Awww. Mythicist Milwaukee got their Twitter account suspended, so they’re trying to take legal action to get reinstated. They’ve start a fundraiser that allows…well, I’ll let Thomas Smith explain it.
I like the Pray Now
button. If I were to visit that site (I won’t), I’d click the Pray Now
button for them.
By the way, as someone who has had to deal with lawyers before, a $2500 goal is paltry.
$2500 for a lawyer.
What is pissing on an erupting volcano, Alex?
Grand prize winner!
$2500 won’t even get a court filing.
Do they have a thoughts button. There are a few I’d like to share with them.
Plus, they’ve raised a grand total of $77. Probably everyone is clicking that prayers button in lieu of donating.
Can you even afford to self-represent for $2500?
I like the oblique reference to Pharyngulation.
(Those were the days!)
@2: Same here.
I’m sure there’s lawyers who might want to be paid in Bitcoin, but I’ve never heard of one who expected to be paid in thoughts and prayers.
I forgot Mythicist Milwaukee existed, despite being somewhat interested in mythicism vs. historicism. I guess they’re has-beens now?
I went to what I think was the first Mythicist Milwaukee conference, and it wasn’t bad; but it was nowhere near what the first Skepticon that I attended was (IIRC the second, but the first actually called Skepticon). This was before Richard Carrier showed us what he is, and he gave a pretty good talk that had some actual history in it. The rest was kind of boring. I’ve never been to another, and I gather that they’ve really gone downhill.
He never actually hid that he was (and is) a creepy, narcissistic crank – it’s just that because he presented himself as a “super-atheist” (“Don’t believe there’s a God? Huh – I don’t even believe there was a Jesus!”), a lot of people refused to see it.
I might be willing to donate natural fertilizers, if lord Sterculius permits it.
I’m not going to test this guess, but maybe they’re trying to have a “pay now” button disguised as a “pray now” button? I mean, that wouldn’t exactly be a new level of silliness…
Prayers have been wonderfully effective at stopping mass shootings, so I’m sure they’ll work miraculously here.
@ 11. birgerjohansson : Sterculius? Huh.
Huh and thats where the plant family (Sterculioideae that includes the Brachychiton “bottle trees”) comes from.. What a shit god.
@StevoR, well, I’ve been well endowed and blessed by the Lord Crepitus.
All hail and worship the mighty flatus, clearer of rooms! Hopefully, while holding one’s breath and nose…
Shouldn’t there be a “Thoughts” button as well as a Prayers one?