One of my daughter’s best friends (@9 years old) was super disconcerted to find out we didn’t believe in God, and told us a couple times that she was nervous being around people who don’t believe in God. Very sad. Although I hope that frequent contact with us means she’s learning good things about atheists.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
Happy 4/20 day everyone!
I’m literally too much of a pothead to celebrate 4/20 day.
For me, it’d be like having a special ‘Eat food and drink liquids!’ day, or a ‘breathe’ day, dedicated to the act of respiration.
Although I hope that frequent contact with us means she’s learning good things about atheists.
I’m sure it will make a difference. Kids aren’t as attached to their ideas as adults.
This is being typed on my nifty new toy. I bought an ASUS Slider tablet. Kind of like the Transform, except with the keyboard attached to the computer. My father will be paying for half of it, so that’s pretty cool. Anyway, time for sleeping. Gnite folks!
This is being typed on my nifty new toy. I bought an ASUS Slider tablet.
Cool. Have fun with it! I’m seriously enjoying my new Nook tablet.
Anyway, I’m fairly sure that our lovely hosts will ensure gendersegregated accommodation, so even if you do in fact offer, I won’t be able to take you up on that.
Speaking as the management, the management doesn’t give a flying fuck about gender segregation. The management also does not give a flying fuck about people fucking so long as they don’t do it in the street and scare the horses.
Nerd, on 2nd thought, it’s a mutual protection society. I’ll stop quivering and unleash my quarrels!
cicely. Just cicely.says
Aha! I believe I’ve found the source of the incredibly fucking horrible neck/shoulder/arm pain! Sing hallelluia with me, Pharyngusibs! I throw *confetti* on my own behalf!
I even dare to hope for…a decent night’s sleep.
Although I can hardly believe an atheist could be self-conscious.
But I do exist! I’m sure of it!
Horses are ebil, unlike the peas, that are just tasty and succulent and begging to be eated.
Heretic! Throw him to the peas! With extreme prejudice! In cream sauce!
I believe I’ve found the source of the incredibly fucking horrible neck/shoulder/arm pain!
Did I miss the part where you told us what the source was?
Umm, big confetti, (which kinda negates the point of confetti, amiright?), a good night’s sleep is one of my goals in life.
Rey Foxsays
Sing hallelluia with me, Pharyngusibs!
Well, I heard there was a secret chord. That David played and it pleased the Lord. But you don’t really care for music, do you?
Mr. Mattir, MRA Chicksays
Yes, Ashkenazi food can be quite good. The food I cook, for example, is wonderful. The overcooked bland greasy nightmare of the Misogyny Seder, not so much.
Speaking of food, Mr. Mattir and I just went out to a lovely restaurant which offered, as one of its meat course choices, “shoat with [whole bunch of stuff] and shoat jus. I had to order this just because I kept misreading it as “stoat.” (Baked weasel with jus should be a traditional Washingtonian insider dish.) On a somewhat weirder note, they asked when he made the reservation if it was a special occasion, which meant that we were presented with a happy anniversary card signed by the entire restaurant staff. That was very strange. And the restaurant sent us home with a “gift” of coffeecake, coffee, and tea for tomorrow morning. Decaf coffee. Decaf. Something that I don’t drink ever, having trained myself to sleep well despite (or because of) the late-night joe.
I think I’m going to deal with the CCN weirdness by commissioning a surlyramics necklace with a brain, a female sign, and the word “scary” underneath and then wearing that when I have to interact with him. Or I could just wear the one I had made with the porcupine (cute and alive, but still…) and the word “insert.” Whenever I wear it I get compliments because the porcupine is so adorable.
cicely. Just cicely.says
Sailor, I only just this afternoon isolated the cause of the problem, so you haven’t missed any press releases on it.
Basically, it comes down to…posture. Yes, kiddies; posture does matter. Be told! *shaking cane*
WARNING: Tedious Details Follow
Posture, and habit. Habitually sitting at the same spots in the living room (wherefrom to watch TV), and my office (monitor), and my home computer (other monitor), all of which conspired to have me holding my head at the same angle (give or take), facing the same direction. Can we say “repetitive” (if not necessarily “stress”)? I knew we could. So, when most of the muscles in my upper right back decided to pull a massive cramp, the entire neck/shoulder/arm chain rose up in unsympathetic revolt. Or possibly the n/s/a nonsense triggered the seizing up of the muscles; chicken/egg, and there were no credible witnesses to the crime. It is also clear, in retrospect, that the Rebel Alliance offered my pre-existing, mild-mannered, easily-managed carpal tunnel problem…cookies. (But they lied. There were no cookies; though there was Zuul in great abundance.)
I was able, with slow, gentle stretches (and muscle relaxants; Go Science!), to get the back muscles to ease off gradually over the space of a week, but the n/s/a assembly would not budge, and in fact, doubled down.
So, there was crying, and drugging, and a general-and-lamentable lack of sleeping (I’m a total pain-wimp; ask anybody), and by this morning, an inability to pick up my cup of coffee, because my thumb was fucking useless and the fingers were all numb to one degree or another.
D’ya wanna know what seems to be the solution to this mess? A ‘course you do! ‘Cause it’s real stupid.
1) Angle head sharply in direction opposite to established default position. *pop*
2) Bring chin up firmly, until face is in the uprightmost position. *pop*
3) Marvel at sudden cessation of hideous awful pain, from neck to wrist, and say “howdy” to the prodigal digits.
4) Repeat as needed.
Tedious Details End
I…I feel quite giddy.
But you don’t really care for music, do you?
Oh, but I do! Usually I stick with instrumental (in the interest of the Common Good), but on this occasion, I believe I will sing hallelujah anyway.
chigau (バフーン)says
Driving home today, in the dark side of evening, we almost hit a bat (or it almost hit us).
I have a mental picture of a look of pure horror on the bat’s face, just before it veered off.
It would have made a great photo, if I’d had my camera out and if I was in any way competant at taking action shots.
chigau (バフーン)says
Watch it.
The Chirofraudsters will get after you for practicing on yourself without a liscence.
More misogyny from the Romney campaign. “[Richard] Grenell appears to be particularly bothered by Rachel Maddow, whom he apparently finds insufficiently feminine.”
Mattir, you had me at “That was very strange”, and I snickered thru the middle, but when I got to “Whenever I wear it I get compliments because the porcupine is so adorable”, I laughed out loud.
theophontes 777says
Oh Noze! Teh Uppity Wimmin are gibbin’ teh menZ a hard time:
It said the sisters were promoting radical feminist themes and criticised US nuns for challenging the bishops, who it said were “the church’s authentic teachers of faith and morals”.
The catholic bishops are getting upset that nuns are doing right by the people they serve. One certainly can’t have that!
My 13-year-old knows everything. So he is probably going to miss his pickup time for the parade he’s marching in tomorrow because we adults are, like, totally stupid to advise him to do ridiculous things like plan on being early for the bus. I know, right? What kind of loser would do that?
Sigh. At least he will learn. Vividly and memorably.
chigau (バフーン)says
I have no 13-year-old of my own but I can testify that the ones I deal with for a few hours every week definitely know everything.
They are sooo fucking cute!
(I don’t hafta go home with them.)
…All righty, middle of the night ain’t the best time for this but hey.
BronyStudy needs a control group of non-My Little Pony fans to take their second-tier survey. So, if you don’t know what MLP is, or why some of us make such a big deal out of it, please consider taking the survey For Science!
Goals of our Survey:
1) Describe the Brony Community (Fandom)
2) Contrast the Bronies versus the Non-Bronies on demographic and personality variables
3) Provide information that might confirm or disconfirm myths/beliefs about the Brony Community (Fandom)
4) Look for Types of Bronies and differences between these Types
I’m busy doing my pre-event crankiness and anxiety for the wedding social I have to go to Saturday night.
I gather that the event revolves around drinking and dancing, and I don’t do either. AND there will be music, meaning that I won’t be able to hear anything that anyone says. AND I haven’t yet told any of my friends that I’ve finally figured out I’m mostly into girls, so they’ll be busy trying to set me up with guys all night.
So, umm, yay for being a non-dancing, non-drinking, mostly-gay shy girl at a large heteronormative party dedicated to drinking and dancing. Who says hell doesn’t exist?
[/worst-case scenario]
My current plan is to tuck a tensor bandage in my purse. If too many drunk (male) rugby players are pestering me to dance, I’m going to slip off to the bathroom, apply the bandage, and pretend I sprained my ankle. Unless anyone has suggestions for more entertaining fake injuries/illnesses?
chigau (バフーン)says
Tomorrow, I will be attending a high school production of Willy Wonka.
A girl is playing Willy.
re: your wedding function
Walk in with a cane.
Start a line dance.
When the Wrong One™ asks you to dance, say “No, thank you.”
If it persists, raise your voice and say, “No, I will NOT give you a blow-job!” aaaannnd *faint*
(really. try this. tell me if it works.)
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Red letter day!
I had to bring the torn-off roofing to the city dump in the station wagon today (that cursed pile hiding a razor blade that cut my finger necessitating stitches. Oh, and $35 US to dispose of it, thank you very much). Our dump/recycling station has a little shed where you can leave off household goods—books, crockery, furniture, etc.—for people to pick over for free. I got a whole set of bread plates that way recently, and Ms. Daisy Cutter can attest how delicious bread is when eaten off them.
Don’t know if it’s antique or not, but it fits the lamp perfectly and it’s just the thing I’ve been looking for to let more light through for reading but still keep the blinding mantle shaded off. Those shits are expensive to buy.
I like the idea of a cane. It doubles as a weapon. (When I’m nervous, I like to be armed. You should see the selection of weapons beside my pillow when I’m camping in bear country.)
I had already contemplated fake-fainting. If I work out really hard earlier in the day and don’t eat much dinner, I might not even need to fake. The risk of actually being taken to the hospital is a bit high, though.
chigau (バフーン)says
not *face-plant* faint; *gentle-flop* swoon.
People will bring you water and cake.
(my bear-country weapon-of-choice is a long-gun and someone who knows how to use it)
(or the truck parked close-by)
chigau (バフーン)says
free milk-glass shade
(people throw away the best stuff)
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
Nutmeg: My favorite walking stick weapon will always be the spear :P
Favourite weapon? I have to pick one?
My bear-country camping generally involves long hikes or portages, so I don’t bring a gun. It’s just black bears here, anyway.
But my beside-pillow selection includes:
-large, excessively bright flashlight
-bear bangers
-hunting knife
-filleting knife
-bear spray
-big stick
As you might guess, I’m a little neurotic about bears.
chigau (バフーン)says
I don’t think I’ve used the phrase “just black bears” since that one tried to threaten the helicopter (which was running).
Black bears are scary.
Speaking of bears, did you all catch the news that’s governor got chased naked by a bear while trying to bring in his bird feeder so as to prevent more bears from coming around?
Ahhh, Vermont…
chigau (バフーン)says
birds and bears and nekked guvners, oh my!
More ragey war-on-uteri stuff: (yes, this is what I do all night)
Good news: Oklahoma’s zygote-personhood bill failed without a vote, (source)
Bad news: Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin can’t give out pills for medication abortions because of Scott Walker’s new law that makes it all but legally impossible.
