You’re sitting at home, skipping church, and there’s nothing on the TV but right wingers babbling about politics. Fix yourself some pancakes and browse the godless blogs instead.
Zingularity exposes a disgraceful Dr Pepper ad that uses monkey-men to sell soda pop and evilution.
Comradde Physioproffe believes atheism+ is necessary, and the people arguing against it are asshats. Agreed.
Those same asshats seem to now have taken on the job of driving Stephanie Zvan away from blogging. It’s the usual tactic: make comments so ugly and demeaning that she loses all optimism for humanity.
Deacon Duncan is troubled by faith, family, and politics. Not individually, just the combination.
Finally! Dana Hunter posts her explicit dragonfly porn! Imagine a world where predator drones acquire the ability to self-replicate (a much more important milestone than self-awareness.)
Al Stefanelli finds schoolboard officials leading meetings in sectarian prayer…in central Pennsylvania! The heartland of the Enlightenment! What with its Amish and Mennonite population, and Dover, and all that, don’t you know.
Ian Cromwell wants to leave FtB for Big Think, because of their commitment to quality thought.
Ian admires Kanazawa as much as Mano finds Orly Taitz adorable.
Natalie thinks stories are the rationalizations we tell ourselves to make narrative sense of transitions, but they’re probably not entirely true.
Lilandra weighs in on atheism+. She’s for a secular morality, but seems a little doubtful that we’ve got it in practice.
It takes about an hour to transcribe five minutes of video for A + scribe. Great way to spend that time you aren’t in church!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is on.
Blogs is is, then.
hmmm Dr Pepper
While I second your recommendations, I can’t let you get away with saying all Sunday TV in the United States is right wing bobbleheads. Chris Hayes and Melissa Harris Perry have been running excellent talk shops on MSNBC on Saturdays and Sundays for months now. Sam Seder is standing in for Chris this week. As a Londoner I love the detail these shows provide.
PZ Myers– clairvoyant!
I do that often. (But I make the pancakes from scratch; nothing worse than ‘instant’ pancake mix.)
You could also read Doonesbury today, for a brief amusement.
Atheism+ is not divisive. It’s not ‘us versus them’. It’s just about creating a safe space for people who have been harrassed.
Yeah, right.
Whatever atheism+ may be, it is above all an unmitigated PR disaster.
“Whatever atheism+ may be, it is above all an unmitigated PR disaster.”
The problem already existed within atheism before Atheism+ came along. If you want to pretend the problem isn’t there, well sure, shedding light on the problem is a PR disaster. I think it’s the way forward for atheists who want to push the atheist movement to be a lot more inclusive. When we speak up on our own parts, the misogynist loonies try their best to beat us down and the privileged just stand around and let it happen. Organizing is the solution, not the problem.
I’m greatly saddened by the number of female bloggers taking time off blogging due to the sheer volume and hatefulness of the emails they’re getting. I don’t like saying this, but it seems that the MRA’s are having a real effect here. They’re succeeding in silencing the female voices, and with the vilest tactics available to them. This needs to stop.
But it’s the + bloggers who are being divisive. *sage nod*
LOL They can call it what they want, I see no good reason NOT to want to divide away from that. If distancing myself from that putrid bullshit is being divisive, then I guess I’m in favor of division.
So yeah, let’s be divisive about this. Let’s divide the movement into two groups, those with basic decency and those without, and those without can fuck themselves.
I was staying in bed at home, didn’t even think of Faerie-bothering, and went back to sleep. Typical recent Sunday, except the mildly deranged penguin was off somewhere and didn’t cause any loud explosions.