aren’t hurting anyone by being trans and they are a very vulnerable group.
It is worse than that.
This law only affects children!!!
If you can’t punch down on children, then who can you bully.
The inspections to be conducted by a genitalman named Chester.
Well, they’ve perfected a fine method of removing sports from schools.
@19 Raven
Thanks, I missed that one.
” In Kansas, we believe in science’ I laughed so hard I couldn’t read anymore.
A gay couple I know moved to Kansas for a job. They didn’t last eight months after being spit at several times.
@ Ray Ceeya 18
They are making such a big deal out of all of this because:
a) Trans people are a threat to patriarchal hierarchies. If assigned men can actually be women then men can lose their status, if assigned women can be men then men won’t have a class to oppress. It’s why these people are so invested in definitions of whiteness.
b) They’re running out of other groups to attack. So they’re just left with us
As I noted on the other threads – Coors is ‘Woke’ – they’ve been the primary sponsor of Denver’s PrideFest and parade for almost 20 years now.
@23. dangerousbeans : Except of course they still go after plenty of other groups – people of colour, the rest of the queer community (non-heteronormative people), women even still the Jooz! But yes, they’ve been particularly gettiung their panties ina wad over the trans people just fro being trans recently and yes, that’s a pretty reasonable analysis. These are simple binary-thinking people who find any ambiguity or complexity mentally and emotionally painful it seems. But of course we’re supposedly the snowflakes for not being like that, sseeing the full spectrum and basically not wanting to be toxic bullies in straight-jacketed, rigid, social roles.
@20. wzrd1 : “The inspections to be conducted by a genitalman named Chester.
Well, they’ve perfected a fine method of removing sports from schools.”
Or making many kids hate it even mor eand get bullied even mor ein the schools where it reamins compulsory. Surname The-Molester?
@15. michaelvieths : “They are thinking of the children, and that’s what makes it really fucking creepy.”
Follow the science? The science says that toddlers can know whether they are trans. Meeting meeting a trans person will NOT make you trans. The SCIENCE says that gender dysphoria is real. The SCIENCE says that gender-affirming surgery does NOT change your gender. Also, gender-affirming surgery can only be done on someone who can consent. Despite what “libs of tick tock” says.