This is true.
A new Minnesota law lets people 21 and over buy and consume food and beverages with a small amount of hemp-derived THC, but some legislators might not have fully understood the bill before passing it.
The new law says food and beverages cannot contain more than 5 milligrams of hemp-derived THC per serving and no more than 50 milligrams per package.
Although marijuana-derived THC is still illegal in Minnesota, THC derived from hemp is chemically the same. Marijuana and hemp come from the same cannabis plant, though the plants are bred differently, with marijuana plants high in THC and hemp plants very low in THC.
THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical that causes the high of marijuana.
They didn’t mean to. They didn’t understand the law they were voting on.
Minnesota state Sen. Jim Abeler, a Republican from Anoka, told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune he did not realize this law would allow THC-infused edibles of any kind and thought it would only apply to delta-8 THC products.
No takesie-backsies!
I heard they tried to repeal it and accidentally made possession of gummy bears a felony.
This is what happens when your elected representatives don’t read the laws they are voting on. AHEM PATRIOT ACT.
They got that POS passed before they realized it lets DHS spy on them too, not just the brown people. We can’t even get the congress critters to do the bare minimum.
Taking everything good back is pretty much the entire regressive Repubs deal at the moment so..
Wish that “No takesie-backsies!” was the actual rule but sadly ..
Off topic but protesters invaded the track at the start of the British F1 GP. Got removed and nobody hurt – despite a big crash at the start -unrelated to the protest again.
@2 Absolutely. Keep in mind the leading characteristics of Republicans is ignorance and stupidity. They were stupid 40 years ago and they are stupid today.
Moar stoopid:
Clarence Thomas:
Covid vaccines contain cells from aborted fetuses.
Republic “stupidity” works in their favor more often than not. Their success is rarely based on superior strategy*, but usually raw power and a supportive mob. Consider every nerd’s fantasy of outwitting the school bully. It might work 1/100 times, but it’s a category error to imagine you’re playing a game of wits.
*There is some effective strategy wrapped into it, such as FedSoc’s long game of producing SCOTUS justices from lab-grown embryos in the 1980s (I hate them for it, and yet I am still in awe). Also, Gingrich’s frontal assault in 1994 and the so-called Tea Party in 2010 were able to blindside Democrats. Still, these strategies don’t work without raw power and a supportive mob. If you can punch 10 times as often as your opponent, it really doesn’t matter if you’re only landing them 50% of the time and they’re landing them 85%.
me@8 Correction: ‘Republican “stupidity”‘ (I am a really terrible proofreader. I’ll let other typos stand.)
@ ^ PaulBC : You think you are bad at proof-reading? Hold my beer..
I don’t do it on purpose.I just really suck at typing.. & see what I think I’ve typed not what I actually have & could swear my computer changes letters round on me.. Sigh.
According to an article in today’s New York Times, the 2018 Farm Bill that legalized the growing of hemp, defined hemp as cannabis that is low In THC. They defined THC as delta-9 THC. This has led some to conclude that the delta-8 THC refined from legally grown hemp is federally legal. It is being marketed today without regulation and there have been public health warnings about problems with dosage and impurities, although it’s generally agreed that the delta-8 gives a gentler high. Let’s hope that the stupidity of legislatures is never declared a controlled substance. In my old age I depend on the amusement it provides.
Sounds kinda like deregulation, which Republicans NEVER oppose.
Raging Bee:
No extra taxes on it either. They’ve got to be thrilled with that.
We just need to finish the job for all forms of cannabis. It’s got to be a free market, where the government isn’t picking winners and losers.
The issue is that, since they can’t read, we need to find other ways to communicate these things to them, like simple drawings of stick figures, rude hand gestures, inchoate snarls, and so forth.
@13 consciousness razor
We’re getting close here on the west coast. Oregon, Washington and California are negotiating export taxes and laws. It’s already legal in all three states but Oregon is overproducing like crazy. We’re looking for an outlet. Shipping across state lines would help a lot. We’ve got the perfect climate here and lots of water. I’ve seen Afghani strains In the high desert grow as tall as trees. Once you get that taproot down deep enough the shallow water table does all the work for you.