“Under this new law, women seeking medication abortion would be required to make at least three separate doctor’s vists to the same doctor,” said Terry Huyck, CEO of PPWI. Addtionally, Act 217 creates criminal penalties for providers of medication abortions if they don’t follow the ambiguous legislative restrictions. And the penalties are strict. According to the bill’s language:
Under this bill, a person who gives a woman an abortion-inducing drug in a manner that violates the prohibition is guilty of a Class I felony and may be subject to a civil action.
And Missouri has a similar bill now under consideration that would create stifling barriers to medication abortion:
The bill endorsed by the House would require a doctor — not a nurse or other medical professional — to perform a physical examination of the woman at least 24 hours before prescribing the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone, commonly known as RU-486.
The legislation would require the physician administering RU-486 to have clinical privileges at a nearby hospital, as well as privileges to intervene with surgery if necessary at a hospital or the abortion clinic where the drug was given.
More abortion access bowl-a-thons this weekend, with another round next week, plus We Are Women marches all across the country on April 28.
Sorry to but in, HELP PLEASE if you can, Hey their friends of the Cephalopod, anyone of you Hydrogeologists, I am sure some of you are scientists, obvious. If you have LinkedIn acces, I could really use some help drowning out a very pernicious and intransigent arsehole called Doug Bates of GeoDivining International aka GeoDivining (UK) Ltd. The members of the Hydrogeology forum group appear to be too spineless to HELP. Any assistance or support SO VERY WELCOME. Sorry to shout. Respectly Simon, Head over to LinkedIn, Hydrogeology forum, discussion on Witching for water. I’d link it, but, don’t think that would work. Same post on PZ’s FB site. Thanks so much.
Well, seems like a night for posting borderline odd stuff. Share this, if you fancy it:
Hmm. OK. I shared that from someone I respect – but should’ve looked at it more closely. While I’m 100% in favour of the message, the sexist language is bad. I’d overlooked the bad grammar already.
Good message, I like the concept of the presentation, but the language could be way more clever than it is.
Beatrice, anormalement indécentesays
BronyStudy needs a control group of non-My Little Pony fans to take their second-tier survey. So, if you don’t know what MLP is, or why some of us make such a big deal out of it, please consider taking the survey For Science!
also for weirdness: MLP is leading up to the two-part Royal Wedding season finale at noon (CST) tomorrow. There are multiple livestreaming mare-a-thons leading up to the finale:
That doesn’t make sense to me. How is this not defining physical stuff as the only logically possible stuff that exists?
What’s your point?
There’s no reason to think that’s correct. You’d have to give a logical proof, but you said you couldn’t do that.
“Physical stuff” is just a pleonasm, and “non-physical stuff” is an empty concept. It’s not just that it’s impossible for “non-physical stuff” to exist, it’s that it’s impossible for it to make sense. It just came into being as an artifact of the collision of old supernatural thinking with a scientific worldview of the physical universe, and the form it’s expressed as here (non-physical stuff) is just leftover grammar clutter.
I’ve just acquired a few of Hitchens’ audiobooks. It is amazing how soothing the steady flow, the cadence, the melodic sound of his voice is when played in the car on the way to or from work, say. You don’t even have to pay attention to what he’s saying, it’s like brain yoga, or meditation music, it just relaxes you in a very weird way.
An Anglican priest has an article in the Guardian titled, “Was Jesus gay? Probably.” The subtitle is, “I preached on Good Friday that Jesus’s intimacy with John suggested he was gay as I felt deeply it had to be addressed.”
As much as I agree with the commenter who replied, “Did Jesus exist? Probably not,” I LOL’ed. And I fired up Photoshop.
(Another comment: “I’m almost tempted to say I’m sure that Jesus’ prostate was frequently massaged just to see the response it elicits from the Catholics.”)
bear bangers
I think I once saw a movie by that title in the “adult emporium.”
More abortion access bowl-a-thons this weekend
The first time I read that I missed the word “access.” The phrase “Abortion bowl-a-thon” suggests fetuses lined up like tenpins. After every turn you’d not only have to wash the ball but hose down the alley, I think.
Amblebury, while I’d agree that the image you posted is inappropriate for Pharyngula, just to speak for myself, it didn’t ping my radar as problematic because it was spawned by a meme that uses all sorts of over-the-top language. Another example contains the exclamation “MUHAMMAD CLIT-RIPPING FUCK!” Which is awful. But hilarious. But awful. But hilarious.
I got a whole set of bread plates that way recently, and Ms. Daisy Cutter can attest how delicious bread is when eaten off them.
What are “breadplates”? I know some specialised porcelain, but that one seems to have escaped my notice.
Ms. Daisy Cutter, Gynofascist in a Spiffy Hugo Boss Uniform
I’m sure this sounded funnier in your head, because it’s not funny at all to read. What the fuck is the matter with you?
I tried quoting from memory. My poor recall tends to make stuff more bigoted apparently. Interesting that.
Sili, gotcha, but it might have gone over better if you had indicated you were quoting SDJ. I grew up with him on TV; I know he was a black convert to Judaism who was rather short and who had lost an eye. I’d never heard him describe himself in the terms you used. It’s one thing coming from a person to whom the terms apply, quite another coming from a person to whom they don’t.
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
I have a sneaking suspicion my new neighbors are part of some funny religious cult, and may be leaders in it
1. They homeschool thier kid who has to be in his mid late teens
2. I’m not sure they work at all. Since they bought the house I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen them “go to work” They could work from home of course, but it still might be another data point
3. They just left at 8:30 am on a Saturday “dressed up”. And by dressed up I mean her in a casual churchy dress and he in short sleeves and a tie and very flat pale blue pants with a briefcase and what looked like a bible-ish book. Like exactly what I picture fundy attire to be.
Granted these are all superficial and petty judgements but they just have this feeling they are.
Or maybe it’s that I fucking hate their pair of little rats dogs who bark all the time.
Might have to let the Husky pair of destruction out one day when they are out.
I wrongly assumed that everyone knew that particular quip. But I certainly should have made sure I quoted it verbatim so it was more readily googlable.
'Tis Himselfsays
What are “breadplates”?
You need a loaf of Wonderbread® or other toiletpaper-based bread substitute, some heavy weights, and some plastic plates (Tupperware® is appropriate). Put the Wonderbread® between two plates and stack the weights on top. Let sit in a cool, dark place for six or more months. Remove the weights and plastic plates (these may be reused for another purpose) and preheat your oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5. Toss the “bread” into the oven for 30 to 45 minutes until they look sorta plate like. You now have breadplates.
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
Another dream about donuts last night. With alcohol. I, and a kid I knew in high school, were trying to figure out how to get the taste of donuts to come through in a dark porter (this was a dream, okay? I know that porters are already strong and don’t need much in the way of additives for more flavour.) And we were arguing over the name: Pigbeer or Copbeer were the two finalists. No idea which one won as I woke up.
What the hell is going on in my mind?
bear bangers
It does make a lot of sense to make sausage out of game. Tough meat, when ground and seasoned, can turn into tender sausage as long as there is enough fat.
What are “breadplates”? I know some specialised porcelain, but that one seems to have escaped my notice.
In Europe, during the (inadequately defined) middle ages, thick slices of heavy, dense bread were used as plates. These stand-ins, called trenchers, soaked up any juices from the meats and were then eaten after the main course. Thus the term, “trencherman”, for someone with a hefty appetite.
I have a sneaking suspicion my new neighbors are part of some funny religious cult, and may be leaders in it
That’s no funny religious cult, that’s evangelical Christianity at its ‘best’.
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
You need a loaf of Wonderbread® or other toiletpaper-based bread substitute, some heavy weights, and some plastic plates (Tupperware® is appropriate). Put the Wonderbread® between two plates and stack the weights on top. Let sit in a cool, dark place for six or more months. Remove the weights and plastic plates (these may be reused for another purpose) and preheat your oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5. Toss the “bread” into the oven for 30 to 45 minutes until they look sorta plate like. You now have breadplates.
This sounds like a Mormon/evangelical recipe for dwarfish battle bread.
FYI, if anyone wants to hang out for the MLP mare-a-thon, I opened a temporary chatroom. It’s accessible by browser and by IRC (on Ustream).
Browser link: in spoiler text
IRC: join server c. ustream. tv (no spaces) #tomewyrm
Currently I’m watching Haxmega’s stream which is showing past eps.
He recently tried to defend the right of advertisers to lie.
Oh FFS. I ignore him when he posts here.
Hi! I’m sorry to barge in and interrupt but I know that many, if not most, of you are concerned with college/university fees and accessibility to higher education. As some of you may know, confronted to a 75% hike, Québec students have been on strike for over two months now and the conflict have become more violent over the last few weeks. If you ever want to show your support, here is a quick and easy way to do so. Thanks a lot for your help!
Thanks, Oggie. I’ll take anything at this point. :D
Plates made of bread would be a fine, fine thing (though come to think of it that’s kind of what the bread in sandwiches is doing there, in a way …). Anyway, @ Sili, I think what Josh was referring to is what I would call sideplates – those small plates wot posh people do put their bread or bread roll on beside their bigger main plate at dinner, or which I use as a salad plate if the salad is separate or just as a plate if I’m only having a snack. Or for dessert. (Oh, all right, then, pudding)
This message has been brought to you by Mind-Numbingly Tedious Thumbs R Us and What Am I Thinking, Inc.
Matt Penfoldsays
It used to be common to have plates made from bread baked hard. They were called trenchers.
I just used to throw mine over my shoulder for the dogs, and have fresh rushes strewn on the floor afterwards …
(MLPsquee) YES my stream is playing Best Night Ever! SQUEEEEE
45 minutes to go, 1600 viewers on just this one stream. SQUEE
Nutmeg: Hmmm . . . maybe slip away at some point and pretend to vomit in the ladies’? Just tell everyone you were having dry heaves and should probably bow out early. You might end up vomiting for real if you fake hard enough, though, which just might convince them to see you off.
Really loud music? Fake getting a headache. If they offer you water, drink it, but still make a show of not feeling well. If they insist you stay, tell them you don’t want to drag the party down and should really leave. Fake feeling like you might vomit at this point if you like, the combination seems like a surefire way to be excused.
Or just go with the first plan you thought of. You sure it won’t seem suspicious that you just happen to have a tensor bandage in your purse?
Brother and SIL came down from NYC last night late, so we all went to this burger place called Plan B. We’ve been there before, and it’s quite good. Anyway, since yesterday was 420 Day, they had a special: A burger stuffed with hot dog pieces, cheese, and topped with crushed Doritos, among other things. I thought he was making it up, but no, dead serious. No one ordered it, and we also had to explain to Mom what 420 was about.
I also used the 420 thing as an excuse to not be healthy for dinner. On top of the hot wings and blue cheese chips we shared, I had a chili burger and onion rings (also the last few tater tots SIL couldn’t finish). And a glass and a half of beer. Oof. Slept late, and thankfully no hangover to deal with.
A burger stuffed with hot dog pieces, cheese, and topped with crushed Doritos, among other things.
I would so eat that.
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
I celebrated 4/20 by, er, going to work, making dinner (‘Mexican’ pizza (a normal pizza crust with diced smoked pork, black beans, corn, sweet pepper, chili pepper, onion and cheese and backed like a normal pizza)), smoking a cigar (yes! is was a cigar!), doing the bills, and going to bed at 8:30pm.
See, this^ is what scares the theists so much about me as an atheist: my hedonistic lifestyle.
When you come back to your senses, back your assertion up or drop it.
