I was sent this uncredited photo with only the information that it was for some religious event…but I wonder if this was intentional sabotage of the message or just an accident?
This reminds me of the time in Canada when the Rightwing party wanted to call themselves The Conservative Reform Alliance Party, aka CRAP. And no, I am not making it up. They came up with the name at their convention and announced it to the media and only afterwards did they realize what the abbreviation spelled.
It appears to have been a deliberate attempt (two years ago) to use viral marketing to advertise their church.
I have one word, that word is LAWL!
Intentional or not, message bork.
P.S. Reminds me of when polys in the UK were being converted to unis, and Newcastle poly was set to become the Central University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Until they printed the letter paper and discovered what I believe Rick Santorum would refer to as a “acronym problem”. Sadly I think this story is apocryphal. But it should be true, and really, isn’t that good enough? ;-)
About a year or two; these signs started showing up on my campus; everywhere. Pamphlets, flyers… You name it. This was taken at the University of New Mexico’s Student Union Building (SUB). I took a bunch of these photos when I first saw it. Then the novelty wore off and it just pissed me of dealing with these motherfuckers day in and day out. (They had a looooot of money- this was from a local megachurch.)
Ah, you refer to theStephen Harper In Transition in which he acquired the title of Prime Minister Stephen back in the CanadianCynic days!
chigau (違う)says
I want someone, a reporter, a citizen, anyone, to ask Harper if he believes that Jesus Christ is going to Return in Harper’s lifetime.
and post the answer to youtube
Interestingly enough, this was completely intentional. This banner was from the largest religious group at UNM (the University of New Mexico) and was placed on our student union building.
I worked at the crisis center based at UNM with one of the head people in that student group, and he said that they were attempting to “reclaim the acronym” to make it a positive expression rather than implying something profane. UNM is a very liberal campus, and when it comes to the religious crap on campus, most everyone does in fact think “WTF.”
What’s really hilarious is that this is a “progressive” (read: “liberal”) church, not a “fundy” church. Just goes to prove that liberals have some of the stupidest ideas around.
Words of Truth and Faith, of course
Jesuit humor.
It appears they are intentionally punning on it, I think?
If they were clever, they’d have ordered it “Friends,” “Teaching” and “Worship.” Alas, they are oh so dumb.
It’s apparently real. Google may not be your friend, but it has its uses.
(Scroll Down)
This reminds me of the time in Canada when the Rightwing party wanted to call themselves The Conservative Reform Alliance Party, aka CRAP. And no, I am not making it up. They came up with the name at their convention and announced it to the media and only afterwards did they realize what the abbreviation spelled.
It was intentional to get attention for their church/organization.
The goal was to “go viral”.
Okay, so it is sort of clever after all. I mean in a lame christian-kids-trying-to-be-cool sort of way.
These guys:
It appears to have been a deliberate attempt (two years ago) to use viral marketing to advertise their church.
I have one word, that word is LAWL!
Intentional or not, message bork.
P.S. Reminds me of when polys in the UK were being converted to unis, and Newcastle poly was set to become the Central University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Until they printed the letter paper and discovered what I believe Rick Santorum would refer to as a “acronym problem”. Sadly I think this story is apocryphal. But it should be true, and really, isn’t that good enough? ;-)
:falls over laughing: It’s a lesson on how to be lame when trying to be cool.
BAHAHAHA. Even funnier than Rick Santorum’s Conservatives United Moneybomb.
for a more accurate account of “CRAP”.
Sorry chigau, I was doing it off of memory, CCRA Party is correct, but in the end it was still CRAP ;)
Richard Nixon actually named his reelection committee the Committee for the Re-election of the President.
And now we have The Harper Government™.
ain’t life grand?
How can people be this oblivious… Don’t care, though, cause it is funny.
All their base are belong to us.
So a little back story to this:
About a year or two; these signs started showing up on my campus; everywhere. Pamphlets, flyers… You name it. This was taken at the University of New Mexico’s Student Union Building (SUB). I took a bunch of these photos when I first saw it. Then the novelty wore off and it just pissed me of dealing with these motherfuckers day in and day out. (They had a looooot of money- this was from a local megachurch.)
Ah, you refer to the Stephen Harper In Transition in which he acquired the title of Prime Minister Stephen back in the CanadianCynic days!
I want someone, a reporter, a citizen, anyone, to ask Harper if he believes that Jesus Christ is going to Return in Harper’s lifetime.
and post the answer to youtube
Interestingly enough, this was completely intentional. This banner was from the largest religious group at UNM (the University of New Mexico) and was placed on our student union building.
I worked at the crisis center based at UNM with one of the head people in that student group, and he said that they were attempting to “reclaim the acronym” to make it a positive expression rather than implying something profane. UNM is a very liberal campus, and when it comes to the religious crap on campus, most everyone does in fact think “WTF.”
What’s really hilarious is that this is a “progressive” (read: “liberal”) church, not a “fundy” church. Just goes to prove that liberals have some of the stupidest ideas around.