James Theodore Stillwell III is very angry. He’s angry at feminists.
Every male feminist I have ever met never grew into manhood. They are self loathing lackeys of the female fascists. They ask the childish question "mother may I?". Feminism is in many ways like Christianity. Christianity teaches that man is a no good dirty rotton "sinner". Feminism labels men –rapists and teaches that white males are guilty of "white privilege". Both Puritanism and feminism invent concepts of sin to control and gain power over others. Feminism is a slave ethic designed to control their opponents with "bad conscience". Also, like Christianity Feminism is an inversion of Master Morality. That is a way for the slave and herd like animal to attempt to gain power over the strong. It is itself a product of resentment. The moral Nihilist is immune to feminism.
He’s also angry because some people unfriended him on facebook over his rather regressive views. Is that still a thing? Do people really get pissy over this facebook unfriending thing?
Ha ha. So my last post was a critique of feminism and 3 people decided to unfriend me because of it. It just goes to show how clickish, cult like, and religious feminism is. Its yet another religion which cannot withstand skeptical inqiery or critique. Good reddance to the dogmatic. Let’s see how many more have no courage for the forbidden. I have well over 2000 friends, does any one really think I care if 3 or more dipshits decide to walk?
He’s a very silly man, and I wouldn’t mention this except that there is something I would ‘unfriend’ him over, if I had been his facebook friend in the first place: his page proudly announces that he’s a professor of philosophy at the University of …
What was that? I couldn’t hear you.
The University of φιλοσοφία Online.
Speak up! Louder!
The University of φιλοσοφία Online.
That’s the University of “Philosophia” in Greek letters, if you couldn’t tell. And the University of φιλοσοφία Online is just a facebook page that he created.
You know, I thought Kent Hovind had sunk pretty low, buying a Ph.D. from a church in Colorado. David Abel’s Department of ProtoBioCybernetics and ProtoBioSemiotics at the Origin of Life Science Foundation was amusing. But this is a new one on me, declaring a facebook page to be a university and appointing himself professor. Is he also the chair of the Philosophy Department, I wonder? It’s the president of the university that gets paid the big money, if he’d like to know…or better yet, the football coach.
Hey, guy, maybe some of the people unfriended you not because you’re a raving anti-feminist (although that is a pretty good reason), but because you’re a phony.
1) Facebook doesn’t tell you when people unfriend you. So unless he keeps looking at the total number or keeps checking on everyone, he has no idea.
2) He’s trying to be both a nihilist and a fascist at the same time. Hint: those are mutually exclusive.
Good grief, what a tool.
Good reddance to the clickish!
Please! He’s not a phony!
He’s a φωνι. Totally different.
Doesn’t anyone think he cares? Well, since he wrote about it, and rather peevishly, I for one do think he cares. A lot. Otherwise he’d shrug and not mention it.
Looks like Christina Hoff Summers can add The University of φιλοσοφία Online to her list of impressive places that she can teach, like Prager University.
It’s nice to see his shitty opinions being challenged in the comments of that FB post.
I always find it interesting that people like this that think that X allows the ‘weak’ to bell the ‘strong’ seem to think they’d be among the elite if it wasn’t for things like Feminism and Christianity holding them back and preventing society from recognizing their virtue.
David, the FB Purity browser plugin that I use for other reasons regarding intrusions on FB that I don’t like also happens to tell me if somebody is no longer in my Friends list, although it points out when it does so that unfriending might not be the only reason for that to happen e,.g. a bunch of my performer friends who had amusing pseudonyms on FB have had their accounts suspended (mostly temporarily) over the FB “real name” policy, and whenever that happens I get an FB purity notification that they’re gone. So one doesn’t necessarily have to be obsessively monitoring in order to know that it’s happening.
My first instinct is to show this douchecanoe all about manhood by hitting him a whole lot of times in the head… which just shows the level of depravity of the version of manhood many of us absorbed growing up, and how worthless it really is. It isn’t like hitting him would change his mind, or prove that I’m more of a man than he is. He’d walk away even more convinced of his victimhood, and I’d wind up in jail. Instead, I’m happy to let his words and mine both do the talking, and I’m sure everyone who matters will know who the better person is at the end of it.
He’s a nihilist, which grants him immunity from such things, along with a +3 saving throw vs. reality and all spells which are not in the illusion school.
So, yeah, sure, he believes he’s the chair and that he’s a piece of furniture that you sit on, and you’re not supposed to believe what he says, according to him.
And he’s a Max Stirner fanboy.
Here’s Max Stirner: “Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property.”
Funny how a character who quotes Stirner pretends feminism is a “slave ethic” . Weapons grade projection.
Ah. Yes. Just as I am guilty of guitar, my partner is guilty of car, my eldest is guilty of athleticism, my youngest is guilty of stuffed animals, and my cats are guilty of cute.
Almost by definition.
(You know I have to say it…)
Nihilists…fuuuck me.
“You’re a nihilist?”
I love Nihilists.
No… wait. I love Nihilist Arby’s.
His politics disgust me, his pompousness amuses me, but what really irks me is that he capitalizes “University” and “Online” but not “φιλοσοφία.”
I’ll have you all know that I am the Head Bartender of the student pub at Wossamotta U.
Women are totally the fascist overlords. How else do you explain that they all have public Facebook accounts where oppressed white males like this guy have to hide behind privacy settings?
Oh wait.
Another one for the “hyper-rational misogynist double-fisted-philo-wanker” list. What, precisely, is it about philosophy that attracts such smugnorant gits? Comparing feminism to Christianity? Seriously? That displays, ironically, an irrational desire to tar feminism which has apparently overwhelmed his ability to comprehend what it actually is. He’s guilty of the same dogmatism and motivated reasoning his fellow credentialists from the creationist camp are.
For some reason, guys in my demographic (white/cis/het dudes under 40 [just, in my case]) getting all up their own arses with entry-level philosophy really rankle me (especially, but even before, they use it to justify misogyny). Professor Posey the Third reminds me of every pompous, over-loquacious, beret-wearing, Hume-quoting, clove-smoking arseclown I knew during my late teens and early 20s, with compulsory long coat and pets with names designed to display how well-read they were (“Here, Cornelius Christian! Here, Zeno of Citium! Good axolotls.”), awkwardly holding court at the uni bar in an attempt to attract goths – or, really, any feeemale within earshot. It so happened that they were almost always terrible at actually taking to women once they had their attention and either came off as dismissive and aloof – or actually were dismissive and aloof (they weren’t that great at talking to their fellow men either).
But at least Facebook wasn’t a thing in the 90s, so even if some of these pretentious preeners did appoint themselves professors at their own pretend universities, I wouldn’t have noticed unless they personally wrote down the URL for their Geocities page.
“The moral nihilist is immune to feminism”….isn’t that an accidental endorsement of the morality of feminism?
But it seems that the person in question conflates conscience and morality in general with “slave ethic”. You care about people? How CHRISTIAN of you! You want to restrain yourself from bad behavior and acknowledge that others in your group have done bad thing? Might as well start self-flagellating and crying out for forgiveness.
On that note:
Methinks it isn’t the male feminists who are childish here. “Mother may I?” vs. “NO NO I WANT I WANT WAAAAH”.
Also: feminism doesn’t teach about white privilege.
Also also: He manages to simultaneously whine about how losing three friends in the wake of the post shows the cultish attitude and weakness of Teh Feminisms, while also bragging about how few of his total friends that the three people unfriending him amounted to. It’s like he lost his cake, but has it too.
Okay, I haven’t seen Big Lebowski, so I didn’t get the reference at all. I was putzing around on google trying to find where ReyFox got:
and found out is was from BL, and found a clip, titled “Nihilists”.
So okay, I”ve seen it, and I can appreciate
but the one that just kicked me over was a few seconds later when Nihilists were being compared to Nazis:
As someone who has actually taught feminism in a university? This is factually incorrect. My courses included white privilege and I am the most piddly drop in the bucket of feminism-teachers.
Crip Dyke:
Interesting. I assume it is relevant because of intersectionality? It doesn’t fall under feminism by strict definition of feminism, but it makes since why people who care about feminism would care about privilege in general, and white privilege as a prominent example. (i.e. feminism would connect to other social justice issues). Am I on the right track?
You need to stop whatever you’re doing and fix that immediately. Even better, prepare yourself by getting some vodka and stuff that will make it look like a white russian.
Hmmm, I do not accept you as the arbitrator of my manhood. I define that for myself as do most of the male feminists that I know because the societal definition sucks. I’m pretty sure that that is opposite of dogmatism you nihilistic wanker.
*plays Bob Dylan’s “The Man In Me” at maximum volume*
yep, you’re on the right track.
In fact, intersectionality is often stated to be a development of feminism – although it could just as easily and with more intellectual rigor be said to have been a development of critical legal philosophies.
Crenshaw, who initially proposed intersectionality doesn’t deny feminism: she embraces it. But she’s also a law professor and proposed intersectionality to solve an intractable problem in the courts.
In any case, the first intersectionality essay Crenshaw published outside of legal journals, and the second intersectionality essay ever, focused on several examples, prominently including two:
1. the legal arena
2. a recent history of NYCity anti-violence shelters for women turning women away from safe housing if their English was deemed insufficient – a judgement call made differently by each volunteer or employee answering the line.
It was published in a feminist periodical, as a means of improving feminist responses.
To the extent that feminism teaches white privilege, it’s actually frequently (not always, but frequently) teaching about distinctions **among women** so as to better understand our relationships to each other. If we reproduce racism or ableism or whathaveyou, we not only fail to help women about whose fate we presumably care, but we also make ourselves unattractive to vast numbers of women who otherwise might find out work relevant enough, useful enough, and good enough to join. It’s vital we understand white privilege not only so we don’t create/continue a white supremacist feminist movement, but also so that the movement itself gets bigger, stronger, more far-flung.
However, it’s certainly impossible to talk about privileging attaching to whiteness while escaping the conclusion that men and males are not immune to the benefits of white privilege. So, it’s not that a long of time is spent on men’s white privilege or the white privilege of males, specifically. But this key priority of feminism, helping ourselves and each other more effectively, requires an understanding of white privilege. And in discussing intersectionality more broadly, it’s inevitable that we will have some conversations about how white privilege manifests differently amongst people with differing genders.
So, the white privilege of men or male persons is less studied than the white privilege of women or female persons, but it is studied and it is taught.
anteprepro @21
Projection does seem to be a rather common trait among regressives. Remember Thunderfail? He once tried to compare Anita Sarkeesian to neocons like Beck, O’Reilly, etc., because she made criticisms of video games (never mind that the criticisms made by Anita were nothing like the bullshit that the neocons like to spew).
Meanwhile, he repeatedly uses the phrase “social justice” as an insult (never mind that we don’t find it the least bit insulting), just like Beck, O’Reilly, etc.
Stop being so violent.
“Slave ethic”, “Master Morality”, “product of resentment”? What we have here is not exactly a nihilist but someone who read some Nietzsche and thinks that parroting that will make him an ubermensch. As such, his post is based on less eloquent echos of the same faulty arguments Nietzsche made.
To see the similarities, here is my quick summary of Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality:
At the end of feudalism, the ‘weak’ (particularly Christians and Jews) took control and reshaped society by acting from resentment against those in charge through a radical transevaluation of morality (introducing concepts such as ‘bad conscience’ aka guilt which had apparently not existed before that) and promises of salvation, and that’s terrible. Therefore I seek to reshape society by acting from a deep rage and loathing against the ‘weak’ who are now in charge (definitely not resentment of my own, no sir!) and call for a complete re-evaluation of morals (an entirely different thing from that horrid transevaluation of morality!) to change society to my liking while promising the inevitable rise of the virtuous ubermensch (totally not a version of salvation!), and that’s good.
I’m almost completely ignorant of Nietzsche, (having only read excerpts and writings of experts citing, quoting, or evaluating Nietzsche: never a full book of his own) so I’m totally taking your take on Nietzsche as vastly more informed than mine (though I’m relieved to find your short summary jibes with what i know from excerpts and commentary, so I just know very little, I don’t mistakenly believe too many things that are actually **false** – I think), but I know a bit about the historical period at the end of feudalism (and how some of the transitions came about) because of my studies in contractarian ethics.
When you summarize Nietzsche as saying:
Don’t you really mean:
Those were the “weak” reformers (as I understand Nietzsche on “weakness” and as I understand the ethical reformations of that particular historical period) much more than Catholic Christians. I suppose he could be trying to include orthodox Christians of eastern Europe, maybe? They aren’t Protestants.
Just trying to understand, thanks. As I’ve said, I’ve read some Nietzsche in my studies of ethics, but not much.
Also, I’ll have to read exactly what he means by “bad conscience AKA guilt”. It may be that I know some things that Nietasche didn’t (wow, thanks, modern publishing and the internet!) that proves that wrong, but it also may be that he’s talking about it not existing in a particular culture or set of people or something.
“Feudalism” was maybe the wrong word for it; what Nietzsche discusses is a more generalized concept of warrior aristocracy doing as they pleased rather than European feudalism in particular. While he would count feudalism as an example, his favored examples were Classical Greece and Rome (with the strong vs weak as patrician vs plebeian despite the much more complicated historical relationship between those groups). His general historical account is that the virtuously murderous warrior aristocrat classes were overturned by priestly classes supplanting might-is-right virtue ethics with other systems of ethics constraining the ‘strong’, with Judaism (and Christianity treated as basically an extension of Judaism) as the ultimate example.
Ah. Thank you. I always appreciate talking to someone who knows more than I do about an interesting topic.
“Also, like Christianity Feminism is an inversion of Master Morality. That is a way for the slave and herd like animal to attempt to gain power over the strong. ”
First off, calling Christianity a way for the slave to gain power?! Christianity is all about mindless obedience to authority, both God’s and earthly masters! Second, “Master Morality” and “slave?” You really want to liken yourself to a slave owner? I’m amazed you even had three Facebook friends to lose.
Yea, the heavy borrowing of his words from Nietzsche hit me immediately as well. Funny these guys never consider how he spent many years as a burden on his female immediate family.
Well, let me repeat what I shouted at my German teacher in grade 12: Nietzsche was an asshole.
It bears to remember that a lot of feminism is not so much part of explicit “gender studies” classes, but often part of “cultural studies” where you get a broad overview of different theories and concepts. The Fouccaultian Discourse is relevant to feminism as well as discussions of race and a media analysis that isn’t even aware of it is quite useless.
Is this a relative of general “vinegar Joe” Stillwell, infamous from Burma ?
— — —
Quote from Family Guy: “He’s a phoney! A phoney!”
What is it with these neoreactionary types and “moral nihilism”? I mean, it’s a defensible position, but how do they reconcile it with their conservative social views? They’re clearly just trying to sound edgier than thou and it’s really transparent.
The fact that he says white males are “guilty” of white privilege demonstrates nicely that he doesn’t even have a clue what privilege means. It’s not something you’re guilty of, duh.
Nothing says “adult” like a total lack of awareness of consequences and empathy for others. If only, us feminist men would just tell those women what to do, when to do it and to say thank you sir when they do it, if only we did whatever the fuck we wanted with no accountability or regard for others, then, THEN, my brothers, we would be mature and grow into our manhood. Also, possibly, get killed or go to jail…as well as being despised and reviled by any human being with any sense.
What a fucking sociopath…
It’s annoying how some people try to sell their mental wank as philosophy. They should go and read Wittgenstein or Russell to learn the love of wisdom.
“They ask the childish question “mother may I?”.”
Uh, yeah. When you want to have sex with a woman, or do anything with her, you should obtain consent. Admittedly, as relationships extend into the years, this consent can become a bit less formal. But really, he seems to be railing against the very idea that men need permission from women to do things with their bodies.
“Feminism labels men –rapists … ”
No, son. *Feminism* didn’t do that. That was your frothing disregard for the humanity of your sexual partners.
Are you sure it’s not just because you’re unpleasant? Replace that critique of feminism with a critique of most things and I would be tempted to cut you out of my online life.
Who’s this now?
Stillwell, Chernovich… These people are scared of women. How unmanly of them.
Once again, supremacists, be they of the white variety, the male variety or whatever variety negate their thesis by their very existence. To apply any label or adjective to this guy would be to insult all other things to which that label or adjective might be applied.
It’s vital we understand white privilege not only so we don’t create/continue a white supremacist feminist movement, but also so that the movement itself gets bigger, stronger, more far-flung.
Yeah, that’s probably one reason why so many MRAs despise feminists who teach about privilege.
Whenever I read one of these diatribes against some movement allowing the ‘weak’ to prevail over the ‘strong’ I cant help wondering about the person’s basic reasoning capability and intellectual honesty . First the basic premise seems to assume that strength is a virtue, if you have it you are right, and to a practical(not moral) extent this is often correct. But to then say something allows the weak to prevail over the strong is nonsensical. By definition if your prevailing you are strong. That is what I understand strength to be in this argument, the ability to project and enforce your will over someone else. What they seem to be doing is whining over their shift from ‘strong’ to ‘weak’. And if ‘right’ is defined by ones ability to enforce their will, they are, by the elements in their own argument, wrong. Am I missing something?
Please note I am not endorsing the moral correctness of ‘might makes right’ merely saying that you can’t simultaneously say that, and then criticize a moment for its might.
@ 49 moment -> movement. there are probably others. I’m very poor at spelling/editing. sorry
Silly Muggles. He can’t just out himself like that. He’s speaking in cant. If you know the secret ways, you’ll find that his Facebook page allows Wizards to pass through to Hogwarts.
Look at the font and the lightning bolt. Clearly the guy’s a Death Eater. Look at this posts – he even has a runed metal ball made for his “walking staff”. Probably a horcrux.
No way Mr Armchair Nietzsche has killed someone to make a horcrux.
Stole it when the real badass wasn’t looking, more like.
@39, I read “neoreactionary” as “necromantic”. In the latter case herr Stilwell-Nietsche would at least have been somewhat cool.
He’s the chair of the philosophy department and he’s also in charge of the sheep dip.
(Blimey, Bruce!)
Blondin @ 54: He forgot about Rule 6.
This bit that claims feminists are slave and herd like animals really ticks me off.
Stillwell is obviously insecure, afraid of not being a “Master.” He need some sort of social construct that will guarantee him Master status.
I recommend kink, personally. Though one’s chance to be a Master rather than a sub is somewhat subject to whether you can get anyone to play. If your kink is Nietzschean dialogue, you may wait a while. I don’t think fetlife even has a category for that.
Now I’m picturing the Monty Python argument clinic sketch, only with Nietzschean Kink.
Rey Fox @ 27 I think that the lyric from Positively 4th Street. captures it rather succinctly as well:
@Jacob the fabric, #50:
No problem, everyone around here screws something up sooner or later.
@Bruce Everett, #51:
…must …resist …making …stupid …philosophy …jokes!
Crip Dyke @ 60
it should be L’Etoile but apostrophes tend to screw things up and I’m to lazy to capitalize consistntly. Thank you for your understanding re spelling/editing.
Oh, go on. Humer us!
No, you can’t speak in Kant, it’s all imperatives!
That was the joke.
Of the type:
I understood completely what you intended with your ‘nym.
It’s like when I call “richardelguru”
“Richarrre of the Guru”
I make a seemingly stupid mistake upfront so as to
1. amuse myself
2. make sure everyone knows that just because I’m correcting someone on something or giving advice on something or saying I know something, I’m not trying to represent myself as an authority to be listened to: if you believe my argument or statement, great, but if you don’t, don’t doubt yourself merely because I represented myself with confidence or because I’ve been around Pharyngula long enough to be called a regular or anything that relates to confidence in authority.
So yes, “Jaco wheat-star,” (one presumes in honor of Jaco Pastorius, who, one also presumes, ate wheat during his period of fame and glory?) I’m aware of the true meaning of “ble” and “etoile”. Jeez, there’s only so much dumb I can be in a single day, duh.
Crip Dyke @ 64 sorry:(
I guess I can add humor to spelling and editing impaired:) don’t worry, you join a large and ilustrious group of people whose jokes have caught me completely unawares.
And either in an odd ironic twist or excelent Google fu on your part I am one of the very few wheat farmers in my area and in certain circles that is how I’m known:)
Ha! No google-foo. Just lucky I guess.
Are you familiar with Jaco Pastorius as well?
It’s a little weird, I admit, to call him a “star” when so many haven’t heard of him, but he was so awesome – both technically and creatively – that he was a “star” to anyone seriously interested in playing electric bass who had been exposed to Weather Report. Still is a star to anyone seriously interested in playing electric bass who had been exposed to Weather Report.
Hell, that makes me think I should go listen to a few old albums now. It’s been too long without Jaco in the mix.
@66 Crip Dyke
Jaco RULED. That is all.
Also, Tal Wilkenfeld. She’s barely 20-something but already a proper legend on the ol’ bull fiddle.
Tal Wilkenfeld?
I don’t know Tal at all …and I love me the opportunity to listen to bad-ass women musicians who play instruments that have been very recently, or still are, highly gendered as men’s instruments. Electric bass being one.
Off to the internet!
Wait. I’m on the internet.
Where am I going?
“Feminism labels men –rapists”
No, the Men’s Rights Movement did that. When you claim that women are 100% at fault for being raped because men just “do what men do” and it’s a woman’s responsibility to protect herself because she will have zero recourse otherwise, don’t act shocked when women take your advice and err on the side of caution.
Or just buy rakı. “Milk for lions” they call it.
“I have a bad conscience” is just the normal German way of saying “I feel guilty”.
I dunno. I always thought following “feminist” ideals meant treating everybody the same. Nobody is better then me, and I am better then nobody else.