Look at that smiling white man and his bag of killing tools!
In other messages sent the following day – while Pelosi and Bowser were making public remarks about the riot – Meredith texted, “I may wander over to the Mayor’s office and put a 5.56 in her skull, FKG c***.” Meredith then sent a similar text about Pelosi, saying he was, “Thinking about heading over to Pelosi C****’s speech and putting a bullet in her noggin on Live TV.”
His defense was to claim he didn’t really mean it.
Meredith addressed the judge near the end of the hearing, saying he’d had “no intention” to act on his messages. He described them as “political hyperbole that was too hyper.” He apologized to Pelosi and to his family and was audibly tearful as he asked to be able to go home.
Right. He just packed up a pistol, a rifle and 2,500 rounds of ammunition in his truck, and drove more than halfway across the country, from Colorado to Washington DC, to commit an act of hyperbole. The judge sentence him to 28 months in prison. I don’t know if that was sufficient, but at least it may have slapped him into a brief awareness of his own madness. Brief. Because then he made the usual excuse:
Meredith says he apologizes to Speaker Pelosi, his sons. "I'm very embarrassed by this whole situation. It's not who I am."
Meredith is crying as he speaks
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) December 14, 2021
That’s not who I am,
boo hoo. It was exactly who you are. He’s a grown man, 53 years old, and he was blustering misogynistic bullying abuse about murdering people, and he drove off giggling about the prospect.
Did they take away his guns too? Did they ban him from ever owning a weapon again? 28 months won’t mean shit if two and a half years from he comes out, raids his cache and goes on a shooting spree anyway.
Cowardice aside, the one thing that everyone—the MSM, the administration, the Democrats— is missing is that the mainstream right is now willing to commit acts of violence to achieve their ends. Even though we have groups planning the next Jan 6 and Red State governments openly defying the federal government, Biden and Co. does nothing to stop this terrorist threat.
If they were serious, we’d wouldn’t be hearing this clown’s whining at all.
It’s who he is now.
the mainstream right is now willing to commit acts of violence to achieve their ends
They always have been. Back to before 1776.
@1 he got a slap on the wrist- my understanding (IANAL) “sending threatening communications” isn’t a felony – conspiracy to commit murder is – the former wouldn’t ban firearm ownership- the latter would
Coming to your neighborhood? The fraud squad arm of Volunteers for Trumps Army of Pinheaded Berks is puffed up, flexing, and ready to investigate all them lefties one by one.
The spirit of Jan-6 is oozing in all directions.
Re: Ray Ceeya @ #1…
I don’t know about Federal law, but part of the distinction in California between a misdemeanor and a felony is that the former can’t have a sentence longer than a year. So with a 28 month sentence, it should be a felony and if it is, that should bar him from ever–legally–owning a gun again. It’s why I want to see as many of these yahoos as possible get felony convictions.
At least he didn’t say “it was satire” and try to turn it into a freeze peach thing.
What if there’s some type of QAnon brainwashing machine that sends out hypno-waves that middle-aged white men are particularly vulnerable to?
Maybe there should be ads on TV saying “It’s 11 o’clock, do you know where your middle-aged white man is?” We need more compassion to the needs of middle-aged white guys with homicidal fantasies that aren’t of their own mind.
In addition to amber and silver alerts, maybe have white alert B.O.L.O.s for crusty geezers last seen watching Fox News.
The US of A is one big (too big) sick puppy.
It should be euthanized.
His lawyer tried to argue that because one of his hate-threats ended with “LOL”, he was only joking.
@8 He might have been doing it ironically .
He even had some armour piecing rounds .see the way he has taped two mags together ,nice touch .
While we are on the subject of batshitcrazy wackaloons that david barton claims that amuricans have to right
to own a nuclear weapon
Severe weather warning: strong thunderstorms and possible tornadoes in MN in December?
Inspired bt T****: can we nuke those storms before they get dangerous?
If we shoot enough rounds into the storm, it should alter the energy that is powering the weather. And If conventional munitions cannot do it…
@PZ I guess reading does open up a whole new world ;)
@13 who would have thought…?
Y’know, back under G. W. Bush, with full support from the Usual Gang of Centrist Idiots, there were laws passed which permitted the government to declare groups terrorists for infractions far smaller than the Trump administration committed, and also to immediately freeze the assets of anybody who backed any terrorist organization. Obviously those laws were meant to be employed on Muslims and left-wing activists like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter, but the language is such — and the Supreme Court precedents when people tried to challenge the legality of these measures are such — that Biden could, with perfect justification, just declare Team Trump terrorist, and shut down the big Republican donors and send them all off to Gitmo, and there would be very little which could actually be done about it, because it has been established that the Supreme Court thinks that nobody has standing to challenge those decisions.
Vicar, your wishful thinking regarding one side being just as bad as the other is on display.
@The Vicar and John Morales
I don’t believe that a (up until recently) Political party falls under the scope of the anti-terrorism statutes. However many organizations under the ‘alt right’ banner should- proud boys, neo-Nazis and other groups and ‘militias’ that did acts that could only be called acts of terrorism – like driving a car into a crowd of protestors at the ‘unite the right’ rally in Charleston, or conspiring to kidnap/murder the governor of Michigan, or storming the capitol – causing congress to literally flee in terror from the mom and their chants of “hang Mike Pence”–someone(s) weaponized ‘tea-party’ style conservatism and white nationalist type organizations – I hope those someones get held accountable – It saddens me that I believe my hopes are unrealistic
mob not “mom” above
Biden and Co. does nothing to stop this terrorist threat.
What exactly would you have them do?
@18 None of that is true.
In related news, the flying spaghetti monster gets a mention: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/17/judge-lack-charges-trump-jan-6-525277