Adam Lee has a nice summary of the Women in Secularism conference. However, he does reveal that we Ftbullied him into talking the picture below, which is a no-no. You were told not to tattle, Adam Lee. The next time we meet, expect a pantsing, or even a swirlie. Also, put your lunch money in an envelope and mail it to me right now.
Oh, and look — even more ftbullying! We’re all holding signs abusing the theocratic governments that jail atheist bloggers.
Real bullies write legible signs.
We’re bullying so effectively too. None of us are so deep in a migraine that we can’t write and can’t read to tell that a word on our sign is misspelled.
Where are the sledge hammers you gangstas use to smash all of those frozen peaches?
Couple of those nice ladies could use a visit to the barber.
Timanthony @4,
No, no, no. It’s easier to silence men if you braid their mustaches to their beards.
Ophelia wins, cause I can actually read hers.
Is there a key to the photo at the link (who’s who, and what their signs say? I can’t make them out on my monitor here).
The only one I can make out is Ophelia’s. It says “We are atheist. We are with you.”
Pretty scary, if you ask me. They’re right with you the whole time! The call is coming from inside the house!
Umm, you aren’t supposed to talk about this! If our foes learn about the whole “ftbully omnipresence” thing, there may be an uprising. Well, they probably already have a clue since it just doesn’t follow that we could limit their ability to speak with only the “ftbully omnipotence” thing.
Stephanie Zvan is an Ateist? No wonder she doesn’t like frozen peaches, bloody typical of an ateist. Doesn’t she know that being for feminism doesn’t follow from being an ateist?
I ate a banana for breakfast, halp, halp, Stephanie is bullying and oppressing me.
You cunning fiends! You took off the pink swastika armbands and hid them, didn’t you?
This is the best I can do with the signs:
Stephanie, “Free, happy, defiant atheist” (Although the audience-member who wrote it forgot the “H” in the last word.)
Ophelia, “We are atheists — We are with you” (“You” being Imad Iddine Habib.)
Brianne (?), “Recognize the worth of non-believers. Respect the rights of non-believers.” (But the last part I can’t figure out.)
Jason (?), “Thought is not a crime” (I think that word is “thought”.)
Kate, “We stand with you”
The rest of them I can’t make out, except for PZ’s which starts with “Atheism”.
I can’t see them clearly, but it appears your signs don’t even echo each other. Whassamatter? Couldn’t get the right kind of chamber at the hotel?
Well you all scare the hell outta me. Look at those SIGNS! THE SIGNS! With WRITING on them. It’s all so horribly radical. Have you considered shutting up and being silent?
Dear timanthony,
Did you know that women who are past menopause often begin to grow significant beards? Many are terribly embarrassed by this, partially because of people who say things like you just did. They are supposed to feel as if they are no longer real women if they have what Bill Cosby referred to as “little tiny hars, growin’ out ma face”.
Personally, I just shave and don’t worry about it. But I get supremely pissed at little pieces of shit like you who try to shame them, shame anyone, because of their appearance. Especially when it comes out of left field like this (that is, WHAT does the appearance of any of those women have to do with what they were doing and the post that displayed the picture?). Indeed, there are few legal things a person can do that does more to prove that they are small-brained, miserable little assholes.
Horde SMASH! Online poll in Florida: should atheist literature be distributed in TN state parks alongside Bibles?
The state involved in Georgia, by the way. Story here:–208190461.html?ref=461#.UZvStdiM9Cw
I find it sad that people are segregated now based on gender in some parts of the atheist movement. And people glorify that segregation calling it progressive, inclusive and liberal. Can we just have people and good ideas instead?
I would rather be an egalitarian than a feminist.
Yeah, if you’re gonna take pictures of text make sure its stroke is wide enough not to get washed out by the surrounding blank, cameras only have so much resolution.
As for who’s who, I don’t recognise them all for sure but:
Those I’m sure:
1st left: Stephanie Zvan of Almost Diamond.
2nd left: Ophelia Benson of Butterflies and Wheels.
4th left: Maryam Namazie of the namesake blog.
8th left: some old white dude.
9th left: Ashley F. Miller of the namesake blog.
Those I’m not sure of (apologies to them in advance for any mistakes):
3rd left: Brianne Bilieu of Biodork if going by the glasses and the smile.
5th left: Jason Thibeault (again, going by the glasses and the smile).
6th left: Kate Donovan of Ashley Miller’s blog (going by the smile, no glasses to go by).
7th left: the one I’m least sure about: Miri of Brute Reason (going by the hair).
Where would that be, exactly? Hell, Igor, even the Slymepit has women in it. There were several men in that photo above taken at the Women in Secularism conference. Where is this segregation you speak of?
I find it sad that people are segregated now based on gender in some parts of the atheist movement.
Yeah, it’s sad that men were banned from the conference, though the beards in that picture are an interesting optical illusion.
