Love!? But what of the approval of Rick Santorum? I am speaking sarcastically.
Rodney Nelsonsays
It seems so clear. How could anyone not understand this?
Powerfully said.
I usually don’t click to watch videos.
I’m so glad I watched this one.
This is another of those situations where “letting the states decide” is morally wrong. 50 different versions of law with people wildly different in opinion does not make for a rational outcome. What’s needed is an American “Marriage Rights Act”, like the Voting Rights Act of 45 years ago.
Wow. This.
Me too Beatrice. The poet kicked up a lot of dust, I guess.
Heh, started sappy, ended up leaving ripped a scorched hole through any at least slightly feeling human.
Shplane, Spess Aliumsays
It was pretty, and moving.
I still despise marriage in general, and hate the way such a toxic institution is so deeply tied up with our cultural idea of “love”, but that was still a good poem.
It brought me to tears.
“Marriage is about love. Nothing else matters.”
That was beautiful
And before the “let’s just change the definition of marriage” people show up (you know who you are.) Don’t. Say. A. Word.
Excuse me, I think I’ve got something in my eye.
Love!? But what of the approval of Rick Santorum? I am speaking sarcastically.
It seems so clear. How could anyone not understand this?
Powerfully said.
I usually don’t click to watch videos.
I’m so glad I watched this one.
This is another of those situations where “letting the states decide” is morally wrong. 50 different versions of law with people wildly different in opinion does not make for a rational outcome. What’s needed is an American “Marriage Rights Act”, like the Voting Rights Act of 45 years ago.
Wow. This.
Me too Beatrice. The poet kicked up a lot of dust, I guess.
Heh, started sappy, ended up leaving ripped a scorched hole through any at least slightly feeling human.
It was pretty, and moving.
I still despise marriage in general, and hate the way such a toxic institution is so deeply tied up with our cultural idea of “love”, but that was still a good poem.