My last video was edited in such a way that you could only see hints of what I was wearing, and some people were curious. It’s winter, so I was wearing a sweater, and it’s the holiday season, so of course it was a Christmas sweater, and I’m an atheist, so I don’t worship Jesus, so instead it celebrates my Lord and Savior, Darth Vader.
I know you’re envious and want one of your own, but don’t ask me where I got it, I forget.
It is hard to understand the minds of these irrational religious crackpots:
from doonesbury saywhat 20220110
“Why do we think that we can create something better than God in terms of combating disease?”
— Sen. Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson to run for Senate again after promising to limit himself to two terms
By Josh Israel – January 10, 2022 9:17 AM
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel once dubbed Johnson Wisconsin’s “most irresponsible representative” since Joseph McCarthy
The only mask that Donald Trump would wear is a Darth Vader mask. The red sweater also makes me uncomfortable, being too similar to the matching MAGA hat. Get rid of it, Dr. Myers.
I want to get a Cthulhu ugly sweater so I can freak out my relatives during the holidays.
shermanj @ 1
Hey! Senator, you want to know what IS better than “natural immunity?” COVID-19! And, according to your ridiculous theology (Whoops! Tautology!), your Gawd supposedly created that too. If your deity exists, then it’s a murderous Lovecraftian monster whose will we mere mortals with our science, masks, vaccines, and “big government” public health mandates should be all too happy to thwart.
Take your Christian nonsense (Sorry, another redundancy.) and shove it.
And he’ll handily win re-election because the rural knuckle draggers and the white flight refugees in the Milwaukee and Madison suburbs are better organized than any left-leaning candidate.
If anyone wants that sweater, it’s sold by the Bezos Empire; a google image search for “Darth sweater” brings it right up.
I have only seen the first one,and that was on TV.To be brutal,I thought it was a load of crap.
to 3 Akira MacKenzie,
I Always enjoy your additions to the discussion.
pop-quiz – Which is worse:
A) Capitalism
B) Religion
trick question – the answer should be
C) both of the above are equally destructive
@ 3
Don’t disagree, but I finding too much of the Left only wants to fight A, but think talking about B is a “culture war distraction.” Hell, I was told by a PoC leftist who claimed to be a “pagan” that atheists were “mediocre white boys.”
Edit: Whoops That last was directed toward 6.
Most of the time I write these, I’m sneaking them in between calls during work, so I don’t get to copy edit as much as I should… that is to say, at all.
A representative from Alabama, I think he is named Mo Brooks was cheering on the rioters while his colleagues were fearing for their lives.
I suppose Mr Brooks was applying old-testament morals to the event.
Or maybe he is related to the serial killer Mr Brooks, In the film with Kevin Costner.
OT again.
David Wood made some comments about (strawwman) atheism in a youtube video comment about the immorality of Muhammed related to M having sex with a nine year old child bride.
Unlike Ken Ham, Wood seems to be intellectually honest in the videos I have watched, he seems to genuinely think the slymepit atheists are representative.
Anyway, here is the video.
When it comes to the racist ideas and immoral practices of the Founding Fathers (Jefferson impregnated a 14-year-old slave girl), we’re told not to judge them through a “21st Century lens.”
That obviously goes right out the window for Muhammad despite the fact that he lived 1100 years before the Founding Fathers and in a very different culture. I wonder how they square that circle.
Just remember: If you actually analyze the first SW trilogy (and the three prequel films that we do not mention because Reasons) using the actual framework put forth by Joseph Campbell as “the hero’s journey”*, Anakin Skywalker is the hero. He’s the only character who actually achieves redemption.
Which, one should add, is a borderline-nonsense distillation of highly selected works that don’t come anywhere close to resembling a valid sample — the anthropological/literary analog of p-hacking.