Really? That’s the message you take away from a meeting that was populated by all the genders, and a photo of both men and women?
I hear that a lot. Except what I actually hear is “I would rather ignore the systematic oppression of certain groups so I can be smug about my own exalted status.”
My sign, by the way, said “Atheism is a virtue, not a crime”.
Actually, we’re segregated by our progressive views.
Not mutually exclusive.
My sarcasm detector is telling me that Tim Anthony was referring to PZ and the other fellow as the ladies who need to visit the barber. My sarcasm detector is not infallible.
If you think they’re incompatible, you’ve got one or the other completely wrong. Or maybe both.
Just look at them…being all strident!
I interpreted Timanthony’s comment the way Rey did.
As for Igor, WTF are you talking about? I’ve never seen or heard of segregation at an atheist event.
@Igor Fetir
You say this like it’s a fresh, novel pronouncement of heady principle instead of a tired, old, transparent attempt to maintain the status quo by disappearing peoples’ experiences and identities.
I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail.
I’d rather be a hammer than a nail.
I’d rather be a forest than a street.
I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet,
Yes I would.
If I only could,
I surely would.
I am appropriately terrorized.
I like the photo, and I approve of the non-conformist 3rd from the left.
(page orientation FTW!)
Otrame @ 15,
I’m pretty sure timanthony was making a jibe at PZ and Adam, not commenting on the looks of any of the women in the photo.
I want Ashley’s skirt! Totes cute!
Igor @ 18,
How nice that you think that women have achieved equality, and so leveling of the field is needed. Must be wonderful to live in your world.
Ugh, the above should read:
“…and so leveling of the playing field is NOT needed…”
Where is the evidence to show this has occurred in the Atheist community? No, A+doesn’t count. You’re going to have to be quite a bit more specific about your problem if you want to be taken seriously.
Blasted autocorrect on my phone!
The above was addressed to Igor.
You look like a bunch of…nice, ordinary people.
That can’t be right. Where are the armbands? Or alternatively the robes and the copies of Malleus Hominibus? Obviously ya’ll are in disguise.
Bahaha, since there seems to be some confusion, the hair does indeed belong to me. My sign says, “Secularism for all women, not just Western.” Or something like that. Since that was the topic of Maryam’s talk.
Having a bunch of white guys with mediocre articulation of ideas who are only famous faces of atheism through combination of privilege and luck? Just meritocratic, marketplace of ideas, color blind, people are people, some of my best friends are X, stop being so strident.
Trying to inject some women and minorities into the lime light? SEGREGATION, REVERSE RACISM, FEMINISM HATES TEH MENZ, WHY WON’T ANYONE LISTEN TO THE STRAIGHT WHITE MALE!!1!1!
Really, I am sick to my very core of the kind of “egalitarian” who thumps their chest, and sneers, and whines, and shrieks about the audacity and hypocrisy of those who try to give a small boost to groups who have consistently been shoved down deep into the pits and gutters. It isn’t “egalitarian” to oppose helping disenfranchised groups by pretending that everyone is already equal. It isn’t “egalitarian” to actively oppose people helping groups that were both historically discriminated against and abused, and still suffer discrimination and abuse to this day. This isn’t what “egalitarianism” is. The term you and your fellow travelers are looking for is “Disingenuous assclown”. The More You Know.
Egalitarians™® don’t care if you are white, black, yellow or purple…
they will let you use their toilet.
chigau, I’m egalitarian, but that doesn’t mean I will let just anyone use my toilet.
Igor, send me an alert when 50% of the world’s political, religious, and corporate (and anything else that has power) leadership are women. Until then, I think we should shut up and listen to ideas about how to get there rather than poo-pooing the very events that are enabling that to happen.
I wouldn’t let that Just Anyone specimen use my toilet, either.
At least not the upstairs one.
@Otrame #15
Bit late, I know, but timanthony was talking about PZ and the other gentleman (whose name I do not know). They weren’t accusing any of the women there of having facial hair or shaming any of them. I feel you’re being a bit unfair to timanthony, especially since you said nothing about spandrel’s comment @#21.
@Igor Fetir
The latter directly follows from the former, dipshit. You cannot be an egalitarian without being a feminist.
Oh I know now what confused me! Stephanie Zvan looks just like Chrys Stevenson!
Thumper @45
It’s Jason Thibeault, blogmeister of Lousy Canuck (even though he’s living in Minnesota right now).
I want that yellow dress it’s super cute omg let me have one like that so I can own it but not wear it cause godsdamned regressive country!
That’s Jason Thibaeult?! He looks nothing like the pic on Lousy Canuck. Though I suppose that pic is in profile.
Too late. This is what the page shows now:
He does, if you know already that it’s him, and if you keep in mind that white hair often looks like skin in photos.
You know, if this were an away party, there are four people in that picture who wouldn’t return from DC.