I don’t think that’s necessary until the idea of “non-physical stuff” is elevated to the level of an assertion.
If upon new “stuff” being encountered sometime in the future the scientific community decides to just shrug its shoulders and label it “magic, yo” instead of classifying it as some exotic form of physical phenomenon, then that would just mean that in the interval the definition of what the word “physical” means would have shifted, or the scientific community would be having a collective brain freeze.
See, this^ is what scares the theists so much about me as an atheist: my hedonistic lifestyle.
I know, right? I had a frighteningly similar night last night:
Came home from work. Puttered around on the internet. Ordered Chinese food. Watched this past Wednesday’s episode of The Daily Show (Robert Reich!). Read a book for a little while and was in bed by 10.
Today is shaping up to be just as hedonistic: I ate a bagel, did a little bit of cleaning*, made some mint and chamomile iced tea, and puttered around on the internet. Mr Darkheart is going out tonight, so I might watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy later.
*I did find pink, penis-shaped plastic cutlery in one of my kitchen cupboards, though. That’s gotta count for something.
Pie Floater Trencher Special:
1) Take one bloomer loaf of multigrain bread, cut in half longitudinally (i.e. separate the bottom half from the top half) and hollow out the bottom half to leave ~1cm thick bread layer before the crust is exposed.
2) Toast trencher in the oven and then place a large Yorkshire pudding (specially made or large, plate sized store bought) within the cavity, lining it as far as possible.
3) Carefully drizzle a thin layer of beef gravy over the base of the Yorkshire pudding.
4) Fill Yorkshire pudding/trencher cavity with pea (or pea and ham) soup to ~90% of the capacity of the cavity.
5) Place a freshly baked pie, with filling of your choice, I prefer steak and stilton, within the pea soup. Make sure the pie is UPSIDE DOWN.
6) Drizzle more gravy over the pie/soup/trencher.
7) On one side of the pie add a heaped teaspoon of English Mustard, on the other a heaped teaspoon of hot Horseradish.
8) Drizzle over the ketchup of your preference.
9) Season with freshly ground black pepper and crumbled, crispy bacon.
10) Eat, with accompanying beers.
11) Realise this is why you are fat.
consciousness razorsays
See, this^ is what scares the theists so much about me as an atheist: my hedonistic lifestyle.
Mexican pizza is unpatriotic and un-Biblical, but I repeat myself. Anyway, I can see where they’re coming from. Cigars are of course only a sin for those without penises, so no problem there. But honestly, I had no idea anyone got pleasure out of doing their bills. That is scary. Filthy hedonists….
Mattir – the porcupine necklace made me LOL :D Happy Anniversary! And Yay for a nice, romantic dinner out. :)
Ogvorbis, I think your awesome mind has decided it likes you very much and is gifting you with this fascinating, pleasant dream world. I say go with the donuts and let the alcohol flow freely in your dreams!
Josh, how good to find that milk glass! I love those antique hurricane style lamps – and the outer glass is deucedly hard to find if it gets broken. Yay for you!
Cicely, so glad that you’ve got to the root of your trouble and are on your way to getting rid of that pain. OUCH! Yay for you!
Stealing from Ye Olde Blacksmith yesterday – I’m breaking out the YAY-GUN and pointing it in your direction, Happy Horde! :D) Prepare to be showered with a volley of celebration!)
After the break-in and follow up police/security/locksmithy business, i was having trouble writing anything of substance – but Mr Nifty arrived back home last night around 9. Although I was pretty VERY calm, cool and collected over the past few days, I admit that his arrival coincided with a veritable tsunami of writing – I stayed up until 3AM finishing one post and mostly finishing 4 more for next week! :D Pteryxx, thanks for the link – and the others you posted this week – they have certainly helped me round out sourcing for my work on reproductive rights .
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
I totally freaked out a neighbor a few years ago.
We helped him (he was elderly) with some of his yard work, kept an eye on him (his kids are out of town), and, basically, were good neighbors. He was mildly upset when he found out we are not Catholic. He was freaked out that we are atheists. Direct quote: “But you seem so normal! Are you secret atheists? Why do you act like normal people? HOW do you act like normal people?” He died a week later.
He was a pain the ass, though. All taxes are evil, but why are they closing the fire station nearby, why haven’t the paved my street, why are there so many coloureds moving into the area, why are there so few police, why should I pay for school when my kids are out, why do the schools do such a lousy job, why should my taxes go up now when they haven’t changed in 40 years, etc.
Nice guy, but totally Fauxed.
But he was really freaked out that Wife and I are atheists. We seemed so normal. So boring. What were we up to?
OOps! Meant to send a delicious pot of coffee to Dr Audley – place cup below USB port and enjoy piping hot caffeinated goodness at your convenience!
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
And an addendum to my previous:
I suspect that this also freaks out the religious and conservatives when it comes to gay and lesbian and transgendered and bisexual couples. They can be so damned boring. Why don’t atheists and GLBTs act the way my preacher says they act?
I say go with the donuts and let the alcohol flow freely in your dreams!
As long as I don’t become the Ohgod of Hangovers. That’s be not good uber.
Thank you! I was really starting to feel the caffeine withdrawal! :D
I’ve found that cutting down on my caffeine consumption* has been MUCH MUCH harder than quitting smoking. But, on the plus side, I’ve been smoke-free for over a month now, yay.
Dark? Light? Spiced? Straight or as a cocktail? And what kind of cocktail, leghorn?
And what about Rummy? or Rumsfeld? or Ruminants? or Redrum?
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I would totally eat that bread/pudding/soup/pie thing, Husband.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Also, when I say “Husband” it is to be heard with Jamaican intonation a la Labarbara Conrad.
consciousness razorsays
I don’t think that’s necessary until the idea of “non-physical stuff” is elevated to the level of an assertion.
Then please start thinking that. On what grounds do you think you can make the claim it’s logically impossible? Do you think it’s based on some kind of evidence? Or do you just have presuppositions?
Why is the rum always gone?
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
Why is the rum always gone?
Really, horses stole the rum, mixed it with peas, and drank it.
Louis, nom nom nom! with RUM, too! I’m down with that. :)
Dark? Light? Spiced? Straight or as a cocktail?
Rey Foxsays
Usually I stick with instrumental (in the interest of the Common Good), but on this occasion, I believe I will sing hallelujah anyway.
I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch, love is not a victory march, it’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah!
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
Okay, I was wrong. Niftyatheist drank it all. No horses involved.
Not sure about the peas.
You sure it won’t seem suspicious that you just happen to have a tensor bandage in your purse?
Damn, you’re right. Okay, so my options are: fainting, vomiting, and headache. Sounds like a fun night!
At the moment I’m in denial that I have to go to a party this evening. I’m still in my pajamas and I’ve spent the last hour planning the menu for this summer’s canoe trip.
Hmm, there should be some blockquote tags in my last post. Oops.
I just saw a commercial for Warren Buffet’s Secret Millionaire Club cartoon on The Hub.
I-I’m confused.
YAY Ponies! Oh, no more new episodes. Boo. =(
If upon new “stuff” being encountered sometime in the future the scientific community decides to just shrug its shoulders and label it “magic, yo” instead of classifying it as some exotic form of physical phenomenon, then that would just mean that in the interval the definition of what the word “physical” means would have shifted – NuMad
But since you are using “physical” in its current sense, you would still have been shown to be wrong in asserting that there is no non-sphysical stuff. Hence by admitting the possibility, you also admit that you are wrong in claiming that non-physical stuff is logically impossible.
oh, the Royal Wedding eps were AWESOME – manymany brony squees and tears were shed. At max there were over 6200 viewers of the ONE livestream I happened to be watching.
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
What royal wedding? Did I miss something?
My Little Pony Royal Wedding season finale. No big outside the brony world. ~;>
also randomly, can I just say whoever is live-captioning the NHL playoff game is a frickin’ hero. Xe’s rolling out weird Czech and French-Canadian names left and right with less than a second’s delay (mostly) from the commentators in real damn time. I LOVE CAPTIONERS SO HARD.
Ogvorbis: Insert Appropriate Appelation Heresays
Girl’s boyfriend is into My Little Pony. For his last birthday (he turned 20), Wife and I gave him MLP sheets for his bed. He loves them.
Pteryxx, I was wondering about the royal wedding reference too – ?
Ogvorbis- yes, I drank it all, dammit – though I slipped a little of the spiced to the horses (makes ’em less jittery when the sex spills out into the streets!) – pass on the peas today – but they are my secret vice on Mondays and Thorsdays!
I shall send you a Pie Floater Trencher Special via the USB bloater matrix.
Rum: Dark or spiced for a preference. I am currently enjoying Sailor Jerry’s Spiced Rum, which is a little lighter (in colour, flavour and alcohol) than my normal tipples.
How it is drunk: Straight. Neat. If I am feeling a bit tender, perhaps I will pour it over some crushed ice. If available as a mojito, I can be persuaded. Daiquiris are also nice. If I am drinking properly though, I will avoid cocktails and stick to straight rum chasers with my beer.
Special rums get tasted carefully, both with and without one cube of ice.
Alcoholism is SRS BSNS. I don’t just lie about on park benches drinking meths and swearing at invisible passers by.
Any more.
…Sure, do folks really want MORE pony talk?
Synopsis sourced from io9:
In the two-part episode “A Canterlot Wedding,” the kingdom is in a frenzy preparing for the wedding of Princess Celestia’s niece, Princess Cadance, to Twilight Sparkle’s brother, Shining Armor. However, Twilight Sparkle discovers a dark secret about the bride that could ruin her brother’s “happily ever after.”
The Hub channel has been building up to the Royal Wedding MLP season finale since the beginning of the month. We knew there was a royal wedding in it (one of the biggest cliches in the whole Princess trope), and that none of the Mane Six characters were the ones getting married, but that’s it. Parties, interviews, poster signings and even stacks of screenshots on Facebook, but no spoilers! Good thing too because holy CRAP did things get real. Cliches are just clay to these writers.
Multiple fan mare-a-thons ran all night leading up to the show at noon CST. The livestream I watched ran for 24 hours and maxed out at over 6200 viewers; there were at least a dozen formally announced livestreams, and viewing parties all over the world: folks held house parties and even rented out bars in Seattle, Vegas, Houston, MD, London, Australia, and some poor lone brony posted from Vietnam.
Earlier this afternoon, following a screening of the documentary Bully at the White House, the Obama administration officially endorsed the Student Non-Discrimination Act.
The Student Non-Discrimination Act would provide students with explicit federal protections by establishing a comprehensive prohibition against discrimination and harassment in all public elementary and secondary schools across the country based on a student’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Importantly, the legislation also protects students who associate with LGBT people, including students with LGBT parents and friends.
I’ll join cecily in singing Hallelujah, because I found a sunscreen that doesn’t burn and sting! The Vanicream brand was my last resort, and I’ve used it twice now without problems, so I just have to hope it stays that way.
Sailor Jerry’s Spiced Rum, which is a little lighter (in colour, flavour and alcohol)
SJ is 92 proof, so I’m thinkin’ it’s got enough alcohol.
My favorite is Pussers, but my local doesn’t carry it. And it’s past my price point, except when I’m at a bar. and it’s a safe bet they don’t carry it. But if you ask for a brand they don’t have, they pour extra nice when you settle for a lessor brand.
