It’s a spider abdomen, but not the whole spider, so I hope it’s OK. I just love the muted but intricate pattern — spiders have a lot of style, you know.
Anyway, I threw another volley of spider photos on Patreon and Instagram and iNaturalist, if you want more context.
Have you reported on yet?
I have to wonder what these patterns mean to other spiders. Do they serve as attractors, warnings, or what? Are they just random markings that have no special purpose?
That is pretty . It looks like an ancient mosaic……..I still hate spiders ;)
The mildly deranged penguin says that’s a chain of TMAs.
Thanks for the pics! Spiders are beautiful!
I’m guessing that’s a parasteatoda, but I still tend to confuse them with steatoda triangulosa. Am I right? : )
Most likely Theridion.
@ PZ, # 7: Thanks! Apparently I still don’t know everything.