Some organizations get it

Atheist Alliance International carried out a census, and discovered that their members 73% men…and most remarkably, they thought that was a problem! So instead of making excuses about how this was simply the natural order of things, they’ve released a report with recommendations for improving the gender balance.

< Atheist Alliance International has released a report on Gender Imbalance in the atheist community, its sources, and its possible responses and solutions.

Gender imbalance in the atheist / humanist community has been noted for many years, including in AAI’s own Atheist Census project. AAI has determined this gender imbalance to be a problem in our community, rooted in centuries-old patriarchal systems and promoted and defended by many of the world’s religions.

In today’s modernist world with recognized human rights for women as outlined in the UN’s Convention on Women’s Rights, AAI believes that gender imbalance, both in our own communities as well as in the general populace, is an important issue for atheists to embrace and work to overcome as part of our responsibility to our humanity.

The report has been added to AAI’s Position Statements webpage and can be read there.

I just read it — it’s short, just 9 pages — and I can tell that a few people are going to be furious. Yay!


  1. says

    [T]heir members 73% men…and most remarkably, they thought that was a problem!
    I can tell that a few people are going to be furious.

    If they are furious and they leave AAI, won’t that reduce the imbalance?

  2. kkehno says

    I was thinking of not supporting them anymore after they posted ‘dawkings was kicked out of skeptic convention with no reason’ and did not made their own view clear of the issue. Maybe i should reconsider?

  3. The Other Lance says

    Gadzooks… Gotta read the report in Adobe Flash? That’s nasty. What’s wrong with a PDF?

    Good report, and yeah, it’s going to piss some people off, which is a very good thing.