My drink at the moment is 1 part rum, 1 part pineapple juice, 2 parts orange juice. With a sprinkle of fresh ground nutmeg, (sorry, Nutmeg;-), and I may have more than one.
Caine, that zombie ducky is awesome! Beautiful needlework, too.
Aaw, thank you. That makes my fingers feel better. :)
OMG, teh cute!
Hee. You’ll be glad to know the tradition of bleeding on a zombie destined for you has been maintained. I was thinking about stitching Zombie Loves You! in alienese underneath…
The Alienese cracks me right up! I giggled when I saw it on the punk duckie. ♥!
Feminist porn awards in Toronto this weekend
— — —
Re. why is there no rum left?
Standard answer: “A big boy did it and ran away” (British book title)
— — — —
Space mining startup set for launch in US
When the infrastructure and resource base becomes independent of Earth, I can do a Hugo Drax and eradicate the ground-living maggots! BWAHAHAHA!
Nutmeg, one other thing: About the water – don’t drink it all in one go (although doing so after pretending dry heaves might, er, help with convincing people to let you go, should you then show signs of further stomach upset). Sip it, stare listlessly at the glass for a while, sip again.
Oh, here’s your WTF for the day: son was marching in a parade, a “junior” parade so it consisted in large part of the local preschool co-ops and so on. One of the groups that marched was “A Simple Wish Princess Preschool.” Yes. Princess preschool.
The Alienese cracks me right up! I giggled when I saw it on the punk duckie. ♥!
Oh good! Zombie Loves You! in alienese then. :D
The Sailor:
Caine, I like the Zombie duck even more then the punk duck. 2k stitches/hour!?
Thank you, I ♥ the Zombie Duckie m’self. Around 2k stitches an hour, which isn’t all that fast. What I have done so far is in the neighbourhood of 20,000 stitches, so maybe a bit more than that. This is why my fingers, they is dying. ;)
Serendipitydawg (e sup iτ =1)says
I really like the concept of a Bender’s Ducky thought a Hubert Farnsworth wouldn’t float too well with the spectacles and a Leila would be quite disturbing XD
With reference to swans, the UK has had a recent swan related fatality… can’t find the link but this one mentions it and certainly lays to rest any possible attributions of urban myth to these stories.
My nemesis, the cat who bit my hand, was finally caught in the trap and has been treated by our vet… he really is a one eyed feline now, though we aren’t going to have to watch him die of some horrible infection. The vets have kindly contributed the labour and nursing pro bono and we have financed the drugs. Eeek. I wish people would take care of their pets; mind you, he may have just strayed far from home. It would have helped of he had been chipped.
The program looks a little more focused on traditional gender roles than I’d like, but it’s still a big step up. And it’s happening in Alberta! I’m kinda shocked.
Serendipitydawg (e sup iτ =1)says
Damn… hit submit instead of preview…
I admire the skill of embroiderers – my mum tried to teach me but I was never adept with a needle. I did learn to knit and Mrs S taught me to crochet when we were first married, but I have never got beyond the ability to hem my jeans and blanket stitch a patch on the rough ones when I wear the arse out of them XD
About the water – don’t drink it all in one go (although doing so after pretending dry heaves might, er, help with convincing people to let you go
You sound like you speak from experience here…
cm's changeable monikersays
Why is the rum always gone?
Because if you quote it correctly, you can get bouncy Euro-house:
I did learn to knit and Mrs S taught me to crochet when we were first married, but I have never got beyond the ability to hem my jeans and blanket stitch a patch on the rough ones when I wear the arse out of them
I can’t grok knitting to save my life. I tried, when I was a kid, more than once. I did learn to crochet and tat, but I just don’t have the patience for them.
Outside of handstitching, my sewing skills are non-existent. Almost everyone in my family had outstanding sewing skills, truly amazing skills. Me? If I’m in the same room with a sewing machine, a black hole of hideous forms immediately.
Threadrupt! Will try to catch up.
Was in another town for a few days that had a big Goodwill (we don’t have one in our town). Got a cookie press for a dollar! And it was in a good condition original box, which is that awesome late 70s/early 80s dark brown background with swoopy yellow letters style. :D Score!
Have to share a little happy story. I’ve been background depressed for the last few months just because things seem so crappy everywhere, and people are crappy, and all the news is people being crappy and politicians being crappy. But I just spent three days with a bunch of governance people, and damn it all but it’s a big group of people who care and who are working their asses off for nothing to try and make their corner of the world a better place. All of you are those people too, but it was so good to physically go somewhere and see a whole roomful of those people in action. It was just kind of inspiring, you know? Was a nice antidote.
The word cutlery is so close, yet so far, from resembling cuttlefishery.
But since you are using “physical” in its current sense, you would still have been shown to be wrong in asserting that there is no non-sphysical stuff. Hence by admitting the possibility, you also admit that you are wrong in claiming that non-physical stuff is logically impossible.
I don’t see your point at all. If people get it into their heads (more widely than they already do) that energy, as opposed to matter, isn’t physical does that mean that energy fits into the category of what I call “non-physical stuff,” therefore proving me wrong?
As far as I can tell, “non-physical stuff” doesn’t have any hypothetical possible characteristics. Calling something previously unknown “non-physical” would be a purely arbitrary exercise. I can’t imagine a scenario in which we’d look at something and say “hey, this does X and Y and is Z therefore it matches the description of something that is non-physical” rather that classify into the all-inclusive category of the physical by default. Because there’s no such proposed identifying characteristics.
Because if you quote it correctly, you can get bouncy Euro-house:
Dammit, I was going to post that.
My cool cred quotient shall not be raised today. :(
p.s. I’m listening to A Prairie Home Companion, it’s in Nashville TN this week. I’ll probably have blister on me fingers before the show is over. I like playing along on my gitbox, especially when no one can hear me.
Glad you’re feeling better, Carlie. We all need that sort of thing now and then.
A Goodwill opened up in Bismarck about a year ago and we keep forgetting about it, it’s in a part of town we aren’t in much. Congrats on the cookie press, that’s a real find.
Serendipitydawg (e sup iτ =1)says
I can’t grok knitting to save my life.
I was taught at infant school aged 5 and I think I was the only boy who persevered and learned to do it reasonably well. Oddly enough, knitting was quite common among boys in the midlands, indeed, many coal miners knitted quite prolifically… go figure. It probably helped that my mum was a demon knitter so I had a home advantage. Mrs S’s family were all demon knitters though she was also really into crochet and tatting, along with embroidery (in her heyday, her mother’s embroidery skill was such that the front was indistinguishable from the back).
(in her heyday, her mother’s embroidery skill was such that the front was indistinguishable from the back).
That good, I’m not. I do know people who are that good, though. Back to knitting, a lot of men knit. I think it’s one helluva handy skill to have. Mister always ends up wandering around JoAnn’s, waiting on me and lately, he’s been eyeballing the knitting section. He likes the needles. Heh. I’m thinking about getting him some knitting basics for xmas. He already mailles (as in chainmail), so I think he’d take right to it.
cm's changeable moniker (because ln(-1) = iπ)says
s-dawg: (e sup iτ =1)
Tau? What? This is a typological emergency!
ln(-1) = iπ
That should copy and paste. ;)
Serendipitydawg (e sup iτ =1)says
He already mailles (as in chainmail), so I think he’d take right to it.
That sounds like a very specific skill… knitting should certainly be up his street with the results warmer in winter and more generally wearable.
Oh well, time for some sleep – first night I don’t have to wake up to take medication so I am looking forward to some deeeep slumber.
Audley – speaking of the Duckies, it’s been driving me a bit crazed that the quilt will fit eight, because there’s really nine I want to do. I expect I can fiddle with it all to fit nine, but if I can’t, would you be broken-hearted if I sacrificed Super Duckie so I could do Vampire Duckie?
Does anyone know how to scroll to the top and bottom of page with and android tablet? It’s really, really tedious to flick the screen on long threads. Is this a functionn of the operating system? The browser?
@ cm and carlie
Because if you quote it correctly
I have zero cool cred m’self, but that particular moment strikes a chord deep within my non-existent soul; yea verily the rum is, indeed, always gone and I have, I daresay, probably (almost) always already drunk it.
I would drink to your respective healths but I have, of course, no rum.
Hmmm, my nook has page up/page down and so do the two browsers I downloaded, Maxthon and Puffin.
'Tis Himselfsays
When I was in a submarine there was one guy on board who knitted. He made himself an Irish fisherman sweater in six months. Everyone else was impressed.
ln(-1) = iπ
Only if you specify the principal component – Ln(-1), I guess. is the correct way of doing it, if I recall correctly. Though perhaps is better than =.
Incidentally, I’ll be in Birmingham International Airport from 9 to 11 on the 23rd of October. Anyone wanna come feed me breakfast?
A snack in Toronto between 15 and 17 on the 15th is doable as well. Who brings the poutine?
I should finish knitting my wool so I can start knitting something with it.
I keep thinking that the Kindle’s Silk browser* has got to have a quick page up/down, but damned if I can find it. And the user guide was no help.
*Which works phenomenally like the mobile Chrome browser, go figure.
Of late, I’ve taught more teen boys to knit than girls – they discover really quickly that it calms the fidgets and makes sitting through boring or irritating stuff more tolerable. Spinning, though, is even more relaxing than knitting, as well as being weirder and thus better for the image. And it’s way easier to do while standing in line at stores.
Today I was supposed to be teaching a scouting class on plant biology. None of the wretches who’d signed up showed up, so I got to spend the day removing exotic invasives at the park where I work, while listening to audiobooks. Hiking around for the whole day talking about the various random things I know about plants would have been nice, but so was fooling around with pruners and those 3 prong cultivator gizmos.
Mr. Mattir, MRA Chicksays
Sili, will there be a repeat of the days at museums this fall? That’d be awesome.
There are worse things in life than listening to Emmy Lou Harris play tribute to Levon Helm in the Ryman Theater.
John Moralessays
NuMad @143,
But since you are using “physical” in its current sense, you would still have been shown to be wrong in asserting that there is no non-sphysical stuff. Hence by admitting the possibility, you also admit that you are wrong in claiming that non-physical stuff is logically impossible.
[1] I don’t see your point at all. [2] If people get it into their heads (more widely than they already do) that energy, as opposed to matter, isn’t physical does that mean that energy fits into the category of what I call “non-physical stuff,” therefore proving me wrong?
1. It’s a philosophical argument based on the definitional basis of what constitutes physicality.
2. Energy is physical under any ontology meaningful to our reality, and also very closely related to matter (as Einstein famously determined).
(PS Ain’t science freaky? Now we know about dark varieties of each)
Well, I’ve found page up/down ‘Droid keyboard shortcuts (which after a quick test work, but still seem pretty fucking useless as opposed to just scrolling), but that’s not very useful for a device with only a touch screen, is it?
Josh! What the hell kind of tablet are you using?
'Tis Himselfsays
If God intended you to use a Kindle then he’d never have let Apple invent the iPad.
There’s just a small problem– the Kindle Fire has no keys, just an on/off button. I didn’t realize that any of the Kindle models that had physical keys allowed you to browse the ‘tubes. Huh.
Honestly, not being able to page up/down on the Fire didn’t even irritate me* until Josh brought it up. :D
*It does on my phone, though. Grrrrrr.
'Tis Himselfsays
There are worse things in life than listening to Emmy Lou Harris play tribute to Levon Helm in the Ryman Theater.
