I’m flying off this afternoon to lovely Springfield, Missouri for Skepticon. I’m taking a break from distressed students to go hang out with distressed atheists and humanists. It’ll be good for me.
I’ll be teaching a workshop on explaining evolution to people who don’t understand it at all tomorrow, which might be fun. I hope. I’ve got a little bit of an outline of major points I’ll be telling attendees, but mainly I’m going to provide some challenging questions and making the participants do all the work. Yeah, that’ll draw them in — come to my workshop, I’ll make you do everything!
I suspect that there might also be spontaneous outbursts of planning and activism, since it’s that kind of crowd.
I also have dinosaur stickers to give away. I might end up giving them all away on the first day, so hit me up early if you want something decorative for your badge.
Not dinosaurs, but at least the start of evolution
“On the origin of life: Studying how the first biomolecule self-replicated” http://phys.org/news/2016-11-life-biomolecule-self-replicated.html
Enjoy yourself in Springfield.
Oh, that sounds so nice, enjoy yourself, PZ! I could really use such a retreat, wish I could be there.
If you & the participants get bored, you could always go to a nearby Creation Museum, for some fun facts on evolution.
Ooh ooh, I want a sticker!!!
I cannot recommend Brick and Mortar coffee highly enough. Truly a world class coffee experience. One of the best roasts I’ve encountered (I live in Philadelphia and routinely fuel up on Reanimator, Stumptown, Ultimo and Rival Brothers).
Jesus Christ, I need a vacation too?