A republican have a successful brain scan by swallowing a camera…
Gotta love the pregnancy view via swallowed camera, about as stupid as getting a colonoscopy by taking a drug.
So, does he also take a drug to snap publicity photos and simply is blacked out and can’t remember a camera being present?
As for bum laws like this, it comes from a habit I’ve been quite alarmed about for quite some time. Lobbyists hand the useful idiot a bill that’s already written, usually the lobbyist is smart enough to change names/state/sponsors, etc first. Idiot then, unread, pushes the bill in as original work, idiocy continues as nobody reads the fucking things, so they really don’t know what they’re pushing through into law.
It’s quite likely one could use that process, were one a high enough powered lobbyist, to insert a bill that authorizes the summary execution of every member of the legislature at the end of their session for the year.
And I’m quite certain many a governor who actually does read the bills on his or her desk would happily sign it into law…
Side note: For decades, if one needed hemp fiber in the US, it had to be imported from Canada, as even low THC (as in microscopic traces only of THC) hemp was illegal to grow in the US. Gotta avoid that reefer madness!
Which made quite a few businesses lose out over the decades, as the fiber is incredibly useful, as is CBD oil.
As for what people smoke recreationally or medicinally, I don’t care, as long as I’m upwind. I’m badly allergic to the smoke. As in the only known cause of asthma attacks that I am aware of for me. :/
That’s exactly right. I watched a documentary once, about that exact thing, only it was about gambling and oil industry and very successful deregulation of those. The thing that stuck with me forever is “Very often, precision doesn’t equal clarity”. They didn’t even need a campaign or anything like that.
They would put something like “Section 123, paragraph c, subsection dcaf of hospitality act of 1929 is being amended to say insert complicated legalese here/ is being struck down” in otherwise unrelated bills. Sometimes a dozen or two dozen times.
Nobody read that, nobody cared but the end result was something like “Any hotel in Vegas can now have a roulette wheel and doesn’t need to register as a casino” or similar shit like that. It was VERY successful environmental protections gutting campaign in local legislature. I can’t remember the name of the lawyer but it got me very inspired to try the similar thing in my country.
Cory Doctorow also has an article about something similar, about how to corrupt laws and regulations and make them very not transparent.
Lets say that you are a local lawmaker. You need to regulate something that you have no idea about. That something can be anything. Getting a plumber’s certification, building code, fire code… Anything. You’re a politician, you have no idea how a certified plumber looks like or should look like.
So you go to professionals for it. There exists a private organization, a local or state or federal association of plumbers or fire inspectors or building inspectors. Professionals who know what they are doing or so you think. That association might already be certifying plumbers or fire safety buildings/inspectors. What is important here is they have a huge book of rules, of organization bylaws or some other form of things members have to obey. Lets call that organization PLBC, Plumbers Learning Book Corporation.
So, because you don’t know anything about that, you just write in the law a single sentence: All new plumbers will be certified according to newest edition of PLBC rulebook, sections 2 to 8.
Sounds quite precise, right? And it is quite precise. The issue here is that PLBC rulebook is not publicly available. In fact, you’ll need to pay PLBC 2000$ a year as a membership fee and another 500$ to get current version of the rulebook. And they get a new version out every six months.
Laws must be transparent. And the above sh*t undermines democracy big time.
@ wzrd1, # 15: “As for what people smoke recreationally or medicinally, I don’t care, as long as I’m upwind. I’m badly allergic to the smoke. As in the only known cause of asthma attacks that I am aware of for me.”
Have you tried the THC edibles?
@PZ: They’re also good for managing back pain, and I think they’re legal in Minnesota now.
My advice for PZ and all MN people, as a resident of a state with full legal pot, is to stock up on Wyld elderberry gummies before this loophole closes. (Although TBH I doubt they’ll be able to close it.)
Those are best for sleep, and are also good for – as others have noted – aches and pains. They even help you sleep through the night without having to get up and pee. (If they did nothing else, that would be worth the price!)
Note – the ones you can buy online don’t have THC. For THC gummies, you have to buy them locally in legal states.
Our small county – 260K population – county saw $2 MM in tax revenues just from pot last year.