Here’s “The Weight” from The Last Waltz:
'Tis Himselfsays
I just have Kindle on my PC, so I have no trouble navigating.
There’s just a small problem– the Kindle Fire has no keys, just an on/off button.
I thought they meant the keys on the virtual keyboard. I dunno, I’m lucky I figured out how to navigate around my nook.
Sili, will there be a repeat of the days at museums this fall? That’d be awesome.
I’d love to, if you’ll have me.
But I wanna see MoMA and/or the Metropolitan this time round.
I know I could spend another three days at the AMNH, but I really should expand my horizons. Do we have an artistic Pharyngulista who can do for art what DDMFM does for fossils?
Ooooh. And the Met has Carmen, Otello and Il Trovatore on that week. It doesn’t look like I can afford anything but standing room, though.
Oh. I’ll be visiting the week before Rhinebeck this time, rather than the week after.
Speaking of his Marjanovićiness, we’re chatting about going to Köln and rooming together in case anyone want to join.
I’m sorely tempted to get a Samsung Note, or alternatively the Galaxy Tab.
Anyone here have any experience? Or just opinions for that matter?
Yep, twisty and protuberant. But I’ve also bought dolphins and crabs (no, not that kind!) for my GFs.
I like my women like I like my booze; wet, no rocks, and a tangy aftertaste.
One of my daughter’s best friends (@9 years old) was super disconcerted to find out we didn’t believe in God, and told us a couple times that she was nervous being around people who don’t believe in God. Very sad. Although I hope that frequent contact with us means she’s learning good things about atheists.
Happy 4/20 day everyone!
I’m literally too much of a pothead to celebrate 4/20 day.
For me, it’d be like having a special ‘Eat food and drink liquids!’ day, or a ‘breathe’ day, dedicated to the act of respiration.
I’m sure it will make a difference. Kids aren’t as attached to their ideas as adults.
TLC @ 3 Breathe, breathe in the air.
Watched the video. Meh.
Track’s got nothing on Thing That Should Not Be. (That’s got Cthulu.)
Ashkenazi cuisine is actually quite good. Obviously, some cooks are better than others.
I’m sure this sounded funnier in your head, because it’s not funny at all to read. What the fuck is the matter with you?
This is being typed on my nifty new toy. I bought an ASUS Slider tablet. Kind of like the Transform, except with the keyboard attached to the computer. My father will be paying for half of it, so that’s pretty cool. Anyway, time for sleeping. Gnite folks!
Kat Lorraine:
Cool. Have fun with it! I’m seriously enjoying my new Nook tablet.
Speaking as the management, the management doesn’t give a flying fuck about gender segregation. The management also does not give a flying fuck about people fucking so long as they don’t do it in the street and scare the horses.
Muse- “The management also does not give a flying fuck about people fucking so long as they don’t do it in the street and scare the horses.”
But isn’t it about time we scare the horses? Horses are ebil, unlike the peas, that are just tasty and succulent and begging to be eated.
This is Pharyngula. You have to scare the roosters off, or you aren’t doing it right. Protect the Pullet Patrol™.
The latest freebie from Urban Threads: Steampunk Bacon Cat.
But, but, but …I was counting on the Pullet Patrol to protect me!
Meta: It’s funny to look at the Recent Comments and see so many danielhaven comments on a thread called “I don’t even understand the connections”.
Nerd, on 2nd thought, it’s a mutual protection society. I’ll stop quivering and unleash my quarrels!
Aha! I believe I’ve found the source of the incredibly fucking horrible neck/shoulder/arm pain! Sing hallelluia with me, Pharyngusibs! I throw *confetti* on my own behalf!
I even dare to hope for…a decent night’s sleep.
But I do exist! I’m sure of it!
Heretic! Throw him to the peas! With extreme prejudice! In cream sauce!
I liked Sammy Davis Jr.
Chemists! Fire up your fume hoods. There’s pyrotechnics need lighting. Mercury thiocyanate:
Did I miss the part where you told us what the source was?
Umm, big confetti, (which kinda negates the point of confetti, amiright?), a good night’s sleep is one of my goals in life.
Well, I heard there was a secret chord. That David played and it pleased the Lord. But you don’t really care for music, do you?
Yes, Ashkenazi food can be quite good. The food I cook, for example, is wonderful. The overcooked bland greasy nightmare of the Misogyny Seder, not so much.
Speaking of food, Mr. Mattir and I just went out to a lovely restaurant which offered, as one of its meat course choices, “shoat with [whole bunch of stuff] and shoat jus. I had to order this just because I kept misreading it as “stoat.” (Baked weasel with jus should be a traditional Washingtonian insider dish.) On a somewhat weirder note, they asked when he made the reservation if it was a special occasion, which meant that we were presented with a happy anniversary card signed by the entire restaurant staff. That was very strange. And the restaurant sent us home with a “gift” of coffeecake, coffee, and tea for tomorrow morning. Decaf coffee. Decaf. Something that I don’t drink ever, having trained myself to sleep well despite (or because of) the late-night joe.
I think I’m going to deal with the CCN weirdness by commissioning a surlyramics necklace with a brain, a female sign, and the word “scary” underneath and then wearing that when I have to interact with him. Or I could just wear the one I had made with the porcupine (cute and alive, but still…) and the word “insert.” Whenever I wear it I get compliments because the porcupine is so adorable.
Sailor, I only just this afternoon isolated the cause of the problem, so you haven’t missed any press releases on it.
Basically, it comes down to…posture. Yes, kiddies; posture does matter. Be told!
*shaking cane*
WARNING: Tedious Details Follow
Posture, and habit. Habitually sitting at the same spots in the living room (wherefrom to watch TV), and my office (monitor), and my home computer (other monitor), all of which conspired to have me holding my head at the same angle (give or take), facing the same direction. Can we say “repetitive” (if not necessarily “stress”)? I knew we could. So, when most of the muscles in my upper right back decided to pull a massive cramp, the entire neck/shoulder/arm chain rose up in unsympathetic revolt. Or possibly the n/s/a nonsense triggered the seizing up of the muscles; chicken/egg, and there were no credible witnesses to the crime. It is also clear, in retrospect, that the Rebel Alliance offered my pre-existing, mild-mannered, easily-managed carpal tunnel problem…cookies. (But they lied. There were no cookies; though there was Zuul in great abundance.)
I was able, with slow, gentle stretches (and muscle relaxants; Go Science!), to get the back muscles to ease off gradually over the space of a week, but the n/s/a assembly would not budge, and in fact, doubled down.
So, there was crying, and drugging, and a general-and-lamentable lack of sleeping (I’m a total pain-wimp; ask anybody), and by this morning, an inability to pick up my cup of coffee, because my thumb was fucking useless and the fingers were all numb to one degree or another.
D’ya wanna know what seems to be the solution to this mess? A ‘course you do! ‘Cause it’s real stupid.
1) Angle head sharply in direction opposite to established default position.
2) Bring chin up firmly, until face is in the uprightmost position.
3) Marvel at sudden cessation of hideous awful pain, from neck to wrist, and say “howdy” to the prodigal digits.
4) Repeat as needed.
Tedious Details End
I…I feel quite giddy.
Oh, but I do! Usually I stick with instrumental (in the interest of the Common Good), but on this occasion, I believe I will sing hallelujah anyway.
Driving home today, in the dark side of evening, we almost hit a bat (or it almost hit us).
I have a mental picture of a look of pure horror on the bat’s face, just before it veered off.
It would have made a great photo, if I’d had my camera out and if I was in any way competant at taking action shots.
Watch it.
The Chirofraudsters will get after you for practicing on yourself without a liscence.
Big confetti=> ream of A4 paper?
More misogyny from the Romney campaign. “[Richard] Grenell appears to be particularly bothered by Rachel Maddow, whom he apparently finds insufficiently feminine.”
Mattir, you had me at “That was very strange”, and I snickered thru the middle, but when I got to “Whenever I wear it I get compliments because the porcupine is so adorable”, I laughed out loud.
Oh Noze! Teh Uppity Wimmin are gibbin’ teh menZ a hard time:
The catholic bishops are getting upset that nuns are doing right by the people they serve. One certainly can’t have that!
Link: Leader of ‘radical’ US nuns rejects Vatican criticism
(I think “radical” means “does not hate Obama”… or “caring for people” … or sumthin’ equally heretical.)
My 13-year-old knows everything. So he is probably going to miss his pickup time for the parade he’s marching in tomorrow because we adults are, like, totally stupid to advise him to do ridiculous things like plan on being early for the bus. I know, right? What kind of loser would do that?
Sigh. At least he will learn. Vividly and memorably.
I have no 13-year-old of my own but I can testify that the ones I deal with for a few hours every week definitely know everything.
They are sooo fucking cute!
(I don’t hafta go home with them.)
…All righty, middle of the night ain’t the best time for this but hey.
BronyStudy needs a control group of non-My Little Pony fans to take their second-tier survey. So, if you don’t know what MLP is, or why some of us make such a big deal out of it, please consider taking the survey For Science!
I’m busy doing my pre-event crankiness and anxiety for the wedding social I have to go to Saturday night.
I gather that the event revolves around drinking and dancing, and I don’t do either. AND there will be music, meaning that I won’t be able to hear anything that anyone says. AND I haven’t yet told any of my friends that I’ve finally figured out I’m mostly into girls, so they’ll be busy trying to set me up with guys all night.
So, umm, yay for being a non-dancing, non-drinking, mostly-gay shy girl at a large heteronormative party dedicated to drinking and dancing. Who says hell doesn’t exist?
[/worst-case scenario]
My current plan is to tuck a tensor bandage in my purse. If too many drunk (male) rugby players are pestering me to dance, I’m going to slip off to the bathroom, apply the bandage, and pretend I sprained my ankle. Unless anyone has suggestions for more entertaining fake injuries/illnesses?
Tomorrow, I will be attending a high school production of Willy Wonka.
A girl is playing Willy.
re: your wedding function
Walk in with a cane.
Start a line dance.
When the Wrong One™ asks you to dance, say “No, thank you.”
If it persists, raise your voice and say, “No, I will NOT give you a blow-job!” aaaannnd *faint*
(really. try this. tell me if it works.)
Red letter day!
I had to bring the torn-off roofing to the city dump in the station wagon today (that cursed pile hiding a razor blade that cut my finger necessitating stitches. Oh, and $35 US to dispose of it, thank you very much). Our dump/recycling station has a little shed where you can leave off household goods—books, crockery, furniture, etc.—for people to pick over for free. I got a whole set of bread plates that way recently, and Ms. Daisy Cutter can attest how delicious bread is when eaten off them.
Well I was driving away when eye spied with my little eye an inverted white dome-type thing. Holy shit—a a milk-glass shade to fit my antique Aladdin kerosene table lamp. Free!
Don’t know if it’s antique or not, but it fits the lamp perfectly and it’s just the thing I’ve been looking for to let more light through for reading but still keep the blinding mantle shaded off. Those shits are expensive to buy.
chigau: Female Willy Wonka – interesting. Trade you?
I like the idea of a cane. It doubles as a weapon. (When I’m nervous, I like to be armed. You should see the selection of weapons beside my pillow when I’m camping in bear country.)
I had already contemplated fake-fainting. If I work out really hard earlier in the day and don’t eat much dinner, I might not even need to fake. The risk of actually being taken to the hospital is a bit high, though.
not *face-plant* faint; *gentle-flop* swoon.
