A meteor blew up in the atmosphere off the coast of Washington state back in March, and today the EV Nautilus is going to poke around, looking for meteorite fragments, and the search will be streamed live.
My brother lives just south of meteorite field. I should nag him to get off his lazy butt, get in his boat, and go dive for a few fragments for me. They don’t say how deep the Pacific is at the site, but I’m sure he can just rig up a magnet on a long stick and grab a few.
At least I’ll put up the video stream in the background this morning.
Per the article in the Seattle Times, about 400 feet and relatively flat.
Using the maps in the article in the OP, that means this alleged brother lives in — or perhaps under — the ocean. Has poopyhead just hinted at the location of one of his secret undersea lairs? If so, then this supposed “bolide” was probably a (presumably landing) shuttlecraft which ran into difficulties. The EV Nautilus will probably find some decoy “meteorite fragments”, presumably planted far away from the lair.
Of course, this could be an deliberate “hint”, presumably to distract, or to test something using the Nautilus as a guinea pig. The twisty workings of the minds of those with undersea lairs are difficult to fathom!
The mildly deranged penguin says the explanation is much simpler: It was a podlide — a spaceship (pod) full of peas which exploded in the manner of a bolide, albeit deliberately, to scatter the peas. So if the Nautilus does find anything, there are likely to be screams as the crew dives overboard to get away from the rampaging peas, leaving the Nautilus to drift, Mary Celeste-like.
The mildly deranged penguin is stocking up on fromages et vins in preparation of a live-streamed “The Great Pea Rebellion”.
Tried my hand at this once. Thought I found a nice rock, but it wasn’t a rock. It was a rock lobster.
Bronze Dog — Too much B-52s?
So…66.6 fathoms deep? That isn’t ominous at all.
I’ll tell my brother to cut a nice long stick.
It’s probably a stony meteorite, so magnet or metal detector won’t do any good.
I’m an ex-geologist,n ow a science teacher. If my last 2 fishing trips are any indication, I would catch almost anything instead of rocks.
So…66.6 fathoms deep?
Many a year ago, on a mailing list devoted to Old English we had flurry of these, sadly all made up: things like the Body Temperature of the Beast, co-incidentaly 66.6—and C rather than F (or K); the ISBN of the Beast, 666-6-667-666666-6 and so forth.
I’ve never fished for rocks, but they sure have taken a bunch of my gear. Any way to call dibs on any lures they might find and un-snag?
Thanks for the stream link, PZ. Frags or no, I’m sure there’ll be interesting things to see.
If it’s just like fishing for rocks, is it just like it was raining rocks?
You know, rock-showers can be pretty exciting.
The readers’s comments at both The Seattle Times article cited in the OP, and the original article on the bolide (Fireball off the Washington coast was likely a meteor) cited in that article, range from the spot-on to the humorous (“It was Bigfoot”), to the utterly loony (military going-ons, conspiracy ( ), and physics loons).
Also, I’d like to thank The Seattle Times for not being utter arseholes about the EU’s GDPR, unlike say, The LA Times (LA Times among US-based news sites blocking EU users due to GDPR), who are too clewless to understand anything about GDPR, and continued to be clewless for the two(-ish) years leading up to the start to actually bother to prepare).
The search may have found something, Preliminary Findings from the Nautilus Meteorite Hunt: