I am about to disclose a completely confidential correspondence from Rebecca Watson. She’s trying to rip me off, so I must have my REVENGE.
I’m trying to sell off as much inventory as possible before our move to SF in a few weeks and I have SO MANY MUGS. Too many mugs.
Can you do a post about them or something? And people can take 50% off everything using the code hellyeah50 at checkout. I’ve just reduced the mugs to $10, so then they’ll be $5. I’ll take a loss basically but it’s worth it just to clear up some space. Here’s the link:
Pharyngula Travel Mug | Skeptical Robot
Thank yoooooooooou!
I will get no money from this deal. We all know how important the vast sums of cash I receive from Rebecca Watson are to me, so every sale will make me lie here crying my eyes out…”No money, no money, no money”. I’ll probably weep so copiously that I’ll dehydrate, to the point that my kidneys fail and I end up dying agonizingly. Every sale will cause me so much pain.
And look! She has confessed that she’ll be losing money on this deal. Everyone who complains about how the Social Justice Warriors are just getting rich off the drama has an opportunity to strike back where it hurts: buy those mugs, make her bleed cash with every transaction. And as a bonus, you get a trophy: a Pharyngula mug that you can flaunt ironically, with a sneer.
I am afraid I like you and Rebecca too much to buy one now.
I wish I needed a travel mug, but alas…
So does Rebecca mean San Francisco by “SF”*? I certainly hope so. Maybe I’ll get to hear her speak live…and who knows, maybe some of her confederates will come to SF to speak as well. That would be fun.
Damn! If I’d known I could have caused so much pain I would have waited to buy mine. Now it sits on my desk, mocking me.
I tried to buy one but they don’t seem to ship the UK….
Yes, well those mugs are so 2000-somethingish (or 90s? definitely not with that decor). Plus shipping is 3x more expensive than the mug, which I can’t afford..
I must get onto this atheist shock-blogging racket so I can afford more pharyngula merch.
robro @2:
Mugs make a great place to toss loose change.
Tony, none of my change is loose. It’s all quite upright and proper, thank you. Besides, to park in SF requires quite a horde of change. I often lug a pocketful of it around and go through it fast.
If they’re travel mugs, why can’t they just travel with her? I’m suspecting some kind of FEMINIST CONSPIRACY here.
get a job, ya bum!
Pray she does not alter the deal any further!
Ichthyic @ 10;
MRAs do seem to get Rebecca Watson and Darth Vader mixed up a lot, don’t they?
Progressive feminist blogger on the one hand, genocidal galactic warlord on the other – sure, I can totally see how it would be hard to tell those two apart. I mean, after she force-choked that guy in the elevator to death and all…
If Rebecca is Darth Vader, does that make PZ the atheist Emperor Palpatine? If so, I really want to see PZ unleash a little force lightning on Thunderf00t or Ray Comfort, because that would be awesome…
(op links repeated just to be annoying to whoever decided to script that as a “new feature”.)
Damn! I just Mugged myself.
Finally the plan to profit offa teh controverseh is revealed!
woodyemanuel @ 13:
Win. :D
(anyway, when you have too much merch to move, what you’re supposed to do is store it for decades in your octogenarian relatives’ attics until it’s “vintage.”)
O honey, I’m vintage enough. Way past my sell-by-date. Can I come out of the attic now?
::cackle of crazy aunt in attic::
Corruption! CORRUPTION, I say!
..and that starts with C and that rhymes with P and that stands for…
oh hell, might as well post it. it IS my favorite musical after all.
Well Damn, I already got one. Now I feel mugged and mocked.
$10 mug, $18 shipping. No travel mug is worth $30, sorry :(
Not fair. I live in the UK and can’t get one. :-(
I’m pretty sure she’s still making money on each mug, otherwise there are plenty of handy dumpsters around that she can use to avoid taking a loss on selling them.
Speaking of this particular Axis of Evil, RDawk is both doubling down on his Christina Hoff Sommers endorsement and joining in the #FTBullies fun and games (and I’m sure he feels particularly clever about the latter).
robro: Yes, San Francisco! And my first event there (of many, I hope) is happening October 25! Quiz-o-Tron tickets are here: http://www.bayareascience.org/event/science-quiz-o-tron/
Shardman: That’s strange, we’ve had plenty of orders from outside the US recently. I’ll look into the problem, though.
@19, Ichthyic:
Hmph. “Welcome to our ‘OOL’. Notice there is no ‘P’ in it. Let’s keep it that way!”
You fail to grasp how this works. She bought the mugs at a price (X). They now exist and she owns them. She needs cash/space, so she is selling them–but for less than she paid for them. So she is selling them at a loss (at price Y, which is less than price X).
At the end of this process, she will have more money than she has now, this is true–but she will have less money than she would’ve had if she hadn’t bought the mugs in the first place. Get it? This is called “taking a loss”, which is how she referred to it.
I just ordered two so um… Rebecca should now be $10 less poor than she was before I bought them.
I tried to order some other things but everything else I was interested in was out of stock :-(
Thanks for the excellent deal on the mugs.
freemage @ 28:
Obviously, I hadn’t had my first cup of coffee earlier this morning. It’s a bit embarrassing since my own spouse sold her own mugs some fifteen years ago with her art on them after spending $300 for setup costs and then $1 for each mug she ordered. We offered them for $5 each at art fairs for a couple of years and sold about three gross of them which made her a nice bit of change. Not that they were fancy travel mugs, just ceramic coffee cups, but the art was what sold them of course.
Oops, I seem to have signed in under my wife’s account. I think I need a nap…
2 @ $10 ea + $10 shipping… $15 mugs. I should have bought 4.
Oh how I wish I could…
Well because Rebecca has complete control over me I bought three. That’s right, take that shipping company! Also I didn’t take the discount, take that Richard bloody Dawkins she will become rich on the mugs I bought! blhahahaha! ‘Course I don’t actually drink coffee so damned if I know what I’ll do with them?
Is there a flat shipping fee, or does it improve with larger orders (I would hope so, I haven’t checked). If so, maybe find some friends locally and do a group buy?
Does this deal work only for the travel mug, or is Rebecca liquidating any other cool swag at a deep discount?
My new Pharyngula travel mug is very fancy. A+ would buy at extreme discount again.