People will bring you water and cake.
(my bear-country weapon-of-choice is a long-gun and someone who knows how to use it)
(or the truck parked close-by)
free milk-glass shade
(people throw away the best stuff)
Nutmeg: My favorite walking stick weapon will always be the spear :P
Favourite weapon? I have to pick one?
My bear-country camping generally involves long hikes or portages, so I don’t bring a gun. It’s just black bears here, anyway.
But my beside-pillow selection includes:
-large, excessively bright flashlight
-bear bangers
-hunting knife
-filleting knife
-bear spray
-big stick
As you might guess, I’m a little neurotic about bears.
I don’t think I’ve used the phrase “just black bears” since that one tried to threaten the helicopter (which was running).
Black bears are scary.
Speaking of bears, did you all catch the news that’s governor got chased naked by a bear while trying to bring in his bird feeder so as to prevent more bears from coming around?
Ahhh, Vermont…
birds and bears and nekked guvners, oh my!
More ragey war-on-uteri stuff: (yes, this is what I do all night)
Good news: Oklahoma’s zygote-personhood bill failed without a vote, (source)
Bad news: Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin can’t give out pills for medication abortions because of Scott Walker’s new law that makes it all but legally impossible.
And Missouri has a similar bill now under consideration that would create stifling barriers to medication abortion:
More abortion access bowl-a-thons this weekend, with another round next week, plus We Are Women marches all across the country on April 28.
Sorry to but in, HELP PLEASE if you can, Hey their friends of the Cephalopod, anyone of you Hydrogeologists, I am sure some of you are scientists, obvious. If you have LinkedIn acces, I could really use some help drowning out a very pernicious and intransigent arsehole called Doug Bates of GeoDivining International aka GeoDivining (UK) Ltd. The members of the Hydrogeology forum group appear to be too spineless to HELP. Any assistance or support SO VERY WELCOME. Sorry to shout. Respectly Simon, Head over to LinkedIn, Hydrogeology forum, discussion on Witching for water. I’d link it, but, don’t think that would work. Same post on PZ’s FB site. Thanks so much.
Well, seems like a night for posting borderline odd stuff. Share this, if you fancy it:
Hmm. OK. I shared that from someone I respect – but should’ve looked at it more closely. While I’m 100% in favour of the message, the sexist language is bad. I’d overlooked the bad grammar already.
Good message, I like the concept of the presentation, but the language could be way more clever than it is.
also for weirdness: MLP is leading up to the two-part Royal Wedding season finale at noon (CST) tomorrow. There are multiple livestreaming mare-a-thons leading up to the finale:
(I’m napping to BronyTV. *nodnod* )
Oo, thanks Beatrice!
Wildwood Flower
It’s still 420 somewhere init?
“Physical stuff” is just a pleonasm, and “non-physical stuff” is an empty concept. It’s not just that it’s impossible for “non-physical stuff” to exist, it’s that it’s impossible for it to make sense. It just came into being as an artifact of the collision of old supernatural thinking with a scientific worldview of the physical universe, and the form it’s expressed as here (non-physical stuff) is just leftover grammar clutter.
And on this note, I pass out.
I’ve just acquired a few of Hitchens’ audiobooks. It is amazing how soothing the steady flow, the cadence, the melodic sound of his voice is when played in the car on the way to or from work, say. You don’t even have to pay attention to what he’s saying, it’s like brain yoga, or meditation music, it just relaxes you in a very weird way.
HI there
My ears are still driving me mad but I’m getting better
Gorgeous duckie
I could never have your patience
Hehe, I was thinking about posting that steampunk bacon cat myself :)
Thank you. ♥
Heh. They get some weird requests.
When you come back to your senses, back your assertion up or drop it.
An Anglican priest has an article in the Guardian titled, “Was Jesus gay? Probably.” The subtitle is, “I preached on Good Friday that Jesus’s intimacy with John suggested he was gay as I felt deeply it had to be addressed.”
As much as I agree with the commenter who replied, “Did Jesus exist? Probably not,” I LOL’ed. And I fired up Photoshop.
(Another comment: “I’m almost tempted to say I’m sure that Jesus’ prostate was frequently massaged just to see the response it elicits from the Catholics.”)
I think I once saw a movie by that title in the “adult emporium.”
The first time I read that I missed the word “access.” The phrase “Abortion bowl-a-thon” suggests fetuses lined up like tenpins. After every turn you’d not only have to wash the ball but hose down the alley, I think.
Amblebury, while I’d agree that the image you posted is inappropriate for Pharyngula, just to speak for myself, it didn’t ping my radar as problematic because it was spawned by a meme that uses all sorts of over-the-top language. Another example contains the exclamation “MUHAMMAD CLIT-RIPPING FUCK!” Which is awful. But hilarious. But awful. But hilarious.
What are “breadplates”? I know some specialised porcelain, but that one seems to have escaped my notice.
Ms. Daisy Cutter, Gynofascist in a Spiffy Hugo Boss Uniform
I tried quoting from memory. My poor recall tends to make stuff more bigoted apparently. Interesting that.
Sili, gotcha, but it might have gone over better if you had indicated you were quoting SDJ. I grew up with him on TV; I know he was a black convert to Judaism who was rather short and who had lost an eye. I’d never heard him describe himself in the terms you used. It’s one thing coming from a person to whom the terms apply, quite another coming from a person to whom they don’t.
I have a sneaking suspicion my new neighbors are part of some funny religious cult, and may be leaders in it
1. They homeschool thier kid who has to be in his mid late teens
2. I’m not sure they work at all. Since they bought the house I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen them “go to work” They could work from home of course, but it still might be another data point
3. They just left at 8:30 am on a Saturday “dressed up”. And by dressed up I mean her in a casual churchy dress and he in short sleeves and a tie and very flat pale blue pants with a briefcase and what looked like a bible-ish book. Like exactly what I picture fundy attire to be.
Granted these are all superficial and petty judgements but they just have this feeling they are.
Or maybe it’s that I fucking hate their pair of little rats dogs who bark all the time.
Might have to let the Husky pair of destruction out one day when they are out.
I wrongly assumed that everyone knew that particular quip. But I certainly should have made sure I quoted it verbatim so it was more readily googlable.
You need a loaf of Wonderbread® or other toiletpaper-based bread substitute, some heavy weights, and some plastic plates (Tupperware® is appropriate). Put the Wonderbread® between two plates and stack the weights on top. Let sit in a cool, dark place for six or more months. Remove the weights and plastic plates (these may be reused for another purpose) and preheat your oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5. Toss the “bread” into the oven for 30 to 45 minutes until they look sorta plate like. You now have breadplates.
Another dream about donuts last night. With alcohol. I, and a kid I knew in high school, were trying to figure out how to get the taste of donuts to come through in a dark porter (this was a dream, okay? I know that porters are already strong and don’t need much in the way of additives for more flavour.) And we were arguing over the name: Pigbeer or Copbeer were the two finalists. No idea which one won as I woke up.
What the hell is going on in my mind?
It does make a lot of sense to make sausage out of game. Tough meat, when ground and seasoned, can turn into tender sausage as long as there is enough fat.
In Europe, during the (inadequately defined) middle ages, thick slices of heavy, dense bread were used as plates. These stand-ins, called trenchers, soaked up any juices from the meats and were then eaten after the main course. Thus the term, “trencherman”, for someone with a hefty appetite.
That’s no funny religious cult, that’s evangelical Christianity at its ‘best’.
This sounds like a Mormon/evangelical recipe for dwarfish battle bread.
FYI, if anyone wants to hang out for the MLP mare-a-thon, I opened a temporary chatroom. It’s accessible by browser and by IRC (on Ustream).
Browser link: in spoiler text
IRC: join server c. ustream. tv (no spaces) #tomewyrm
Currently I’m watching Haxmega’s stream which is showing past eps.
Point of order: evangelical Christianity pretty much is a funny religious cult.
(/Captain Obvious signing off.)
(/Religion: a cult that made it.)
“You know who else had hate crime laws?”
That was stupid, however, I find it topped by the smug wee xtian who showed up to school everyone.
oberski has form on Ophelia’s blog. He recently tried to defend the right of advertisers to lie.
“You know who else had hate crime laws?”
Thought about responding with “Yep, the Nazis wrote hate crime into their laws.” But I don’t think the idiot would grok that.
Oh FFS. I ignore him when he posts here.
Hi! I’m sorry to barge in and interrupt but I know that many, if not most, of you are concerned with college/university fees and accessibility to higher education. As some of you may know, confronted to a 75% hike, Québec students have been on strike for over two months now and the conflict have become more violent over the last few weeks. If you ever want to show your support, here is a quick and easy way to do so. Thanks a lot for your help!
Totally threadrupt (as I often seem to be on Saturday morning).
Hello, everyone!
I wish I wasn’t out of coffee. :(
Hello, doctor.
I’ve put some International Coffee Swiss Cocoa Latte powder into my USB port. Should make it to yours soon.
(Sorry. No real coffee.)
Thanks, Oggie. I’ll take anything at this point. :D
Plates made of bread would be a fine, fine thing (though come to think of it that’s kind of what the bread in sandwiches is doing there, in a way …). Anyway, @ Sili, I think what Josh was referring to is what I would call sideplates – those small plates wot posh people do put their bread or bread roll on beside their bigger main plate at dinner, or which I use as a salad plate if the salad is separate or just as a plate if I’m only having a snack. Or for dessert. (Oh, all right, then, pudding)
This message has been brought to you by Mind-Numbingly Tedious Thumbs R Us and What Am I Thinking, Inc.
It used to be common to have plates made from bread baked hard. They were called trenchers.
I just used to throw mine over my shoulder for the dogs, and have fresh rushes strewn on the floor afterwards …
(MLPsquee) YES my stream is playing Best Night Ever! SQUEEEEE
45 minutes to go, 1600 viewers on just this one stream. SQUEE
Hmmm, fresh aspergus, new potatoes and smoked salmon for dinner, yummie
And although the new foto-books might be much more fun to look at than the good old albums, but they’re certainly not less work…
Aw, c’mon! Classic Potatoes is so much better. I hate it when pop companies mess around with their formulas!
Nutmeg: Hmmm . . . maybe slip away at some point and pretend to vomit in the ladies’? Just tell everyone you were having dry heaves and should probably bow out early. You might end up vomiting for real if you fake hard enough, though, which just might convince them to see you off.
Really loud music? Fake getting a headache. If they offer you water, drink it, but still make a show of not feeling well. If they insist you stay, tell them you don’t want to drag the party down and should really leave. Fake feeling like you might vomit at this point if you like, the combination seems like a surefire way to be excused.
Or just go with the first plan you thought of. You sure it won’t seem suspicious that you just happen to have a tensor bandage in your purse?
Brother and SIL came down from NYC last night late, so we all went to this burger place called Plan B. We’ve been there before, and it’s quite good. Anyway, since yesterday was 420 Day, they had a special: A burger stuffed with hot dog pieces, cheese, and topped with crushed Doritos, among other things. I thought he was making it up, but no, dead serious. No one ordered it, and we also had to explain to Mom what 420 was about.
I also used the 420 thing as an excuse to not be healthy for dinner. On top of the hot wings and blue cheese chips we shared, I had a chili burger and onion rings (also the last few tater tots SIL couldn’t finish). And a glass and a half of beer. Oof. Slept late, and thankfully no hangover to deal with.
I would so eat that.
I celebrated 4/20 by, er, going to work, making dinner (‘Mexican’ pizza (a normal pizza crust with diced smoked pork, black beans, corn, sweet pepper, chili pepper, onion and cheese and backed like a normal pizza)), smoking a cigar (yes! is was a cigar!), doing the bills, and going to bed at 8:30pm.
See, this^ is what scares the theists so much about me as an atheist: my hedonistic lifestyle.
I don’t think that’s necessary until the idea of “non-physical stuff” is elevated to the level of an assertion.
If upon new “stuff” being encountered sometime in the future the scientific community decides to just shrug its shoulders and label it “magic, yo” instead of classifying it as some exotic form of physical phenomenon, then that would just mean that in the interval the definition of what the word “physical” means would have shifted, or the scientific community would be having a collective brain freeze.
I know, right? I had a frighteningly similar night last night:
Came home from work. Puttered around on the internet. Ordered Chinese food. Watched this past Wednesday’s episode of The Daily Show (Robert Reich!). Read a book for a little while and was in bed by 10.
Today is shaping up to be just as hedonistic: I ate a bagel, did a little bit of cleaning*, made some mint and chamomile iced tea, and puttered around on the internet. Mr Darkheart is going out tonight, so I might watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy later.
*I did find pink, penis-shaped plastic cutlery in one of my kitchen cupboards, though. That’s gotta count for something.
Pie Floater Trencher Special:
1) Take one bloomer loaf of multigrain bread, cut in half longitudinally (i.e. separate the bottom half from the top half) and hollow out the bottom half to leave ~1cm thick bread layer before the crust is exposed.
2) Toast trencher in the oven and then place a large Yorkshire pudding (specially made or large, plate sized store bought) within the cavity, lining it as far as possible.
3) Carefully drizzle a thin layer of beef gravy over the base of the Yorkshire pudding.
4) Fill Yorkshire pudding/trencher cavity with pea (or pea and ham) soup to ~90% of the capacity of the cavity.
5) Place a freshly baked pie, with filling of your choice, I prefer steak and stilton, within the pea soup. Make sure the pie is UPSIDE DOWN.
6) Drizzle more gravy over the pie/soup/trencher.
7) On one side of the pie add a heaped teaspoon of English Mustard, on the other a heaped teaspoon of hot Horseradish.
8) Drizzle over the ketchup of your preference.
9) Season with freshly ground black pepper and crumbled, crispy bacon.
10) Eat, with accompanying beers.
11) Realise this is why you are fat.
Mexican pizza is unpatriotic and un-Biblical, but I repeat myself. Anyway, I can see where they’re coming from. Cigars are of course only a sin for those without penises, so no problem there. But honestly, I had no idea anyone got pleasure out of doing their bills. That is scary. Filthy hedonists….
Mattir – the porcupine necklace made me LOL :D Happy Anniversary! And Yay for a nice, romantic dinner out. :)
Ogvorbis, I think your awesome mind has decided it likes you very much and is gifting you with this fascinating, pleasant dream world. I say go with the donuts and let the alcohol flow freely in your dreams!
Josh, how good to find that milk glass! I love those antique hurricane style lamps – and the outer glass is deucedly hard to find if it gets broken. Yay for you!
Cicely, so glad that you’ve got to the root of your trouble and are on your way to getting rid of that pain. OUCH! Yay for you!
Stealing from Ye Olde Blacksmith yesterday – I’m breaking out the YAY-GUN and pointing it in your direction, Happy Horde! :D) Prepare to be showered with a volley of celebration!)
After the break-in and follow up police/security/locksmithy business, i was having trouble writing anything of substance – but Mr Nifty arrived back home last night around 9. Although I was
prettyVERY calm, cool and collected over the past few days, I admit that his arrival coincided with a veritable tsunami of writing – I stayed up until 3AM finishing one post and mostly finishing 4 more for next week! :D Pteryxx, thanks for the link – and the others you posted this week – they have certainly helped me round out sourcing for my work on reproductive rights .I totally freaked out a neighbor a few years ago.
We helped him (he was elderly) with some of his yard work, kept an eye on him (his kids are out of town), and, basically, were good neighbors. He was mildly upset when he found out we are not Catholic. He was freaked out that we are atheists. Direct quote: “But you seem so normal! Are you secret atheists? Why do you act like normal people? HOW do you act like normal people?” He died a week later.
He was a pain the ass, though. All taxes are evil, but why are they closing the fire station nearby, why haven’t the paved my street, why are there so many coloureds moving into the area, why are there so few police, why should I pay for school when my kids are out, why do the schools do such a lousy job, why should my taxes go up now when they haven’t changed in 40 years, etc.
Nice guy, but totally Fauxed.
But he was really freaked out that Wife and I are atheists. We seemed so normal. So boring. What were we up to?
OOps! Meant to send a delicious pot of coffee to Dr Audley – place cup below USB port and enjoy piping hot caffeinated goodness at your convenience!
And an addendum to my previous:
I suspect that this also freaks out the religious and conservatives when it comes to gay and lesbian and transgendered and bisexual couples. They can be so damned boring. Why don’t atheists and GLBTs act the way my preacher says they act?
As long as I don’t become the Ohgod of Hangovers. That’s be not good uber.
Thank you! I was really starting to feel the caffeine withdrawal! :D
I’ve found that cutting down on my caffeine consumption* has been MUCH MUCH harder than quitting smoking. But, on the plus side, I’ve been smoke-free for over a month now, yay.
*Down from four cups to one cup a day.
*Four cups of coffee, I mean.
By the way thread: Rum. Rum is good. I like rum.
Dark? Light? Spiced? Straight or as a cocktail? And what kind of cocktail, leghorn?
And what about Rummy? or Rumsfeld? or Ruminants? or Redrum?
I would totally eat that bread/pudding/soup/pie thing, Husband.
Also, when I say “Husband” it is to be heard with Jamaican intonation a la Labarbara Conrad.
Then please start thinking that. On what grounds do you think you can make the claim it’s logically impossible? Do you think it’s based on some kind of evidence? Or do you just have presuppositions?
Why is the rum always gone?
Really, horses stole the rum, mixed it with peas, and drank it.
No, really.
Louis, nom nom nom! with RUM, too! I’m down with that. :)
I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch, love is not a victory march, it’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah!
Okay, I was wrong. Niftyatheist drank it all. No horses involved.
Not sure about the peas.
You sure it won’t seem suspicious that you just happen to have a tensor bandage in your purse?
Damn, you’re right. Okay, so my options are: fainting, vomiting, and headache. Sounds like a fun night!
At the moment I’m in denial that I have to go to a party this evening. I’m still in my pajamas and I’ve spent the last hour planning the menu for this summer’s canoe trip.
Hmm, there should be some blockquote tags in my last post. Oops.
I just saw a commercial for Warren Buffet’s Secret Millionaire Club cartoon on The Hub.
I-I’m confused.
YAY Ponies! Oh, no more new episodes. Boo. =(
But since you are using “physical” in its current sense, you would still have been shown to be wrong in asserting that there is no non-sphysical stuff. Hence by admitting the possibility, you also admit that you are wrong in claiming that non-physical stuff is logically impossible.
oh, the Royal Wedding eps were AWESOME – manymany brony squees and tears were shed. At max there were over 6200 viewers of the ONE livestream I happened to be watching.
What royal wedding? Did I miss something?
My Little Pony Royal Wedding season finale. No big outside the brony world. ~;>
also randomly, can I just say whoever is live-captioning the NHL playoff game is a frickin’ hero. Xe’s rolling out weird Czech and French-Canadian names left and right with less than a second’s delay (mostly) from the commentators in real damn time. I LOVE CAPTIONERS SO HARD.
Girl’s boyfriend is into My Little Pony. For his last birthday (he turned 20), Wife and I gave him MLP sheets for his bed. He loves them.
Pteryxx, I was wondering about the royal wedding reference too – ?
Ogvorbis- yes, I drank it all, dammit – though I slipped a little of the spiced to the horses (makes ’em less jittery when the sex spills out into the streets!) – pass on the peas today – but they are my secret vice on Mondays and Thorsdays!
I shall send you a Pie Floater Trencher Special via the USB bloater matrix.
Rum: Dark or spiced for a preference. I am currently enjoying Sailor Jerry’s Spiced Rum, which is a little lighter (in colour, flavour and alcohol) than my normal tipples.
How it is drunk: Straight. Neat. If I am feeling a bit tender, perhaps I will pour it over some crushed ice. If available as a mojito, I can be persuaded. Daiquiris are also nice. If I am drinking properly though, I will avoid cocktails and stick to straight rum chasers with my beer.
Special rums get tasted carefully, both with and without one cube of ice.
Alcoholism is SRS BSNS. I don’t just lie about on park benches drinking meths and swearing at invisible passers by.
Any more.
…Sure, do folks really want MORE pony talk?
Synopsis sourced from io9:
The Hub channel has been building up to the Royal Wedding MLP season finale since the beginning of the month. We knew there was a royal wedding in it (one of the biggest cliches in the whole Princess trope), and that none of the Mane Six characters were the ones getting married, but that’s it. Parties, interviews, poster signings and even stacks of screenshots on Facebook, but no spoilers! Good thing too because holy CRAP did things get real. Cliches are just clay to these writers.
Multiple fan mare-a-thons ran all night leading up to the show at noon CST. The livestream I watched ran for 24 hours and maxed out at over 6200 viewers; there were at least a dozen formally announced livestreams, and viewing parties all over the world: folks held house parties and even rented out bars in Seattle, Vegas, Houston, MD, London, Australia, and some poor lone brony posted from Vietnam.
Screenshots collected from Facebook:
Inside the Royal Wedding live event:
Livestream and discussion page:
Some good news (from HuffPo, sorry):
Lurching into life…it’s Zombie Duckie!
Well, it’s a start anyway. 9 hours of stitching today and I’m taking a break. My fingers *hurt*.
Caine, that zombie ducky is awesome! Beautiful needlework, too.
I’ll join cecily in singing Hallelujah, because I found a sunscreen that doesn’t burn and sting! The Vanicream brand was my last resort, and I’ve used it twice now without problems, so I just have to hope it stays that way.
So why are Ponies okay, but horses anathema?
OMG, teh cute!
SJ is 92 proof, so I’m thinkin’ it’s got enough alcohol.
My favorite is Pussers, but my local doesn’t carry it. And it’s past my price point, except when I’m at a bar. and it’s a safe bet they don’t carry it. But if you ask for a brand they don’t have, they pour extra nice when you settle for a lessor brand.
My drink at the moment is 1 part rum, 1 part pineapple juice, 2 parts orange juice. With a sprinkle of fresh ground nutmeg, (sorry, Nutmeg;-), and I may have more than one.
Aaw, thank you. That makes my fingers feel better. :)
Hee. You’ll be glad to know the tradition of bleeding on a zombie destined for you has been maintained. I was thinking about stitching Zombie Loves You! in alienese underneath…
The Alienese cracks me right up! I giggled when I saw it on the punk duckie. ♥!
Feminist porn awards in Toronto this weekend
— — —
Re. why is there no rum left?
Standard answer: “A big boy did it and ran away” (British book title)
— — — —
Space mining startup set for launch in US
When the infrastructure and resource base becomes independent of Earth, I can do a Hugo Drax and eradicate the ground-living maggots! BWAHAHAHA!
kristinc, woo hoo!
