Busy yesterday, busier today

Yesterday, I spent most of the day giving Petersonian advice to old fossils in the Republican party (“stand up straight, throw your shoulders back”). Oh, wait, no, that’s unkind to old fossils — I got to Washington DC, and somehow made a beeline for the natural history museum and had a fine afternoon looking over the exhibits. That’s better.

Today, very shortly in fact, I’m heading off to #SSJCON, which is going to be streamed live in case you couldn’t make it.

So I guess I’m going to be hanging out all day with SJWS, or, more accurately, Atheists Who Advocate More For Accomplishing Greatness With Reason And Science Than Insisting That Atheism Means Nothing Other Than Feeling Smarter Than Theists AWAMFAGWRASTIAMNOTFSTTs.

OK, I guess SJW is shorter and punchier, but I don’t know how to pronounce either one.


  1. consciousness razor says

    Have fun storming the castle!

    The “advocate more for [bleh] than insisting that [blah]” formulation says they merely don’t do the latter as much as they do the former, but it would be counterproductive at best to attempt both.

  2. jrkrideau says

    That skeleton looks considerably more intelligent than most Republican lawmakers.

  3. jacksprocket says

    Eschew should be near enough. Unless you want to draw on Swedish heritage, in which case it’s something between shove and hwuv.

  4. says

    “SJW” is pronounced “decent human being”. And I propose “AWAMFAGWRASTIAMNOTFSTT” be pronounced “not asshole”.

  5. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    I’m heading off to #SSJCON, which is going to be streamed live in case you couldn’t make it.

    Tweet: Trav Mamone

    For those at home, I just got word from [Josiah BibleName] that #SSJCon is unable to get the live stream working, but they hope to have videos posted soon.

  6. billyjoe says

    Well, seems it’s okay to “punch down” provided you are joking, and actually referring to something else. I mean, I think it’s okay…well, to a degree, and done in a good-natured manner (which is always hard to judge from words on a page, but I’m sure that’s what PZ intended), but I’m surprised no one else has yet objected. I’m pretty sure I’d be lying under a ton of bricks by now.


    Also, what Is a “social justice warrior” as opposed to a “social justice activist” or a “social justice advocate”? I would see myself as an “advocate”. And, to some extent, an “activist”, in that I would actively support someone who was being discriminated against and actively support laws providing equal opportunity, such as Marriage Equality; and affirmative action in selected cases of longstanding ingrained discrimination. But a “warrior”?

    I’m not sure if I could be a “warrior”. Depending on what exactly was meant by “warrior”, It could tend to put people offside. On the other hand, it could work to get laws changed faster than relying on just advocacy and activism. It forces the issue into public awareness thereby forcing politicians to do something. Now. Is that the idea? If so, I would see “warriors” as being a necessary component of change (after all it took a civil war to end slavery). On the other hand we need advocates and activists as well, so it depends how the warriors approach their task (MLK but maybe not Malcom X?)

  7. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Well, seems it’s okay to “punch down” provided you are joking,

    Provided WE think you are joking. “I don’t think so Tim.” Don’t punch down ever.
    Quit the petty criticizing of individuals. Show you are mature and can shut the fuck up maturely if challenged.
    Try going away for a week. If you can’t, you show us your lack of character. My expectations are you can’t go away….

  8. John Morales says


    Also, what Is a “social justice warrior” as opposed to a “social justice activist” or a “social justice advocate”?

    A pejorative shibboleth being sardonically reclaimed.


    Are you sure that all of the attendees are atheists?

    Why should they be? It’s explicitly about secularism, not atheism.

  9. colinday says

    @John Morales

    Why should they be? It’s explicitly about secularism, not atheism.

    OK, but then why did PZ state it that way?

  10. billyjoe says


    Who did I criticise?

    And I don’t “punch down”, I thought I made that clear. Perhaps don’t assume.
    And I asked a reasonable question but it seems you prefer to punch up/down/across.
    And still waiting for your apology – Maroon has self-identified as the person who corrected your misinterpretation of what I said.

  11. billmcd says


    Pronounced just like it’s spelled. ‘Ah-WAMPH-ahg-RAWS-shum-notfs-TS’. Pretty simple, really. ;)

  12. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    BJ, still waiting for you to stop being an asshole, pretend know-it-all, and general tone/concern troll. I’m not holding my breath.
    Killfile time for trolls.

  13. kevinalexander says

    Why is it always ‘walking upright’ that gets the credit? You can teach a dog to do that. Shouldn’t it be ‘running upright’ that gets the evolutionary credit? In a world full of lions and no trees to climb, that would be more useful.

  14. billyjoe says


    Ironically, I was simply asking a question…in order to expand my knowledge base and understanding.

    BTW, still waiting for you to admit your mistrribution error in the other thread.
    But I’m “no holding my breath” :)