This girl is my new hero.
Kids telling Infowars they're fucking idiots is my favorite kind of content
— Wild Geerters (@classiclib3ral) September 7, 2017
That is the only appropriate response to anyone from Infowars.
(Oh, wait, no heroes. I admire this girl’s spunk. Is that better?)
OK that just made my day.
I think the only thing that would have improved that was, after he indignantly asked her where she learned such language, if she’d replied, “None of your damn business. I don’t have to justify myself to you.”
Amazing. And the immediate leap to tone trolling was just perfect.
Nice play on “Geert Wilders”.
:falls over laughing: A kid after my own heart.
Also, good job, Mom!
Why did he ask her “How are you young man?” Maybe that contributed to her response. Though anyone working for InfoWars deserves that treatment every time.
“Oh my gosh!”
For me, that’s the funniest thing here. Who does the “fucking idiot” think he is, Eleanor Roosevelt?
Seriously, though, who is the fucking idiot? I thought Infowars was just AJ, a desk, and a webcam; there really are more of Them?
I love the way he tried to tone-troll her then fell to clutching his pearls, “oh my gosh!!”
Right there, we see the entire dynamic between her being “uppity” and a man feeling “emasculated” except that he did it to himself. It was his bad rhetorical strategy that resulted in a kid handing him his ass.
ahcuah @2:
Given that it’s Infowars, I would have preferred a responses like: “the Illuminati and the Reptilians taught me while I was sacrificing babies at the Bohemian Grove.” But that may be asking too much — that’s probably more than a kid should know about the weirdness that is Alex Jones.
I guess the patronizing SOB was expecting her to wilt and recant. I like her. I like her mother. I despise that sack of shit doing the Watters’ World two-step.
ma goodness, such language. I’m getting the vapors!
I love the way he’s a total dick to her right off the bat and then think he deserves respect and polite language.
What a fucking idiot.
Presumably the video was captured by infowars themselves. And they then went on to putting it up on the web? They see this as a win for themselves?
nomadiq wrote:
Yep. They’re writing it up as the crass and depraved left teaching kids bad words. Yet, a mother teaching a kid a bad word is nothing compared to Alex Jones claiming that those who lost their kids in the Sandy Hook shooting were actors and their kids never actually existed. So, teach your kids all the swears; you’ll never even come close to being as repugnant as Alex Jones.
ck, the Irate Lump @15
Yeah, I’ve noticed that a lot of conservatives say really nasty, heinous shit about people, but try to put up this flimsy pretense of wholesomeness by not swearing and feigning outrage when people rightly call them shitheads.
of course do as I say not as I do!
uncle frogy
I feel sorry for the children of the pearl-clutchers who responded by saying they would punish their kids if they behaved this way. One said children should communicate with “dignity and respect.” This IS dignity and respect. She had dignity in the face of a bully and respect for the whole goddamn human race by refusing to put up with this shit.
emergence wrote:
Yeah. Wielding etiquette, politeness and tone has been a weapon of the already powerful for a very long time, and it’s a lousy substitute for actual kindness. I’ll take an impolite, but kind person who likes to swear over the alternative. The fact is that people can quite easily spew venom without using “bad words” or being overtly impolite. Cruelty is far worse than using the wrong words and demeanor.
I kinda wish she had phrased it as: “Yeah, my mom said ‘Oh god, it’s those fucking idiots who have the gall to claim that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax with actors’.”