Caine, I like the Zombie duck even more then the punk duck. 2k stitches/hour!?
Yay for Zombie Duckie!
Nutmeg, one other thing: About the water – don’t drink it all in one go (although doing so after pretending dry heaves might, er, help with convincing people to let you go, should you then show signs of further stomach upset). Sip it, stare listlessly at the glass for a while, sip again.
Oh, here’s your WTF for the day: son was marching in a parade, a “junior” parade so it consisted in large part of the local preschool co-ops and so on. One of the groups that marched was “A Simple Wish Princess Preschool.” Yes. Princess preschool.
Oh good! Zombie Loves You! in alienese then. :D
The Sailor:
Thank you, I ♥ the Zombie Duckie m’self. Around 2k stitches an hour, which isn’t all that fast. What I have done so far is in the neighbourhood of 20,000 stitches, so maybe a bit more than that. This is why my fingers, they is dying. ;)
I really like the concept of a Bender’s Ducky thought a Hubert Farnsworth wouldn’t float too well with the spectacles and a Leila would be quite disturbing XD
With reference to swans, the UK has had a recent swan related fatality… can’t find the link but this one mentions it and certainly lays to rest any possible attributions of urban myth to these stories.
My nemesis, the cat who bit my hand, was finally caught in the trap and has been treated by our vet… he really is a one eyed feline now, though we aren’t going to have to watch him die of some horrible infection. The vets have kindly contributed the labour and nursing pro bono and we have financed the drugs. Eeek. I wish people would take care of their pets; mind you, he may have just strayed far from home. It would have helped of he had been chipped.
Tim Minchin on BBC R4 extra – excellent.
Bender’s Duckie is up next. Under that one, in Alienese, it will say “Property of Bender Bending Rodriguez”.
Splendid. I stand in awe of your patience and I will watch out for the picture.
Hey, good news!
Someone is actually teaching boys about sexual consent, healthy relationships, not raping women, etc.
The program looks a little more focused on traditional gender roles than I’d like, but it’s still a big step up. And it’s happening in Alberta! I’m kinda shocked.
Damn… hit submit instead of preview…
I admire the skill of embroiderers – my mum tried to teach me but I was never adept with a needle. I did learn to knit and Mrs S taught me to crochet when we were first married, but I have never got beyond the ability to hem my jeans and blanket stitch a patch on the rough ones when I wear the arse out of them XD
You sound like you speak from experience here…
Because if you quote it correctly, you can get bouncy Euro-house:
(and Depp, Knightley)
I can’t grok knitting to save my life. I tried, when I was a kid, more than once. I did learn to crochet and tat, but I just don’t have the patience for them.
Outside of handstitching, my sewing skills are non-existent. Almost everyone in my family had outstanding sewing skills, truly amazing skills. Me? If I’m in the same room with a sewing machine, a black hole of hideous forms immediately.
Threadrupt! Will try to catch up.
Was in another town for a few days that had a big Goodwill (we don’t have one in our town). Got a cookie press for a dollar! And it was in a good condition original box, which is that awesome late 70s/early 80s dark brown background with swoopy yellow letters style. :D Score!
Have to share a little happy story. I’ve been background depressed for the last few months just because things seem so crappy everywhere, and people are crappy, and all the news is people being crappy and politicians being crappy. But I just spent three days with a bunch of governance people, and damn it all but it’s a big group of people who care and who are working their asses off for nothing to try and make their corner of the world a better place. All of you are those people too, but it was so good to physically go somewhere and see a whole roomful of those people in action. It was just kind of inspiring, you know? Was a nice antidote.
The word cutlery is so close, yet so far, from resembling cuttlefishery.
I don’t see your point at all. If people get it into their heads (more widely than they already do) that energy, as opposed to matter, isn’t physical does that mean that energy fits into the category of what I call “non-physical stuff,” therefore proving me wrong?
As far as I can tell, “non-physical stuff” doesn’t have any hypothetical possible characteristics. Calling something previously unknown “non-physical” would be a purely arbitrary exercise. I can’t imagine a scenario in which we’d look at something and say “hey, this does X and Y and is Z therefore it matches the description of something that is non-physical” rather that classify into the all-inclusive category of the physical by default. Because there’s no such proposed identifying characteristics.
Dammit, I was going to post that.
My cool cred quotient shall not be raised today. :(
@ Caine – “I’ve got blisters on me fingers!”
p.s. I’m listening to A Prairie Home Companion, it’s in Nashville TN this week. I’ll probably have blister on me fingers before the show is over. I like playing along on my gitbox, especially when no one can hear me.
Glad you’re feeling better, Carlie. We all need that sort of thing now and then.
A Goodwill opened up in Bismarck about a year ago and we keep forgetting about it, it’s in a part of town we aren’t in much. Congrats on the cookie press, that’s a real find.
I was taught at infant school aged 5 and I think I was the only boy who persevered and learned to do it reasonably well. Oddly enough, knitting was quite common among boys in the midlands, indeed, many coal miners knitted quite prolifically… go figure. It probably helped that my mum was a demon knitter so I had a home advantage. Mrs S’s family were all demon knitters though she was also really into crochet and tatting, along with embroidery (in her heyday, her mother’s embroidery skill was such that the front was indistinguishable from the back).
That good, I’m not. I do know people who are that good, though. Back to knitting, a lot of men knit. I think it’s one helluva handy skill to have. Mister always ends up wandering around JoAnn’s, waiting on me and lately, he’s been eyeballing the knitting section. He likes the needles. Heh. I’m thinking about getting him some knitting basics for xmas. He already mailles (as in chainmail), so I think he’d take right to it.
Tau? What? This is a typological emergency!
That should copy and paste. ;)
That sounds like a very specific skill… knitting should certainly be up his street with the results warmer in winter and more generally wearable.
Oh well, time for some sleep – first night I don’t have to wake up to take medication so I am looking forward to some deeeep slumber.
Goodnight all.
BBC America is showing the original Planet Earth series.
I like tau because it equates to 1 though when I finally get my mathematical tattoo, I will go for Euler’s identity using π and live with the -1.
Audley – speaking of the Duckies, it’s been driving me a bit crazed that the quilt will fit eight, because there’s really nine I want to do. I expect I can fiddle with it all to fit nine, but if I can’t, would you be broken-hearted if I sacrificed Super Duckie so I could do Vampire Duckie?
OMG, yes! :)
I don’t remember not knitting.
I don’t remember not reading.
I don’t remember why I thought I shoul post this comment.
YES! Thank you. :D
Does anyone know how to scroll to the top and bottom of page with and android tablet? It’s really, really tedious to flick the screen on long threads. Is this a functionn of the operating system? The browser?
@ cm and carlie
I have zero cool cred m’self, but that particular moment strikes a chord deep within my non-existent soul; yea verily the rum is, indeed, always gone and I have, I daresay, probably (almost) always already drunk it.
I would drink to your respective healths but I have, of course, no rum.
Sorry, Josh. If there’s a way page up/page down with a ‘Droid device, I haven’t found it yet. :(
If anyone else knows, I’m dying to find out, too.
(Which is why I wish PZ would bring back the “jump to the end” linky.)
Caine – just checked and the copyright on the bottom of the press box is 1979 – now I’m happy to know that I dated it right. :D
Dr. Audley #160
I want a “jump to the end”.
I also want a “jump to the top”.
Hmmm, my nook has page up/page down and so do the two browsers I downloaded, Maxthon and Puffin.
When I was in a submarine there was one guy on board who knitted. He made himself an Irish fisherman sweater in six months. Everyone else was impressed.
Only if you specify the principal component – Ln(-1), I guess.
is the correct way of doing it, if I recall correctly. Though perhaps
is better than =.
Incidentally, I’ll be in Birmingham International Airport from 9 to 11 on the 23rd of October. Anyone wanna come feed me breakfast?
A snack in Toronto between 15 and 17 on the 15th is doable as well. Who brings the poutine?
I should finish knitting my wool so I can start knitting something with it.
I keep thinking that the Kindle’s Silk browser* has got to have a quick page up/down, but damned if I can find it. And the user guide was no help.
*Which works phenomenally like the mobile Chrome browser, go figure.
I’m impressed. That’s serious knitting.
Of late, I’ve taught more teen boys to knit than girls – they discover really quickly that it calms the fidgets and makes sitting through boring or irritating stuff more tolerable. Spinning, though, is even more relaxing than knitting, as well as being weirder and thus better for the image. And it’s way easier to do while standing in line at stores.
Today I was supposed to be teaching a scouting class on plant biology. None of the wretches who’d signed up showed up, so I got to spend the day removing exotic invasives at the park where I work, while listening to audiobooks. Hiking around for the whole day talking about the various random things I know about plants would have been nice, but so was fooling around with pruners and those 3 prong cultivator gizmos.
Sili, will there be a repeat of the days at museums this fall? That’d be awesome.
Amazon’s Kindle help section and teh Goog have been useless, too.
*sigh* I’m starting to think you can’t page up/down on the damned thing.
There are worse things in life than listening to Emmy Lou Harris play tribute to Levon Helm in the Ryman Theater.
NuMad @143,
1. It’s a philosophical argument based on the definitional basis of what constitutes physicality.
2. Energy is physical under any ontology meaningful to our reality, and also very closely related to matter (as Einstein famously determined).
(PS Ain’t science freaky? Now we know about dark varieties of each)
Well, I’ve found page up/down ‘Droid keyboard shortcuts (which after a quick test work, but still seem pretty fucking useless as opposed to just scrolling), but that’s not very useful for a device with only a touch screen, is it?
Josh! What the hell kind of tablet are you using?
If God intended you to use a Kindle then he’d never have let Apple invent the iPad.
Audley, I did a bit of searching and found this for the kindle:
From here.
On the nook, there are little translucent up/down arrows on the far right side of the web browser.
Bah. The iPad is for suckers.
There’s just a small problem– the Kindle Fire has no keys, just an on/off button. I didn’t realize that any of the Kindle models that had physical keys allowed you to browse the ‘tubes. Huh.
Honestly, not being able to page up/down on the Fire didn’t even irritate me* until Josh brought it up. :D
*It does on my phone, though. Grrrrrr.
Here’s “The Weight” from The Last Waltz:
I just have Kindle on my PC, so I have no trouble navigating.
I thought they meant the keys on the virtual keyboard. I dunno, I’m lucky I figured out how to navigate around my nook.
I’d love to, if you’ll have me.
But I wanna see MoMA and/or the Metropolitan this time round.
I know I could spend another three days at the AMNH, but I really should expand my horizons. Do we have an artistic Pharyngulista who can do for art what DDMFM does for fossils?
Ooooh. And the Met has Carmen, Otello and Il Trovatore on that week. It doesn’t look like I can afford anything but standing room, though.
Oh. I’ll be visiting the week before Rhinebeck this time, rather than the week after.
Speaking of his Marjanovićiness, we’re chatting about going to Köln and rooming together in case anyone want to join.
I’m sorely tempted to get a Samsung Note, or alternatively the Galaxy Tab.
Anyone here have any experience? Or just opinions for that matter?
The help is appreciated!
Obviously, no matter how much I use my Kindle, I’m still figuring the damned thing out. :)
Me too!!
(Helped that there was only one colour today.=
You do.
You really do.
It’s quite possibly my favourite place in Manhattan.