Uh-oh. I guess we’re going to have to shut down. The MRAs are right, and arguing against feminism/racism is a total waste of time — science proves it. It also conclusively demonstrates that the most oppressed group in America is…heterosexual white males.
It’s published in a scientific paper so I have to accept it. Oh, well, the life of a PUA totally sounds like fun.
I’m curious how many people will bother to read the comments…lots of youtube commenters didn’t get the joke. Note that the paper is titled “Racism and Sexism: How really real is it?”, by Phillip D. Arbuthnot Jr and Shane “Chugger” Bauer of the Delta Kappa Epsilon at the Psychological Research Institute of Central Kentucky, and is based on a survey sent out via Reddit to heterosexual white males between the ages of 16 and 35. They got responses “from like several hundred dudes”.
Let that sink in before you embarrass yourself in the comments.
Don’t you know we spell it “raisin date” around here?
PZed, you should know, by now, that the proper spelling is “raisin date.”
“Feminism is an unnecessary irrelevance (except in Musalamic countries)”
Shit. Sorry. I really should refresh before posting. Three whole minutes? Slacker!
Dunno…falls afoul of Poe’s Law for me. I know it’s supposed to sound so extreme it’s hilarious, but I’ve heard very similar claims for a long, long time now, and if I didn’t catch the little bits that you mentioned, I’d think this was just the same bullshit by the same people – and I expect by far the majority of people who do see it to think it’s just another video in support of the same thing. Which some of them will take to be another piece of evidence to support their already-held beliefs.
I think it would have been far more effective, and far funnier, to have had someone not in the cited group make the same video. A Black woman, for instance, or an out gay man. To have it delivered by a white man…well, it honestly doesn’t sound significantly different to what activist feminists hear every day.
If you want people to go read the youtube comments, why did you embed the video.? You should have just given the link.
Yeah, the humor is dangerously unclear unless you take note that the first few seconds are supposed to set the tone for the rest, and if you don’t read the hilarious journal article during its brief time on the screen.
“It’s a widely repeated myth….women and ethnic minorities and like crippled people have a harder time than normal people, but is it really true?”
“We recruited loads of people…”
“…controlled for accuracy by only processing the responses of people who wouldn’t be biased by having a non-standard skin color or a vagina”
“It took like AGES”
Though the questions are also absurd as well.
It will never replace the old Farmers University of Central Kentucky. And its great mascot, the Youseguys.
UnknownEric beat me to it, but I had always heard about the Free University of Central Kentucky. They had a great line of T-shirts. I vaguely recall, however, that their mascot was the Yahoo (no exclamation point).
Of course we’re all disconcerted and discombobulated as our ideas and ideals are so decisively and comprehensively confounded … but I think (shock horror!!!!) you actually mis-typed yourself in that sentence, PZ – shouldn’t that be “sexism/racism”? :-)
Ah, good old “a bunch of guys I know agree with me” schtick. Its relative, “this totally happened to my cousin’s uncle’s best friend’s sister’s girlfriend’s daughter” was unavailable for comment.
In other news, the prestigious magazine Nature (is totally what I believe it is) has offered to publish this paper free of any edits.
Only you can help prevent Irony-Deficiency Syndrome. Please give generously.
I must know: what point do you think you’re making with that little–I guess–quip?
The Psychological Institute of Central Kentucky? Really? An online survey? Really?
PZ @ 1 – consider me embarassed.
Chas: It was a bit of sarcasm about the tendency for PUAs and the like to attribute to biological causes what is better explained by culture (and their assholery).
But girl monkeys play with pots
#17 Ah well, that’s all right then. All the things with holes together, obviously. It’s a very technical sorting system. :)
If it was based on an online poll, you can’t trust the results because the poll had never been pharyngulated.
Your all stuipd, the study clearly states: “It took like AGES” so this a thorough study! Science deniers!
And learn to spell and use good grammer, the writting on this blog is atrosious.
** this message was brought to you by the letter ‘sarcasm’ and a bunch of Psychological Research Institute of Central Kentucky’s
darkstar: I want you to know that your post caused me acute pain. *twitch*
/grammar nerd
somegreybloke rached new level of hilariousness.
Then you are a horrible, horrible human being.
No one should willingly encourage another person to go read comments on YouTube. Even to mock them. There are worse commenters on the internet, but you usually have to go to dedicated troll blogs or sites stormfront to find them.
Sucked me right in! Perfect demonstration of Poe’s Law.
I laughed out loud and scared my coworkers when he got to the part about the “Louis CK clause.”
PZ@#1: LOL! Maybe a few too many layers for some people. Tough to say if it even qualifies as a Poe. I wasn’t paying attention enough to notice myself, until I heard the word “Reddit”, and realized where we were going.
CatieCat@#6: The delivery was a bit too dry, perhaps, but it wasn’t supposed to sound any different from what activists of any type hear every day. I think that was the point. But you are completely right about the fact that very few MRAs would see this as anything but confirmation of their beliefs. But, honestly, is there anything that they can’t see as confirmation of their beliefs? I thought it was LOL funny, for just that reason, but maybe that’s just because I’m a straight white man, and saw it more as straight humor (no pun intended), rather than a didactic satire.
The Psychological Research Institute of Central Kentucky is an appendage of the Framer’s University of Central Kentucky.
Actually a majority of people in the comments got it as far as I could see. And even they who didn’t probably got it, Somegreybloke’s subscribers are used to his satirical videos. Some of the “I didn’t get it” comments there are also weak attempts at satire in response. An 8:2 ratio of “got it and agree” is pretty good for YouTube or internet standards..
Alas, imbecility defies the understanding necessary to rectify it.
@23 jerthebarbarian
Except for all of us who actually interact in various YouTube comment sections and have meaninful discussions or exchange valuable information. You’re just bullshitting. Or rather trolling (which I guess only happens on places like YouTube?). And there are actually feminist, pro-gay, trans-friendly, *serious* or whatever people on reddit. There is no single “YouTube community” just as there is no single “Reddit community” or “Atheist community”. Wanting to feel superior because you comment on online media such as blogs (obviously considered the most serious, rational and high-brow of online media) is your own problem, deal with it.
:-D What is a dedicated troll blog?
mouthyb @#16: Huh? I still don’t get it. How does calling Nature a “prestigious magazine” satirize the misuse of science by PUAs and the like?
@#21: again with the irony deficiency.
Have you tried Geritoly?
I think you should take some of the Geritoly. You seem to be misreading the nature comment as an insult to the Nature publication?
MRAs commonly defend their sexism by claiming its natural, as you are well aware.
ah. Yep, you’re right, now I see the pun on ‘nature’.
My apologies: I read the use of ‘magazine’ insead of ‘journal’ as an intended insult. Which is why I asked for clarification. Unfortunately I was too dense to be clarified.
David Marjanović
The Slymepit.
Minutes ago I had a discussion with a guy called Powertuber1000 about this “classic”
He could really teach Dan Cardamon a lesson in douchebagness, so coming from there it’s not that easy to see the irony in the video if you don’t know somegreybloke already.
Chas: No problem. My sense of humor is oddly dry and, unfortunately, requires translation on a regular basis.
I’ve always suspected that I’m oppressed in spite of having no evidence or even an experience leading me to that conclusion. It’s good to know it’s a scientific fact.