You may look on this cartoon as an example of a scientific catastrophe.
A real scientist, though, would know that this is a strong, positive outcome, one that was already enumerated in their grant proposal. No answer is a wrong answer! Every outcome is grist for the mill that is the scientific method!
I, for example, might have this as a potential, if unlikely, outcome of my lab work.
That result would be awesome.
YAY! DAZ3D for the win!
If you have read R. Howard’s novels about Johannes Cabal, necromancer, you will recall that he was best friends with an eight-legged human/spider demon lady.
(She was really useful to have around when going up against elder gods and other riffraff.
The Catholic Church, on the other hand, was mostly in the way.)
Moar science in action:
“New airflow videos show why masks with exhalation valves do not slow the spread of COVID”
Important to remember. The most comfortable masks do not protect other people.
Just want to say that the first example of a scientific catastrophe was the premise of an actual movie called Piranha 2: The Spawning.
@ 3 birgerjohansson
Thanks, I was looking for something like that.
Perhaps your work would be helped if you gave up on all this atheism stuff and build an altar to Lloth or Atlach-Nacha in you lab. Pascal’s Wager and all that…